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来源网站:免费论文网2017-01-27 14:11:56

篇一:8A Unit 6 Birdwatching 教案

8A Unit 6 Birdwatching

篇二:8A Unit 6 Birdwatching 教案2

Module 2 Unit 6




1学习用动词不定式to do和in order to表示目的。

2掌握“动词+宾语+动词不定式to do”结构。




A Using to-infinitives for purpose

Step I 导入



(l) Why do many tourists go to Zhalong every year?

(They go there to watch the birds.)

(2) What kinds of animals can we find in Zhalong? (Many birds and fish.)

(3) What will happen if people build more farms and buildings in the wetlands?

(This will lead to less and less space for wildlife.)

(4) Why do the members of the Birdwatching Society go to Zhalong once a year? (They go there to study the birds.)

(5) What do they need more people to do?


1教师通过板书或课件显示上述1、4两个问题的答案,并用下划线突出to watch the birds 和study the birds部分,引导学生理解动词不定式部分在这两个句子中所起的“表示目的”的作用。

2教师说:Now please open your books and turn to page 70. Find more sentences like these敲励学生在Reading部分找出分类句子。教师随后通过课件显示查找结果,如:

Step III操练

1教师说:There are some sentences about Zhalong on page 73 Please match the two parts让学生完成课本第73页的练习。


3教师说:We can also use in order to express purpose. This is more formal than using to-infinitives. Can you change these sentences with in order to? 鼓励学生改写句子。教师可以给出H两句作为示范:

(1) People go to Zhalong in order to watch the birds.

(2) They should read about the birds first in order to learn more about them.

Step IV活动

1教师请各组第一个学生抽取一张写有短句的纸,然后通过加上表示目的的动词不定式完成句子,将句子写在纸片上,然后向后传递,每位学生只能写一个句子,在规定时间内写得最多的组获胜。教师说:Now let's play a game. The first student of each team will get a piece of paper. There's a short sentence on the paper. Please make a longer sentence by adding a to-infinitive. Each student will write one sentence only and then pass the paper on to the next one in your team. 教师可以通过板书或课件显示如下示例:

Sample writing

My mother went to the city centre…

S1: My mother went to the city centre to do some shopping.

S2: My mother went to the city centre to meet her friend.

S3: …

教师可以提示学生只写动词不定式部分以节约时间:Just write the to-infinitive in order to save time.

2 教师宣布时间到,检查各组成果,并宣布获胜组:Time is up! Now please show me your paper. Team… has written the most sentences. Team … wins! 请获胜组学生依次朗读句子。

B Using verbs + objects + to-infinitives

Step I呈现

1教师说:You've done a great job! But I need you to write more sentences in your notebook after

class using to-infinitives板书如写内容:I need you to write… 引导学生观察并总结出这个句予中的动词结构:动词+ 宾语+ 动词不定式to do。

2教师说:Well done! Can you find more verbs that can be used in this way? 引导学生回顾已有知识,找出已学过的有此种用法的动词,如:ask、tell、help等。

3教师说:Can you make a few sentences with these verbs? 引导学生用这些动词造句。在基础较弱的班级,教师可以给出几个例句示范:

(1) The policeman asked the boys not to play football on the road.

(2) The teacher told me to come to school earlier next time.

(3) What can we do to help the society (to) protect the birds?

4教师说:Very good! But have you noticed that we can use do or to do with the verb help? 指出help后面可以接带to或小带to do不定式,即:help sb (to) do sth。教师继续说:But for some other verbs, we can only use do with them. Can you find some on page 74 in your books? 引导学生找出其他几个只能接不带to的动词不定式动词,如:make、let、see、hear等。 Step II操练


2核对答案,让学生集体朗读所有句子。向学生解释第五的用法:动词不定式的否定形式通常是在不定式符号to的前面加上not,如果是不带to的不定式就直接在动词原形前加上not。 3 教师再补充几句含动词不定式的否定形式的句子,帮助学生加深理解。

Step III家庭作业





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