创业小项目 首页


时间:2018-06-22 来源:创业小项目

篇一:2014年超级中学名师名题原创预测卷 第一模拟



I 语言知识及应用

第一节 完形填空


The great progression in science and technology causes a waste of natural resources. To put an end to this resource waste, more and more people are metal recycling in Los Angeles. This is, in fact, a good attempt to save the earth and maintain balance.

Through the process of metal recycling in Los Angeles, the scrap particles present in the landfills are to make the materials ready for human usage. There are plenty of metals铝), copper and iron. These all quality metals can then be used for theof household appliances, ships, trucks, railway tracks, cars and other items of significantand copper are under the process.

This is really becoming news with the scrap providers as they can make with this business. They are wastes to earn a profitable sum of money. The process is as simple as changing the old scraps into new and innovative items. In the manner rate is better controlled and people have learnt to make money out of nothing.

Producing items out of new material is rather . This increases the demand of scrap metal recycling in Los Angeles. Now the recycling industry is spoken of, and it is creating opportunities for people across the globe. This is the trusted way of making the most of the natural resources on earth. The scrap metal recycling in factories is serving tosupport to big manufacturing companies. The finished items being produced out of the rubbish are no doubt of high praise.

1. A. taking toB. taking overC. taking away D. take after

2. A. natural B. economicalC. necessaryD. relative

3. A. formed B. destroyedC. built D. recycled

4. A. available B. changeableC. fashionableD. breakable

5. A. applicationB. inventionC. market D. production

6. A. usage B. purposeC. procedureD. method

7. A. studied B. sold C. broughtD. wasted

8. A. money B. news C. room D. progress

9. A. applyingB. recyclingC. throwingD. discovering

10. A. pollutionB. recoveryC. employment D. interest

11. A. easy B. cheap C. expensiveD. convenient

12. A. badly B. wronglyC. differentlyD. highly

13. A. job B. trade C. tour D. meeting

14. A. lose B. offer C. provideD. strengthen

15. A. fond B. worthyC. short D. lack


6-10 ACABA

11-15 CDABB

第二节 语法填空


Richard Branson is the popular face in business and sometimes he looks like a rock star. He likes to take (risk) challenges and break the rules. One of first ventures was a record shop. Next he made a record company, and later an airline. He also has a radio station, a phone network and a train service, all of gained him rich experience. However, he is a man full of ambition and never hesitates to try seems to be crazy. seeing an opportunity, he tries to make money from it. He believes that if you want to start a business, you need good idea for a product or service. But you also have to believe the idea. Although some of Richard Branson’s companies were not so successful, he still holds that entrepreneurs (企业家) must be good at (manage) and inspiring their employees. He hires (talent) people and gives them responsibility. Just like him, today, not all young people choose traditional professions. Some set up their own companies ---- the number of entrepreneurs under the age of twenty five (rise) recently. It seems Britain still has lots of entrepreneurial spirit.

16. risky 17. his 18. which19. what20. When / Whenever

21. a22. in 23. managing 24. talented 25. has risen

II 阅读

第一节 阅读理解



It was one of my first lesson as an international student at my school on the outskirts of New Youk City. My US history teacher had just finished his lesson. He sat back in his armchair comfortably, and asked, “Was there anybody doing anything interesting yesterday?”

“I drew a panda, which was awesome!” a girl beside me shouted, and a burst of laughter followed.

Then, the talk developed rapidly. Someone said he had received his learner’s driving permit, while another mentioned that she had spent the first salary from her part-time job. Everybody seemed to have something to say. Although there was a range of people, from different ethnic background, people seemed to feel at home with each other.

Not me. I stayed from the discussion. I skimmed my notes until I looked up to see another teacher come in and share some cookies he had made yesterday. The beautifully baked cookies sent out an appetizing smell, which made it impossible to concentrate on my work any longer. However, my seat was in the back row, and I was too shy to stand up and take a cookie for myself. Boy though, did I want one of those cookies!

“Go ahead and grab one!” It was the history teacher, “If you don’t stand up, nobody is going to feed you!”

I was still hesitant, but I got up and took a cookie with some other classmates. Now I felt more at ease. We laughed about how greedy we were.

“Here you go,” my teacher smiled. “This is the United States of America you should know.” Walking in the hallway a couple of days later, a girl came up and said hi. “Do you remember the cute panda I drew the other day?” she asked.

“Absolutely, it was awesome!” I knew I had made my first new friend in a world full of strangers.

The cookie “crisis” had taught me a lesson. I would have to be less shy in the United States. Here was a mixed and various culture, and if I wanted to get anywhere I would have to brave its newness and difference and make myself heard, just as the teacher had said. Otherwise, “nobody is going to feed you”. It was something a person new to the US, such as myself, needed to learn.

26. When asked about what they had done the day before, __________________.

A. most students were silentB. the class came alive

C. the writer felt at homeD. the writer mentioned his part-time job

27. The underlined word “ in the 4th paragraph may have the closest meaning to ______.

A. distantB. interested C. nervousD. careful

28. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. The writer’s history teacher shared his home made cookies with the students.

B. The cookies the teacher made were a kind of traditional American food.

C. When the writer hesitated to take a cookie, his teacher passed one onto him.

D. With the teacher’s encouragement, the writer went to take a cookie.

29. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the writer will _____________.

A. begin to take an interest in drawing B. learn how to make cookies from his teacher

C. become less shy and more sociable D. find it hard to fit in with his classmates

30. Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?

A. Experiencing a Mixed and Various Culture B. Nobody is Going to Feed you

C. My First Lesson D. A Great History Teacher

26-30 BADCB


A plane recently made an emergency return to Tennessee’s Nashville International Airport after hitting birds at takeoff. A few weeks ago, there was a similar incident at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport involving an Alaska Airlines flight that made an emergency landing in Oakland. According to a report by the Federal Aviation Administration, the number of bird strikes has increased nearly six times since 1990 to a record 10,343 in 2012.

This is blamed on three major factors. There are larger populations of birds ---- for example, there are twice as many Canada geese in North America now as there were in 1990. And many birds find airports to be attractive habitats. Besides, there are more flights at the airport. And quieter engines also contribute to the increasing incidents.

As bird strikes are increasing rapidly, airports are coming up with many imaginative ways of dealing with bird strikes.

Every airport in the US uses pyrotechnics daily to drive the birds away. Pyrotechnics

involves using fireworks. The bang caused by fireworks gets birds’ attention and pushes them away. Bangers make a loud explosion while screamers make a whistling sound ---- different birds respond to different fireworks.

A dog called sky has been chasing birds for five years at Fort Myers, Florida. Since 1999, when dogs were first used, there has been a 17% drop in bird strikes. While the egrets, herons and moorhens can get used to pyrotechnics, they never adapt to the presence of a natural killer like Sky, said Ellen Lindblad, at Southwest Florida International Airport. “She seems to love it,” said Ellen.

Pig have been used to disrupt the habitat of the 10-15 California gulls that used to routinely fly over Salt Lake City airport twice a day. The airport had tried driving them away without success. Then a pilot came up with the idea of putting pigs on their island habitat, near the airport. The pigs ate the gulls’ eggs and are now used for a few weeks every spring as a deterrent (威慑因素). When the migrating gulls return in spring and see the pigs waiting to eat their eggs, they leave at once in search of another location.

31. According to report, the number of bird strikes in 1990 was __________.

A. about 1,200. B. about 1,750. C. about 4,500. D. 10,343.

32. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The causes of the increasing bird strike incidents.

B. The causes of larger populations of birds at airports.

C. The problems caused by more flights at the airports.

D. The rising number of Canada geese in North America.

33. Pyrotechnics is used to drive the birds away by __________.

A. producing much smoke B. eating up birds’ eggs

C. copying the dog’s barks D. making very loud noises

34. We can infer that the egrets, herons and moorhens are __________.

A. fireworkB. dogsC. birds D. pigs

35. When do the migrating gulls probably return to their island habitat near the airport?

A. In March.B. In JulyC. In October.D. In December.

31-35 BADCA


All around the world, more and more people are donating their time to take part in online volunteering projects. What motivates them to help strangers without expectation of money or even thanks?

Radha Taralekar helped teach Imelda how to protect herself from HIV, though the two have never met, and neither knows the other’s name. From her home in Mumbai, the young woman took several weeks to write a guide especially for Imelda ---- who lost her children to HIV / Aids in Uganda. Taralekar received no payment for the job. Taralekar is one of a number of talented people who regularly donate their time online. But what is driving them to help total strangers, while asking for nothing in return? For Taralekar, the project gave her the chance to use her professional experience. “I want to serve people with my medical knowledge,” she says.

For some, the inspiration to volunteer online was far more personal. After losing his wife to cancer, Tony Selman spent many hours online helping Cancer Research to collect data on the

disease. “Seeing how painful she was when my wife was dying, I determined to help scientists find a cure for cancer,” he says.

Interests and hobbies are also one of the factors. In 2011 Sam Luk, a designer, joined other online volunteers to try to help the police solve a murder case. Twelve years earlier the body of Ricky McCormick had been found killed in a field in St. Louis, Missouri ---- the only clues being two encoded (译成密码) letters found in his pockets. Unable to decipher (破译) the codes, the police posted them online, calling for volunteers to help them make sense of the messages. “I’m interested in patterns and I love Sherlock Holmes,” says Luk. He spent hours every week trying to decrypt the notes, but the case remains unsolved to this day.

For writer Clay Shirky, some large online volunteering projects benefit millions of people, giving him a sense of achievement and generosity. He helps write Wikipedia, the world’s biggest encyclopaedia (百科全书), which is written entirely by people willing to donate their professional knowledge without any reward.

36. Which could be the best title of the passage?

A. What caused Taralekar to help Imelda? B. What motivates people to help others?

C. Why do people help strangers online? D. Where can we find volunteers online?

37. We can infer that Radha Taralekar is a __________.

A. designerB. doctorC. writer D. policewoman

38. Sam Luk tried to help the police out of __________.

A. interests and hobbies B. his duty of work

C. money D. a sense of achievement

39. When was Ricky McCormick found killed in a field in St. Louis, Missouri?

A. In 1999.B. In 1996. C. In 2011.D. In 2012.

40. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

CP: Central Point P: PointSp: Sub-point (次要点) C: Conclusion

A.B. C. D.

36-40 CBAAD


Yi Jiefang’s world broke down when her only son, Yang Ruizhe, 22, died in a road accident in Japan in 2000. To work through her sorrow, she decided to devote her life to finishing her son’s last wish ---- planting trees in the desert. Yi established the not-for-profit organization NPO-Greenlife in 2003, which has planted more than 1.1 million trees in deserts in northern China.

At the age of 65, Yi started a new project ---- to plant 667 hectares of pine forest in Duolun County in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The county is where there are many

sandstorms that affect Beijing, as it is only about 400 km from the capital.














篇三:名师考题含答案 (2)



卷面总分:160分 考试时间:120分钟

一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分。不需要写出解答过程,请把答案直接填空在答题卡相应位置上 ........

1. 已知直线l:mx?y?4若直线l与直线x?m(m?1)y?2垂直,则m的值为______.


3. 已知圆C:x2?y2?r2与直线3x?4y?10?0相切,则圆C的半径r?4.若x>y,a>b,则在①a-x>b-y,②a+x>b+y,③ax>by,④x-b>y-a,⑤>这五个式子中,恒成立的所有不等式的序号是________.


6.过圆x2?y2?4上一点P1,?3的切线方程为___________________. abyx??

?x?y?2?0,y?7.设实数x,y满足?x?2y?4?0,则的最大值为___________ x?2y?3?0,?

8. 设直线x-my-1=0与圆(x-1)+(y-2)=4相交于A、B两点,且弦AB的长为23,则实数m的值是________.

9. 设l,m是两条不同的直线,则下列命题为真命题的序号是____. ?,?是两个不同的平面,





10. 已知正四棱锥的底面边长是6

,则该正四棱锥的侧面积为 .

11.己知a,b为正数,且直线 ax?by?6?0与直线 2x?(b?3)y?5?0互相平行,则2a+3b的最小值为 .

12.如果关于x的不等式(1?m2)x2?(1?m)x?1?0的解集是R,则实数m的取值范围 22
