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Lesson 14: Amazing Animals Show time 因···而出名 _____________达到 __________ 使···想起___________居住在··· ___________ 像···一样 ______________看起来像··· _____________ 擅长做··· ______________全世界 ______________ 避免做某事 _____________

1、With their long ears,they also remind people of rabbits.有着长耳朵,它们也使人们想起兔子。

考向一:remind...of... “提醒,使想起···· ” of后跟名词、代词、动名词作宾语。

eg. He reminded me of visiting the park. (英译汉)__________________

The long-eared jerboas remind people ____ rabbits.(英译汉)_______________ 考向二:remind sb to do sth. 提醒某人做某事

eg. He always _________(提醒) us to be careful in exams.

2、layv. 产卵,放置 lay-laid-laid , laying(进行时)

eg. I laid my pen on the desk yesterday. (英译汉)___________________ 拓展:lie v. 躺 lie-lay-lain , lying(进行时) liev.说谎 lie-lied-lied , lying(进行时) 3、be famous for “因···而出名,因···而闻名” 后常接表示主语特点、特长的名词。

eg. He is famous for his novel. 拓展:be famous as... "作为···(身份)而出名" eg. Hangzhou is famous as a beautiful city.

Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake.

4、shakev. 摇动,抖动 shake-shook-shaken 考向:shake hands with sb 与某人握手shake one's head 摇头

eg. Jane shook hands with her friends. (英译汉)______________ 5、up to 达到;是···的职责;取决于··· eg. The height of the tower is up to 100 meters. 塔的高度达到了100米。

拓展:be up to sb 是某人的责任;由某人决定 eg. It's up to you to make a decision. 由你来做出决定。 Self-check (8:36-8:40)

1、Sanya is famous ___ its beautiful beaches.

A. of B.for C. as D. with 2、Project Hope has built many schools ___ big classrooms and libraries. A. in B. ofC.as D. with

3、English is my favorite subject , and I am good ___ it. A. for B. toC. atD. of

4、These old photos can _____ (使想起) me of my childhood. 5、In the exam , you should be careful to ____(避免) mistakes. 6、These hens ____ (下蛋) five eggs yesterday.

7、You'd better _____ (摇动) the bottle before you drink the juice. 8、shook , her , Mary , with , friends , hands (.) ______________________________________ 9、 famous , as , Mo Yan , writer , is , a (.) _____________________________________

10、good , playing , Yao Ming , at , basketball ,is (.) ______________________________________ Unit 3 单词

1.惊吓,受惊 门铃尖声喊叫 微小的 长沙发 2.假期,休假 温和的忠诚的 长耳的 跳鼠 3.老鼠,鼠标几维产卵,放置长鼻子的 4.茄子摇动,抖动 鼓翼而飞,使某物拍打 避开,躲避 5.危险,风险 危险的主要地,首要地 竹子 6.长颈鹿逃脱,逃走 凶猛的,凶狠的 保护 愚人 7.世纪 (兽类的)毛 标志,象征 勇气,胆量 8.勇敢的,无畏的链子,链条平衡,平稳 原因,动机,理由 9.消失,失踪 杀死砍,切,剪,割 使??变小,减少

10.友情,友谊 犀牛皮,皮肤警告,提醒 昆虫 11.关系,关联生存,存活 老人,受尊敬的人 河马

12.龟真正,正确地 分界线,边界

Lesson 19How Do You Use the Internet?

知道,了解__________ 过去常常做某事_____________


视频聊天_____________ 写??关于??博客____________



收集关于??信息____________ 开始做某事________________

多于,超过_____________ 把某物寄给某人________________


篇三:Lesson14 Amazing Animals
