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《技术与设计1》 第一章:走进技术世界 1.技术对人类的价值:

⑴ 技术是人们为了满足自身需求,有目的对自然进行的改造和保护活动。

⑵ 技术对于人的作用:保护人;解放人;发展人


⑴ 技术的性质:目的性;创新性;综合性;两面性;专利性

注意:技术的综合性指需要综合运用多种学科的知识。(注意区分系统分析中的综合性原则) 技术的两面性指技术对环境、人类的危害。价格昂贵、工艺复杂等不是危害。 ⑵ 技术发明与技术革新:

技术创新分为 技术发明 和 技术革新

技术革新指:在原有技术基础上的变革与改进 技术发明指:一项新技术的产生

⑶ 技术与科学的区别与联系:

技术:利用和改造自然,力求有所发明; 科学:认识自然,力求有所发现;

⑷ 知识产权在技术领域的重要作用:




(1) 设计是基于一定设想的、有目的的规划及创造活动。

(2) 技术设计侧重于功能、结构、材料、程序、工艺,艺术设计侧重于色彩、造型、审美


当我们使用物品时,物品就与人产生了一种相互关系,这种相互关系称为人机关系 机:除了机器、产品外有时可以指环境


3.人机关系在设计中要实现的目标: 高效;健康;舒适;安全









5.技术试验的重要性:b [p36]

⑴ 技术试验是指:为了某种目的所进行的尝试、检验、优化等探索性实践活动。

理论知识点梳理 共8 页,第1 页



英 语 试 题



1. A very big earth struck Tangshan ______ July 28, 1976.A. atB. in C. for D. on 2. As the saying goes, actions speak ______ than words.A. loud B. louder C. loudestD. the loudest 3. David is very noisy ______ Katy is rather quiet.A. while B. since C. so D. or

4. ______ is well-known that Chinese has the largest number of native speakers.A. This B. WhatC. It D. That 5. ______ more information about our university, please visit our website.A. Got B. Getting C. Get D. To get

6. Summer days are long in Norway, ______ the sun doesn’t set until very late in the evening.A. where B. whom C. why D. which 7. Wu Yue _______ the TV and began to watch the news programme on CCTV-1.A. turned out B. turned on C. turned in D. turned over 8. I hear that you _____ for Canada next week. Have you got everything ready?.A. leaveB. have left C. are leavingD. left

9. Mary is quite patient and helpful, making her one of the most ______ teachers among the students.A. active B. popular C. determinedD. efficient 10. —I’m really luchy to have won the first prize. —______

A.Congratulations!B. Best wishes! C. No problem. D. All right.


With fresh memories of my high school life, I started my college, hoping that everything would be goning on smoothly.

, my first class day was marked with two mistakes. The first one I made was that I went to a wrong at the 一摊番茄酱), I dropped my food plate and fell to the ground. Feeling left that others must have waiting in the food line suddenly I heard a crash that sounded familiar. I looked up to find that another student had met the same thing. I expected him to run out of the dining-room, to what I had done, he got up and seemed to feel nothing had happened.

Finally, I came to realize that I had been taking myself far too seriously. Nobody cared whether I dropped a or whether I showed up in the wrong lecture. In college, it didn’t matter. This was my big to do my own thing. Anyway, was a wonderful experiment and the only time that one would be completely forgiven for any

11. A. HappilyB. Generally12. A. ended up B. came up

C. Unfortunately D. Frequently

C. stayed up D. hung up

13. A. me B. usC. himD. them 14. A. reading-room B. dining-room C. classroomD. bedroom 15. A. delighted B. excited C. hopeless D. ashamed 16. A. terms B. weeksC. monthsD. days 17. A. forgottenB. forgiven C. regretted D. repeated 18. A. after B. although C. when D. because 19. A. rich B. poor C. lucky D. bad 20. A. as B. so C. but D. or 21. A. even if B. as ifC. so thatD. now that 22. A. cup B. bookC. class D. plate 23. A. lesson B. decision C. success D. chance 24. A. lectureB. lunchC. collegeD. study 25. A. doubtB. mistake C. memory D. dream

三、 阅读理解(本大题有两节,共16小题,每小题2分,共32分。)



This is a story about two frogs(青蛙). One frog was fat and the other thin. One day, while searching for food, they jumped into a bucket of milk by accident. They couldn’t get out as the sides were too smooth, so they were just swimming around.

The fat frog said to the thin frog, “Brother Frog, there’s no use paddling(划) any longer. We’re just going to drown, so we might as well give up.” The thin frog replied, “Hold on, Brother ! Keep paddling. Somebody will get out .” And they continued paddling for hours.

After a while, the fat frog said, “Brother Frog, there’s no use. I’m becoming very tired now. I’m just going to stop paddling and drown. It’s Sunday and nobody’s working. We’ll surely die. There’s no possible way out of here.” But the thin frog said,“Keep paddling. Something will happen. Keep trying!”

Another couple of hours passed. The fat frog said, “I can’t go on any longer. There’s no sense in doing it because we’re going to drown anyway. What’s the use?” He gave up. And he drowned in the milk. But the thin frog kept on paddling.

The minutes later, the thin frog felt something hard under his feet. He had churned(搅拌) the milk into butter and he jumped out of the bucket.

26. We learn from paragraph 1 that two frogs ______. A. died from an accidentB. quarreled about some food C. played in a swimming pool

D. fell into a milk bucket by accident

27. Whom does the underlined word “us” in paragraph 2 refer to? A. The fat frog and the thin frog. B. The fat frogs. C. The frog keepers.D. The thin frogs.

28. The thin frog tried to persuade the fat frog to continue paddling because he ______. A. enjoy drinking milk B. was good at swimming

C. believed that they would survive D. wanted to show how brave he was

29. What lesson can be learned from the story? A. God helps those who help themselves.B. A friend in need is a friend indeed. C. It is never too old to learn. D. All roads lead to Rome.


Puzzles can help improve the player's creativity(创造力) in solving some of the most challenging mind

games. Such games bring lots of fun to people from different age groups. They not only make great presents but also benefit people.

The world of best puzzle games includes games that are meant for beginners, intermediate users, and advanced users, which help a great deal in the development of kids’ mind --- improving vocabulary, learning math and so on.

Whether it is word building or math problem solving, puzzle games have true purpose in kids’ learning process. No matter how hard you try to gain these qualities through text books, puzzle games always walk away with the cake. These interesting puzzle games offer the best form of creative fun. They not only help improve memory and learning skills but also create great opportunities for a creative mind to reach new levels of learning. Word building puzzle games help improve vocabulary, and number puzzle games help improve math skills. Little wonder then that best puzzle games like Sudoku are highly popular.

By the way, plenty of such best puzzle games like Sudoku and word building can easily be accessed(获取) from newspapers, mobile phones and online space.

30. It can be learned from this passage that ________ help people improve their creativity. A. puzzle gamesB. great presents C. different minds D. challenging players 31.An “intermediate”(paragraph 2) user is one at a _______ level. A. low B. middleC. high D. top 32. In the writer’s opinion, number puzzle games can help improve______

A. world building B. cake baking C. mobile phones D. math skills 33. What is the last paragraph mainly about? A. What “best puzzle games” mean. B. What Sudoku and world building are. C. Where best puzzle games can be found. D. Which newspapers publish puzzle games.


What does the word success bring to your mind? many would answer along the lines of lots of money, big house, new cars, five star restaurants --- all on the material level. Nothing wrong --- as long as you feel joy in the process.

It is interesting to see how my idea of success has changed through the years. When I was young, I was eager for material success. I chose to be a salesman and earned lots of money. But then I realized selling was not what I wanted to do all my life. After all I was often forced to sell products that did not really fit the customer. Eventually I became very unhappy, even with big money.

Then my search for success turned inwards. I gave up sales and chose another job --- helping people. I earned less, but I was much more satisfied. I love horses, so I started to paint horses. And then I returned to my old love, writing. I felt the most successful when I loved what I did, never mind the money. I believe success lies in joy and happiness that can come from many things: painting, writing. playing with a small child. managing well a difficult job...

So what is success for you? Are you reaching for that big house just to show off? Or have you learned yet to listen to inter self? Try to listen to your own feelings , and you may be surprised at what you find.

Remember --- what is success for you may not be success in someone mind. You are not here to live

anyone else life but your own. You do not have to please others with your life. Only if you are happy yourself, can you spread happiness to others. You cannot give what you do not have.. ` So be true to yourself and follow your own joyful path to your own success. 34. As a result of working as a salesman, the writer______ .

A. made big money B. bought many houses C. managed a restaurant D. started raising horses

35. The writer felt the most successful when he_______.

A. worked very hard B. returned to selling C. loved what he did D. searched for success

36. What is the purpose of this passage? A. To explain what real success is.

B. To introduce hoe to live a simple life. C. To discuss what material success means.

D. To describe how to spread happiness to others.. 37. How is the passage organized?

A. Argument—Discussion—Summary B. Comparison—Argument—Summary C. Discussion—Comparison—Conclusion D. Introduction—Explanation—Conclusion


38. Give your eyes a rest. 39. Keep a healthy weight.. 40. Wear protective glasses.

41. Visit your eye doctor regularly.


四、单词拼写 (本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分。 根据下列句子及所给的单词首字母,写出各单词的完全形式,每空白处限填一词)

42. J_________ from her accent, Wang Au is from Northeast China.

43. My friend Chaos Lei lei went to New Headland two years a_____________ . 44. As a rule, when the traffic light is r______________, all vehicles must stop.. 45. The class couldn’t help l_____________ as soon as Tom finished the funny joke. 46. I think this kind of school uniform is good for both b_______________ and girls. 47. The m___________ moves round the earth, and the earth moves round the sun.

48. The S____________Festival is the most important and energetic festival in China.

49. There was nothing we could do about it; the fire was already b___________ our control.

五、书面表达 (本大题20分)

50. 某英语报纸正举行以“诚实”为主题的征文活动。请你根据下面提示,用英语写一篇短文投稿,记述李明杜撰“调查报告”后勇于承认错误一事,并进行简要评论。? Li Ming presented your class with a wonderful report about..., What happened your teacher Mr. Wang praised...

? Later, Li Ming told Mr.Wang that it was only a make-up story. Your comment ? ...

注意:(1) 短文须包括上述内容,应适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; (2) 词数;100左右。开头部分已给出(不计词数)。




1. 设集合M={0,1,2},则( )

A. 1∈M B. 2?M C. 3∈M D. {0}∈M

2. 函数yx-1的定义域是( )

A. [0,+∞) B. [1,+∞) C. (-∞,0] D. (-∞,1]

3. 若关于x的不等式mx-2>0的解集是{x|x>2},则实数m等于( )

A. -1 B. -2 C. 1 D. 2

4. 若对任意的实数k,直线y-2=k(x+1)恒经过定点M,则M的坐标是( )

A. (1,2) B. (1,-2) C. (-1,2) D. (-1,-2) π5. ( ) 6


A. B. C. D. 6363

6. 若一个正方体截去一个三棱锥后所得的几何体如图所示,则该几何体的正视图是( )


7. 以点(0,1)为圆心,2为半径的圆的方程是( )

A. x2+(y-1)2=2 B. (x-1)2+y2=2

C. x2+(y-1)2=4 D. (x-1)2+y2=4

8. 在数列{an}中,a1=1,an+1=3an(n∈N*),则a4等于( )

A. 9 B. 10 C. 27 D. 81

9. 函数yx的图象可能是( )

10. 设a,b是两个平面向量,则“a=b”是“|a|=|b|”的( )

A. 充分而不必要条件 B. 必要而不充分条件

C. 充要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件


11. 设双曲线C:=1(a>0)的一个顶点坐标为(2,0),则双曲线C 的方程是( ) a322xyx2y2

A. 1 B. -1 16312322xyx2y2

C. -1 D. -1 8343

12. 若函数f(x)=sin xcos x,x∈R,则函数f(x)的最小值为( )

113A. - B. - C. - D. -1 422

x+a13. 若函数f(x)=(a∈R)是奇函数,则a的值为( ) x+1

A. 1 B. 0 C. -1 D. ±1

14. 在空间中,设α,β表示平面,m,n表示直线,则下列命题正确的是( )

A. 若m∥n,n⊥α,则m⊥α B. 若α⊥β,m?α,则m⊥β

C. 若m上有无数个点不在α内,则m∥α D. 若m∥α,那么m与α内的任何直线平行 15. 在△ABC中,若AB=2,AC=3,∠A=60°,则BC的长为( )

A. B. C. 3 D. 16. 下列不等式成立的是( )

--A. 1.22>1.23 B. 1.23<1.22

C. log1.22>log1.23 D. log0.22<log0.23

*17. 设x0为方程2x+x=8的解,若x0∈(n,n+1)(n∈N),则n的值为( )

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

18. 下列命题中,正确的是( )

A. ?x0∈R,x02<0 B. ?x∈R,x2≤0

C. ?x0∈Z,x02=1 D. ?x∈Z,x2≥1


19. 若实数x,y满足不等式组?则2y-x的最大值是( ) ?x+y-2≤0,?

A. -2 B. -1 C. 1 D. 2


20. 如图,在正方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1中,E为线段A1C1的中点,则异面直线DE与B1C所成角的大小为( )

A. 15°

B. 30°

C. 45°

D. 60°

21. 研究发现,某公司年初三个月的月产值y(万元)与月份n近似地满足函数关系式y=an2+bn+c(如n=1表示1月份).已知1月份的产值为4万元,2月份的产值为11万元,3月份的产值为22万元,由此可预测4月份的产值为( )

A. 35万元 B. 37万元 C. 56万元 D. 79万元

2*22. 设数列{an},{an}(n∈N)都是等差数列.若a1=2,则a22+a33+a44+a55等于( )

A. 60 B. 62 C. 63 D. 66


23. 设椭圆Γ:+=1(a>b>0)的焦点为F1,F2.若椭圆Γ上存在点P,使△PF1F2是以F1P为ab

底边的等腰三角形,则椭圆Γ的离心率的取值范围是( )

11110, B. ?0, C. ?1? D. ?,1? A. ??2?3?2??3?

x24. 设函数f(x)=给出下列两个命题: x-1

①存在x0∈(1,+∞),使得f(x0)<2;②若f(a)=f(b)(a≠b),则a+b>4.其中判断正确的是( )

A. ①真,②真 B. ①真,②假

C. ①假,②真 D. ①假,②假


25. 如图,在Rt△ABC中,AC=1,BC=x,D为斜边AB的中点.将△BCD沿直线CD翻折.若在翻折过程中存在某个位置,使得CB⊥AD,则x的取值范围是( )

2A. (03] ,2] 2

C. (3,23] D. (2,4]


2??x,x≤2,26. 设函数f(x)=?则f(3)的值为________. ?3x-2,x>2,?

27. 若球O的体积为36π cm3,则它的半径等于________cm.

28. 设圆C:x2+y2=1,直线l:x+y=2,则圆心C到直线l的距离等于________.

→→29. 设P是半径为1的圆上一动点,若该圆的弦AB=3,则AP2AB的取值范围是________.

30. 记ave{a,b,c}表示实数a,b,c的平均数,max{a,b,c}表示实数a,b,c的最大值,




π331. (本题7分)已知sin α=,0<α<,求cos α和sin(α+错误!)的值. 52

32. (本题7分,有A、B两题,任选其中一题完成,两题都做,以









33. (本题8分)如图,设直线l:y=





34. (本题8分)设函数f(x)=x2-ax+b,a,b∈R.



13 2014年浙江省普通高中学业水平考试


1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. C

8. C 9. A 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. A

15. D 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. B

21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. A

333,+3? 26. 7 27. 3 28. 2 29. ?2?2?

30. x≥2或x=-4

31. 解:由sin2α+cos2α=1,及0<α<π34,sin α=,得cos α=1-sinα=.所以255


27sin?α+=sin αcos+cos αsin=33=. 445252104?


32. 证明:(A)(1)∵四边形ABCD是菱形,∴E为线段BD的中点.又∵点F为线段PD的中点,∴EF∥PB.又∵PB?平面PBC,EF?平面PBC,∴EF∥平面PBC. (2)∵平面PAC⊥底面ABCD,平面PAC∩底面ABCD=AC,BD?底面ABCD,由四边形ABCD菱形,可得BD⊥AC,∴BD



(B)(1)∵PC⊥平面ABC,AC?平面ABC,∴AC⊥PC.又∵AC⊥PB,PC∩BC=C,∴AC⊥平面PBC. (2)如图,以C为原点,CA,CB,CP所在直线为x,y,z轴建立空间直角坐标系,则A(3,0,0),B(0,2,0),P(0,0,2).又∵点D,E分别为线段PB,AB的中点,∴D(0,1,1),

