创业小项目 首页


时间:2018-06-22 来源:创业小项目



Mou Yajun,Class3,2011/12/13

After Reading “Aesop’s Fables” When I was young, people around me of the told me the story “The Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf “ in order to educate me to be an honest person. At that age, in my opinion, it was just a story written by my parents or other people I knew to frighten me. As I grow older, I get to know that it is a fable from a very famous book “Aesop’s Fables”. The book “Aesop’s Fables” wasn’t written by Aesop but was collected and anthologized by him. The working people created the stories in the book in ancient times. They created the stories using their living experiences and imagination, and then handed them down from generation to generation. The book one of the precious cultural heritages. There’re more than one hundred fables in the book. The protagonists of most of the fables are animals or plants, which are depicted like human beings. This writing technique is called personification that is often used in fables and fairy tales. Each fable that is short and understandable tells us a philosophy. There are two stories that impress me most. The first one is “ The tortoise and the Eagle”. A tortoise was complaining of her hard fate that no one would teach her to fly when an eagle hovered bear. He heard her lamentation and promised to take her a lift and float her in the air if she could give him some rewards. And then he carried her up in the sky suddenly he let her go. The poor tortoise fell down on a mountain. At the moment of death she cried:” I have deserved my present fates for what had I to do with wings and clouds, and who can with difficulty move about on the earth?” The story tells us if men had all they wished, they would be ruined. I quite agree with it. Take our personal lives for example. Everyone has his own merit and demerit. One is good



1 人工臭氧层

Five hundred kilometres over OM-45号宇宙飞船在欧洲Europe,Ship OM-45 moved north.In a 上空500公里的高度向北飞room at the back of the ship,Kiah 行。飞船尾部的一个房间里,watched the numbers on the computer in 凯注视着面前计算机屏幕上front of him. 的数字。

“该吃饭了。”瑞拉叫 ‘Time for dinner,’Rilla said. 他。

The numbers changed quickly and 那些数字飞快地变换着,Kiah's eyes didn't move.Rilla went 凯眼都不眨一下。瑞拉穿过房across the room to his table.She began 间走到他的桌旁。她也开始观to watch the numbers,too. 察那些数字。

‘What's wrong with the “卫星怎么了?”她问。satellite?’she asked.She was a 她是个美丽的女孩,大约二十beautiful girl,about twenty years 岁,黑黑的长发,大大的眼睛。 old,with long black hair and big eyes.

‘Nothing's wrong with the “卫星没问题,”凯平静satellite,’Kiah answered 地回答,“是人工臭氧层。”quietly.‘It's the AOL.’He began to 他伏在桌上,开始往一个本子write the numbers in the book on his 上记录那些数字。 table.

Suddenly,the numbers stopped 突然,那些数字停止了变changing.Kiah looked at Rilla.‘Over 换。凯转向瑞拉。“在欧洲上Europe,’he said.‘It's 空,”他说,“已经开始了。happening.The AOL is breaking 人工臭氧层正在破裂。那上面up.There are big holes in the AOL and 本来就有大洞了,现在那些洞they're getting bigger.’ 还在增大。”

“说得对,咱们现在去见 ‘You're right!Shall we see 塞鲁船长吧,待会儿再吃饭好Captain Seru now,before dinner?’ 吗?”

Kiah stood up.He was nearly two 凯站起身。他身高几乎有metres tall,with dark eyes and 两米,眼睛和头发都是黑色hair.‘Yes,come on,’he said. 的。“好,走吧。”他说。

他们迅速朝塞鲁船长的 Quickly,they went to Captain 房间走去。他们等在船长的门Seru's room.They waited at the door. 外。

‘Come in!’captain Seru “进来!”塞鲁船长喊called.She was a little woman with a 道。她是个胖脸的小个子女fat face.‘Come in!Would you like a 人。“进来!喝点什么吗?” drink?’

‘No,thank you,’Kiah “不用,谢谢,”凯说,

answered.‘I'd like you to look at “我想请您看看这些数字。”these numbers.’Kiah gave Captain 凯把自己的笔记本递给塞鲁Seru his book. 船长。

Captain Seru looked at the 塞鲁船长看了看那些数numbers.Suddenly,her face 字。突然,她的脸色变了。changed.‘No,no, ’she said.‘I “不,不,”她说,“我不想don't want to talk.It's late and I'm 谈。时候不早了,我也累了。tired.Sit down and have a drink.’ 坐下喝点什么吧。”

Kiah and Rilla sat down.There was 凯和瑞拉坐了下来。塞鲁a big window in Captain Seru's 船长的房间里有一扇大窗子。room.Kiah looked out of the window at 凯透过玻璃凝望黑色的天空。the dark sky.He saw the Moon.It was 他看见了月亮。在黑色的天幕cold and white in the dark sky. 下月亮显得冰冷皎洁。

“塞鲁船长,”他开口 ‘Captain Seru,’he began.‘It's 了,“这事很重要。仔细看看important.Look at those numbers 那些数字。人工臭氧层已经开carefully.The AOL is beginning to—’ 始??”

‘Stop!’captain Seru stood up “别说了。”塞鲁船长站and put her hands in her pockets.She 起身把双手插进衣兜。她走到went to the window and looked at the 窗前注视着天空。 sky.

‘Three hundred years ago,Earth “300年前,地球几乎毁nearly died,’Rilla said.‘Earth 灭,”瑞拉说,“因为有人工stopped dying because of the AOL.But 臭氧层地球才免于灾难。但是now,over Europe,the AOL is breaking 现在,在欧洲上空,人工臭氧up.We would like you to talk to Earth 层正在破裂。我们希望您能和Commander.’ 地球司令高格谈一谈。”Captain Seru did not move.‘Do 塞鲁船长没有动。“你还you remember Adai?’she asked.She 记得阿岱吗?”她问。不等回didn't wait for an answer.‘I was on 答,她接着说:“两年前我在his ship,two years ago.One evening,他的船上。一天晚上卫星发回the satellite gave us interesting 了关于人工臭氧层的一些不numbers about the AOL.We went back to 寻常的数据。我们回到地球去Earth and saw Earth 见地球司令。”塞鲁船长停了Commander.’captain Seru stopped 下来。 speaking.

Rilla looked at Kiah.‘And 瑞拉看了一眼凯。“然后then?’she asked Captain Seru. 呢?”她问船长。

‘Gog was angry,very “高格生气了,特别生angry,’captain Seru said.‘In the 气,”塞鲁船长说,“最后,end,he sent Adai to the Moon. Adai's 他把阿岱分配到了月球。阿岱there now,Commander of the Moon 现在还在那儿,在月亮下面作colony,under the Moon.’ 月亮部族的司令。”

Kiah waited for a second or 凯等了一两秒钟:“我知two.‘I know about Adai. But we need 道阿岱的事。但是我们需要再to talk to Earth Commander 和地球司令谈谈。这些数据比again.These numbers are worse.’ 上次的还要糟。”

Captain Seru's face went 塞鲁船长的脸涨红了:red.‘You don't understand.I'm not “你不明白。我不会去跟高格going to talk to Gog.Last time,he sent 说的。上次他把我发配到了南me to a weather ship in the Antarctic!极的一艘气象飞船上。我第一This is my first Ship for two 次在飞船上呆了两年。”塞鲁years!’And Captain Seru began 船长喝了一口水。 drinking.

Kiah stood up.‘Thank you,

Captain Seru.’

Captain Seru said nothing.凯站起身:“谢谢您,塞鲁船长。”塞鲁船长没说话。Kiah and Rilla left the room,and 凯和瑞拉出了门,脚步迟walked slowly downstairs.The Ship was 缓地下楼去了。飞船里寂静漆dark and quiet.It was eight o'clock 黑。8点钟了,大家都在吃饭。 and every-body was at dinner.

‘What are we going to do

next?’Rilla asked.“下一步咱们怎们办?”瑞拉问。

‘I need to talk to Adai,’Kiah “我得跟阿岱谈谈。”凯said. 说。

‘OK,talk to Adai.But he's far “好,跟阿岱谈谈。可是away on the Moon colony,’Rilla 他现在在遥远的月亮部族,”said.‘Let's visit Commander 瑞拉说,“咱们还是去见扎达Zadak.’ 克司令吧。”

‘Zadak?Commander of

Australia? He's famous!’“扎达克?澳大利亚司令?他很有名气呢!”‘Yes.He's my father's friend.He “是的,他是我父亲的朋worked with my father in Brazil ten 友。10年前他和我父亲一起在years ago.Perhaps he can help us.’ 巴西工作。 也许他能帮忙。”Kiah smiled.‘Good!We return to 凯笑了,“好,咱们下周Earth next week.I can phone Adai from 回地球后。我可以在基桑加尼Kisangani and then we can go to 给阿岱打个电话,然后咱们就Australia. But now,I'm hungry!Let's 去澳大利亚。现在嘛,我可饿get some dinner.’ 了。咱们吃饭去吧。” 2 Visit to Australia

2 访问澳大利亚

On Friday,after three weeks in 这是个星期五,凯和瑞拉space,Kiah and Rilla finished work 已经在太空飞行了三周。他们and left Ship OM-45 on a space plane 结束了工作,离开OM-45号宇to Kisangani.Kiah phoned Adai and 宙飞船,乘航天飞机飞往基桑

Rilla phoned Commander Zadak in 加尼。凯和瑞拉分别跟阿岱和Australia.The next morning they took 在澳大利亚的司令扎达克通an aeroplane to Sydney.A taxi took 了电话。第二天早晨他们乘飞them from the airport to Commander 机来到悉尼。一辆出租车把他Zadak's office,some kilometres north 们从机场带到了悉尼以北几of Sydney. 公里以外扎达克司令的办公


‘Wait for us here,’Kiah said to “在这儿等我们。”凯吩the taxi driver. 咐出租车司机。

Kiah and Rilla walked to the 凯和瑞拉朝大门走去。门gate.About ten guards stood in front 口站着大约十几个卫兵。一辆of the gate.Across the road,a train 火车正等在马路对面。 waited.

“我叫瑞拉,OM-45号 ‘Rilla,OM-45,’Rilla said.‘To 的,”瑞拉说,“扎达克司令see Commander Zadak at four-thirty.’ 4点半要接见我们。”

‘Let me call the Commander's “我给司令办公室打个office,’the guard said. 电话。”卫兵说。

Kiah and Rilla waited.It was hot 凯和瑞拉站在那儿等着。and Kiah began to feel thirsty. 天气很热,凯感到口干舌燥。The guard came back.‘I'm 那个卫兵回来了。“对不sorry,’he said.‘The Com-mander 起,”他说,“司令不能见你can't see you.’ 们。”

‘But I talked to the Commander “可是我昨天跟司令说yesterday,’Rilla said.‘He wanted 过,”瑞拉说,“他答应今天to see us at four-thirty.’ 4点半见我们。”

‘The Commander is leaving on the “再过三分钟司令就要train in three minutes,’the guard 坐火车出发了。”卫兵说。 said.

‘Can we wait and see him

here?’Kiah asked.“我们能不能在这儿等着见他一面?”凯问。‘No!'the guard shouted.‘Get “不行!”卫兵喊了起out of here!’ 来,“出去!”

Kiah and Rilla walked back to the 凯和瑞拉回到出租车那taxi. 儿。

‘Where's the driver?’Kiah

asked.“司机哪去了?”凯问。‘Look!He's sitting under that “那不是嘛!在那棵树下tree,’Rilla said. 坐着呢。”瑞拉说。

Just then,Commander Zadak came 正说着,扎达克司令出现out of the gate.He was a very tall,在大门口。他高大魁梧,蓝眼

big man with blue eyes and a lot of 睛,长着一头浓密的白发。四white hair.Two guards marched in 个卫兵两前两后阔步护卫着front of him,and two guards marched 他。他们都带着枪。 be-hind him.They all carried guns.

‘There he is!’Rilla “他在那儿!”瑞拉喊了cried.‘Commander!’And she began to 起来,“扎达克司令!”她随run along the road to him. 即顺着马路朝他跑去。‘Commander Zadak did not stop.A 扎达克司令并没有停下guard opened the door of the train and 脚步。一个卫兵打开火车门,the Commander got in.Slowly,the train 扎达克跨了进去。火车缓缓地began to move.’ 开动了。

Kiah ran to the taxi and jumped 凯奔向那辆出租车,迅速in.Then he drove the taxi fast down 坐进车里。随即他开着车飞快the road.The taxi driver saw him and 地顺路而下。出租车司机看见ran after him.The train began to move 了他,在后面紧追不放。火车faster.Suddenly,Kiah drove the taxi 在加速。突然,凯把出租车开off the road.He drove in front of the 下了马路。直驶到火车前头停train and stopped. 了下来。

The train came nearer.And then 火车越来越近了。在就要the train stopped, very near the 撞到出租车的时候,它停了下taxi,and some guards jumped off.Kiah 来。几个卫兵从车厢里跳了下opened the door and got out of the 来。凯打开车门从出租车里出taxi. 来。

‘Put up your hands!'the guards “举起手来!”卫兵们朝shouted. 他喊。

Two of the guards began to hit 两个卫兵对凯一阵拳打Kiah. 脚踢。

‘Stop that!’someone “住手!”有人喊了一shouted.‘Bring him over here!’It 声,“把他带到这儿来!”是was Commander Zadak. 扎达克司令。

Kiah stood in front of the 凯站到了司令面前。正在Commander.Just then,Rilla ar-rived. 这时,瑞拉赶到了。

‘Oh,it's you!’commander Zadak “噢,是你。”扎达克司said.He did not smile.‘Rilla,your 令说话了。他不带一丝笑容:father's going to be angry.’ “瑞拉,你父亲会生气的。”‘We want to talk to you, “我们想和您谈谈,司Commander,’Rilla said.‘It's very 令,”瑞拉说,“这事非常重important.’ 要。”

‘Very well.I'm listening.’“说吧,我听着呢。”Kiah began to talk.‘Two years 凯开口了:“两年前阿岱ago,Adai told you about the holes in 曾跟您谈过臭氧层上的洞。现the AOL.Now they're worse.The AOL is 在情况更糟了。欧洲上空的臭

篇三:在月亮下面 Under the moon 牛津书虫读物


Five hundred kilometres over Europe,Ship OM-45 moved north.In a room at the back of the ship,Kiah watched the numbers on the computer in front of him.

‘Time for dinner,’Rilla said.

The numbers changed quickly and Kiah's eyes didn't move.Rilla went across the room to his table.She began to watch the numbers,too.

‘What's wrong with the satellite?’she asked.She was a beautiful girl,about twenty years old,with long black hair and big eyes.

‘Nothing's wrong with the satellite,’Kiah answered quietly.‘It's the AOL.’He began to write the numbers in the book on his table.

Suddenly,the numbers stopped changing.Kiah looked at Rilla.‘Over Europe,’he said.‘It's happening.The AOL is breaking up.There are big holes in the AOL and they're getting bigger.’

‘You're right!Shall we see Captain Seru now,before dinner?’

Kiah stood up.He was nearly two metres tall,with dark eyes and hair.‘Yes,come on,’he said.

Quickly,they went to Captain Seru's room.They waited at the door.

‘Come in!’captain Seru called.She was a little woman with a fat face.‘Come in!Would you like a drink?’

‘No,thank you,’Kiah answered.‘I'd like you to look at these numbers.’Kiah gave Captain Seru his book.

Captain Seru looked at the numbers.Suddenly,her face changed.‘No,no, ’she said.‘I don't want to talk.It's late and I'm tired.Sit down and have a drink.’Kiah and Rilla sat down.There was a big window in Captain Seru's room.Kiah looked out of the window at the dark sky.He saw the Moon.It was cold and white in the dark sky.

‘Captain Seru,’he began.‘It's important.Look at those numbers carefully.The AOL is beginning to—’

‘Stop!’captain Seru stood up and put her hands in her pockets.She went to the window and looked at the sky.

‘Three hundred years ago,Earth nearly died,’Rilla said.‘Earth stopped dying because of the AOL.But now,over Europe,the AOL is breaking up.We would like you to talk to Earth Commander.’

Captain Seru did not move.‘Do you remember Adai?’she asked.She didn't wait for an answer.‘I was on his ship,two years ago.One evening,the satellite gave us

interesting numbers about the AOL.We went back to Earth and saw Earth

Commander.’captain Seru stopped speaking.

Rilla looked at Kiah.‘And then?’she asked Captain Seru.

‘Gog was angry,very angry,’captain Seru said.‘In the end,he sent Adai to the Moon. Adai's there now,Commander of the Moon colony,under the Moon.’

Kiah waited for a second or two.‘I know about Adai. But we need to talk to Earth Commander again.These numbers are worse.’

Captain Seru's face went red.‘You don't understand.I'm not going to talk to Gog.Last time,he sent me to a weather ship in the Antarctic!This is my first Ship for two years!’And Captain Seru began drinking.

Kiah stood up.‘Thank you,Captain Seru.’

Captain Seru said nothing.

Kiah and Rilla left the room,and walked slowly downstairs.The Ship was dark and quiet.It was eight o'clock and every-body was at dinner.

‘What are we going to do next?’Rilla asked.

‘I need to talk to Adai,’Kiah said.

‘OK,talk to Adai.But he's far away on the Moon colony,’Rilla said.‘Let's visit Commander Zadak.’

‘Zadak?Commander of Australia? He's famous!’

‘Yes.He's my father's friend.He worked with my father in Brazil ten years ago.Perhaps he can help us.’

Kiah smiled.‘Good!We return to Earth next week.I can phone Adai from Kisangani and then we can go to Australia. But now,I'm hungry!Let's get some dinner.’

2 Visit to Australia

On Friday,after three weeks in space,Kiah and Rilla finished work and left Ship OM-45 on a space plane to Kisangani.Kiah phoned Adai and Rilla phoned Commander Zadak in Australia.The next morning they took an aeroplane to Sydney.A taxi took them from the airport to Commander Zadak's office,some kilometres north of Sydney.

‘Wait for us here,’Kiah said to the taxi driver.

Kiah and Rilla walked to the gate.About ten guards stood in front of the gate.Across the road,a train waited.

‘Rilla,OM-45,’Rilla said.‘To see Commander Zadak at four-thirty.’‘Let me call the Commander's office,’the guard said.

Kiah and Rilla waited.It was hot and Kiah began to feel thirsty.

The guard came back.‘I'm sorry,’he said.‘The Com-mander can't see you.’

‘But I talked to the Commander yesterday,’Rilla said.

‘He wanted to see us at four-thirty.’

‘The Commander is leaving on the train in three minutes,’the guard said.‘Can we wait and see him here?’Kiah asked.

‘No!'the guard shouted.‘Get out of here!’

Kiah and Rilla walked back to the taxi.

‘Where's the driver?’Kiah asked.

‘Look!He's sitting under that tree,’Rilla said.

Just then,Commander Zadak came out of the gate.He was a very tall,big man with blue eyes and a lot of white hair.Two guards marched in front of him,and two guards marched be-hind him.They all carried guns.

‘There he is!’Rilla cried.‘Commander!’And she began to run along the road to him.

‘Commander Zadak did not stop.A guard opened the door of the train and the Commander got in.Slowly,the train began to move.’

Kiah ran to the taxi and jumped in.Then he drove the taxi fast down the road.The taxi driver saw him and ran after him.The train began to move faster.Suddenly,Kiah drove the taxi off the road.He drove in front of the train and stopped.

The train came nearer.And then the train stopped, very near the taxi,and some guards jumped off.Kiah opened the door and got out of the taxi.

‘Put up your hands!'the guards shouted.

Two of the guards began to hit Kiah.

‘Stop that!’someone shouted.‘Bring him over here!’It was Commander Zadak.Kiah stood in front of the Commander.Just then,Rilla ar-rived.

‘Oh,it's you!’commander Zadak said.He did not smile.‘Rilla,your father's going to be angry.’

‘We want to talk to you,Commander,’Rilla said.‘It's very important.’‘Very well.I'm listening.’

Kiah began to talk.‘Two years ago,Adai told you about the holes in the AOL.Now they're worse.The AOL is break-ing up over Europe.Please look at these numbers and this satellite picture.’

He gave his book to Commander Zadak and the Commander looked at the numbers.‘It's important,Commander,’Kiah said.‘In ten years Earth is going to die.’‘You stopped my train because of this?’commander Zadak asked.‘Two years ago Adai talked to me about the AOL.Then he talked to Earth Commander,and what happened?Where is Adai now?Is the Moon colony helping the AOL?’

‘We know about Adai,Commander,’Rilla said.‘But someone needs to talk to Earth Commander again.’

‘I'm going to talk to Gog about rain,I can tell you that.Earth needs rain:there was no rain last winter.Half of Australia has no water and my trees here are dying.Without rain,many people are going to die.Is Gog going to understand that?I don't know!’

Commander Zadak began to walk back to his train.‘Move that taxi!’he called to his guards.

Some guards moved the taxi back to the road and then they jumped on to the train again.The train began to move.

‘OK,’the taxi driver shouted.‘What are you going to do next?Drive my taxi into the river?’

Kiah smiled.He took some money from his pocket and gave it to the taxi driver.The taxi driver looked at the money.‘OK,OK,’he said.‘Where now?Back to the airport?’

Kiah took Rilla's hand,‘Yes,’he said.‘Let's get back to Kisangani.We can phone Adai again tomorrow.’

3 Earth Commander

The next day in Kisangani,Kiah and Rilla waited quietly in an office in Gog's house.Suddenly, Commander Zadak came into the office and gave some letters to the man behind the table.He saw the two young people and stopped in front of them.‘You again!’he said.‘What are you doing here?’

Kiah stood up.‘Good morning,Commander.We're here because we want to see Earth Commander.’

‘I saw Earth Commander some minutes ago and talked to him about rain,’Zadak said quietly.‘But he didn't listen.Your captain,Seru,was here earlier this morning and began to tell him about the holes in the AOL.But Gog doesn't want to hear about our planet.He's always talking about Mars.In the end,he's going to destroy Earth.’‘Please help us!’Rilla cried.‘Come and see Gog with us!’

‘No.’Zadak looked at Kiah and then at Rilla with his blue eyes.‘I'm not talking to Gog again.And you—Gog isn't going to listen to you.Be careful—and good luck!’Commander Zadak opened the door and left the office.

Rilla looked at Kiah.‘Earth Commander is a difficult man.I don't understand him.’‘Everyone is afraid of him,’Kiah said.‘And Commander Zadak isn't going to help us.’

Kiah and Rilla waited.They waited and waited.At nearly twelve o'clock,a guard came into the office.

‘Come!’he said.

Kiah and Rilla went with the guard.The house was big and old,with big windows and many doors.The guard went downstairs and opened one of the doors.There was nobody in the room.

‘Wait here,'the guard said,and left.

Kiah and Rilla sat down on the expensive green and black chairs and looked at the expensive flowers on the tables.There were no windows in this room.Suddenly,the door opened and a tall,fat woman came in.Her name was Bel,and she was Gog's wife.She had a lot of long red hair and she wore an expensive blue dress.Bel liked expensive things.She carried a cat.The cat was black and white:half its face was black and half was white;half its body was black and half was white.

‘Why are you here? Why do you want to see Earth Commander?’she asked.

Rilla stood up.‘How do you do?’she said.‘We want to talk to Earth Commander about the AOL.We have new numhers from the satellite.’

Bel's face was red.‘The AOL!Earth Commander knows about the AOL,and he is the best man—’

‘Excuse me,’Kiah said quietly.‘We want to help Earth Commander.’

Bel began to laugh.‘Help?You?’the cat jumped down and walked across the room.‘How can you help?Why can't you understand? Listen.Earth Commander is working on the spaceship for Mars.It's difficult and expensive work.’the cat jumped on to Rilla's chair and looked at her with its yellow eyes.‘Two years ago,Adai wanted more money for the AOL—and Earth Commander sent him to the colony under the Moon.Now you're talking about the AoL.Do you want to go to the Moon,too?’

The door opened again and a different guard came in.‘Excuse me.Earth Commander is ready now.’

Bel stood up.‘You can see Earth Commander now,'she said coldly.‘But you're going to be sorry!’

The guard opened a different door,and Bel and the cat went into a beautiful room with expensive,very old tables and chairs.Rilla and Kiah went in behind them.There were no windows in the room,but a lot of pictures.There was Gog!The richest man on Earth;and the worst man on Earth.He was tall and fat,and without much hair.He sat behind a big table with a television,three computers and five telephones.He watched the television and didn't look at Kiah or Rilla.Two guards with guns stood behind him and two more guards stood near the door.
