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Unit 1 How can we become good learners?



1. Talk about how to study. 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。

2. Find out your suitable learning methods. 找出适合自己的学习方法。 情感目标:




(1)熟练掌握下列词汇: aloud pronunciation discoverrepeat note

pronounce increase speedpartner create

active connect review knowledge wisely


(2)熟练掌握下列短语: work with friends ask the teacher for help

read aloudlook uppractice pronunciation

connect…with… pay attention to


How do you study English?

I learn by working with a group.

Do you learn English by reading aloud?

Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation.

How can I read faster?

You can read faster by reading word groups.

How can I improve my pronunciation?

One way is by listening to tapes.

But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.

重点、难点(Key points and difficulties)

1. 学会运用how来询问做事方式

2. 学会运用by + doing的结构表达做事方式。by 介词,表示―通过……方法


3. 动名词的构成:




Period 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d)

Period 2 Section A 2 (3a-3b)

Period 3 Section A 3 (Grammar Focus—4c)

Period 4 Section B 1 (1a-2e)

Period 5 Section B 2 (3a-selfcheck)

Section A 1 (1a-2d)

Step 1 Warming up

T: How do you study English? Do you study English by the following ways?

(Show some pictures and present the important phrases.)

T: How do you study English?

S: I study English by ______.

by working with friends.

by making word cards.

by asking the teacher for help.

by reading the textbook.

by working with a group.

by listening tapes.

Step 2 1a Check the ways you study English. Then add other ways you sometimes


___ a. by working with friends.

___ b. by making word card.

___ c. by reading the textbook.

___ d. by listening to tapes

___ e. by asking the teacher for help.

Step 3 Listening

1) Listen. How do these students study for a test? Write letters from 1a above.

2) Check the answers: b (Meiping); e (Peter); d (Tony)

Step 4 Guess

Show some pictures.

Guess: How does he/she study English? He/She studies English by…

How do they study English? They study English by…

Step 5 Pairwork

1c Make conversations about how you study for a test.

A: How do you study for a test?

B: I study by working with a group.

A: How do you study for a test?

B: I study by…

Step 6 Listening

2a Listen and check the questions you hear.

1 ____ Does anyone learn English by watching videos?

2 ____ Do you have conversations with friends in English?

3 ____ What about listening to tapes?

4 ____ What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?

5 ____ Have you ever studied with a group?

Answers: 1, 2, 4, 5

2b Listen again. Match each answer below with a question above.

a. Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way.

b. Oh, yes. It really improves my speaking skills.

c. I do that sometimes. I think it helps.

d. No. It’s too hard to understand spoken English.

Answers: d, b, c, a

Step 7 Pairwork

1. 2c Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b

A: Have you ever studied with a group?

B: Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way.

Show some pictures.

1) A: Do you learn English by watching movies?

B: Yes, it’s a very interesting way.

C: No, it’s too hard to understand spoken English.

2) A: What about writing letters to a pen pal in America?

B: Yes, it helps to improve my writing skills and know a lot about


3) A: Do you have conversations with friends in English?

B: Of course, we can talk about plenty of things like school, pets,

movies, and our parents.

2. 2c Role-play the conversation.

Step 8 Summary

How do you study English?

1. by working with friends

2. by watching English movies.

3. by making word cards.

4. by reading the textbook.

5. by listening to tapes.

6. by asking the teacher for help.

7. by reading aloud.

Step 9 Language points

1. I study by working with a group.






1) Come and sit by us.

2) Peter goes to work by bus every day.

3) Tony will come back by 10:00 pm.

4) English is spoken by lots of people.

5) My brother studies history by working with a group.


1) by可表示位置,(1) ―__________‖,如句1。也有―从……旁边(经过)‖之意。

2) by可表示交通、传递等的方式,如句2。

3) by可表示时间,―到(某时)之前;不迟于‖,如句3。

4) by可用于构成(2) ________,―被,由‖,如句4。

5) by可表示方式或手段,(3) ―____________‖结构在句中作方式状语,―通过……方式(方法)‖或―借助……手段‖,如句5。

Answers: (1) 在??旁边(2) 被动语态 (3) by + V-ing形式


1) Annie went to Beijing _______ (乘火车) yesterday.

2) His grandfather made a living _________ (靠卖水果) in the past.

3) The scientists have to arrive at the village _________ (八月以前).

4) Allen goes _______________ (经过邮局) on his way to school every morning.

5) The book was written ____________ (由几个工程师).

Answers: 1) by train 2) by selling fruits 3) by August4) by the post

office 5) by several engineers

2. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?


辨析aloud, loud和loudly

aloud出声地;大声地。常与read/ call等词连用, 不用于比较级。


Unit1 How can we become good learners?

Section A 2d




----一开始只管快速阅读获取文章大意就好了,不要逐字逐句的读,按词组阅读。 ----但我很多单词都不懂,我不得不用字典。

----尽量通过阅读上下文来猜测单词的意思,可能你知道的比你预象的要多。 ----那听起来很难!


Section A 3a





Section B 2b






善于学习的人思考他们擅长什么以及他们需要更多的练习什么。记住:“不用即失”。即使你学某事物学的很好,如果你不使用你会忘记它。 “熟能生巧”。善于学习的人会一直练习他们所学到的东西,而且他们从不怕犯错误。亚历山大-格雷厄姆-贝尔不是一夜之间发明了电话的。他是通过许多次的尝试以及从他的错误中学习取得成功的。







Self Check 1


Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious !

Section A 2d


苯: 哇,听起来挺好玩的!但我觉得四月是那里一年中最炎热的月份。 克拉拉:是的,没错。但4月13号到15号那里有个泼水节。

苯: 我在想这与云南傣族的泼水节是否相似。

克拉拉: 是的,我想是的。这个时候是泰国的新年,人们走上街头互相泼水。 苯: 爽啊!不过他们为什么这么做呢?


Section A 3a

满满的月亮 满满的情思




SectionB 2b







unit3 Could you please tell me where the restroom are ?

sectionA 2d









何伟:就是的,我们常说toilets 或washroom 。不过,厕所在哪里。



Section A 3a

欢乐时代公园———— 总是欢乐时光

[ 爱丽丝和何伟在太空世界]







何伟:瞧:这并不糟糕,对吧?你需要去尝试,否则永远不会知道你能行。 爱丽丝:是这样的,我真高兴自己尝试了这个项目。






爱丽丝:你瞧!这间餐厅看上去很有意思。牌子上写着有个摇滚乐队每晚在演奏。 何伟:我们为何不回头过来在这吃晚饭?咱们去问一下乐队演出几点开始。





Section B 2b


当你到外国游玩,了解如何礼貌地请求帮助十分重要。例如,例如,你可能会问Where are the resrooms ?( 卫生间在哪里?)和Could you please tell me where the restrooms ?( 你能告诉我卫生间在那里吗?)这些均是对问路去某处近似于请求的问句。两者都是正确的英语,但第一句听着并不那么礼貌,这是因为他提问过于直接。当我们求助的时候,仅仅正确地问问题是不够的,还要学习如何表达才有礼貌。

优秀的说话者在不同情境会改变自己说话的方式。他们所使用的表述或许取决于他们与谁交谈,以及与谈话者之间的熟悉程度。你对你的同学问话直接是完全得当的,原因是你很熟悉你的同学。然而,你对老师说What is the school trip?(学校郊游在什么时候?),这也许会听着不够礼貌;但要是你说Excuse me,Mr.West.Do you know when the school trip is?(请问韦斯特老师,您知道学校什么时候郊游吗?),这听起来就要礼貌得多。

通常礼貌的问题要长一些,并且包含诸如Could you please ??或Can I ask??这样的语言内容。说Peter,could you please tell me your e-mail address?(彼得,麻烦你给我说一下你的电邮地址好吗?)就比说Peter,tell me your e-mail address.(彼得,把你的电邮地址告诉我。)听上去更有礼貌。有时我们甚至需要花些时间来导入我们的请求。例如面对陌生人,我们或许先说:Excuse me,I wonder if you can help me (劳驾,我想您是否能帮我一下)或I’m sorry yo trouble you,but?(十分抱歉打扰您,可是??)之后才说出所请求帮助的内容。


Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark

Section A 2d.











Section A 3a


为本月的《青年世界》杂志,我采访了19岁的亚裔歌星王坎迪。坎迪告诉我她一直害羞,于是想通过唱歌来挑战羞涩。随着她的情况逐步好转,她开始敢于在班级同学面前放声歌唱。现在她不再那么腼腆了,而且热爱在众人面前演唱。 我问坎迪她成名后的生活有什么不同。她解释说有许多好事,比如可以旅行,随时会结识新面孔。“我以前在学校并不引人注目,但是现在,无论我走到哪里,都会被人关注。”然而,太多的关注也可以成为坏事。“我总是会担心自己在别人眼中的样子还有,我必须注意自己的言行。我不再拥有很多私人时间。现在与朋友外出几乎不可能,因为老有保镖守在我周围。


Section B 2b



李文的不开心开始影响他的学业。他变得对学习不再有兴趣,有时候,他还会旷课,考试不及格。最后,李文的父母决定把它送到寄宿制学校。但是李文很害羞,在学校里也不能很快教上朋友,他感到那里的生活很困难。一天,他告诉老师,她想离开学校。他的老师很担心他,给他的父母打了电话,他建议他们亲自与自己的儿子谈一谈。于是,于是他的父母坐了24小时的火车来到了李文的学校。 他们进行了一次长谈。“那正是我所需要的,”他说道,“现在我懂得了尽管他们很忙,他们一直都挂念着我。他们为我所有的好的表现感到自豪。”


Unit5 What are the shirs made of ?

Section A 2d






Unit 1 How can we become good learners?

Section A How I Learned to Learn English

(be)like a bad dream. The

(quick). But I was afraid to ask questions because my (something).

Toy Story. I fell in love with

(begin) to watch other English

movies as well. Although I could not understand everything the characters said, their body

(listen) to something you are the secret to language learning. I also learned useful sentences like “It?s a piece of cake” or “It (serve) you right.” I did not understand these sentences at

(want) to learn new words and more

(good) understanding of English movies.

Section B How Can You Become a Successful Learner?

(learn) habits. Research shows that (success)learners have some good habits in common.

Creating an interest in what they learn

(show) that if you are interested in something, your brain is more active and (learn) with something they are


Practicing and learning from mistakes

Good learners think about what they are good at and what they need to practice more.

Remember, “use it or lose it”! Even if you learn something unless you use it. He (learn) from his mistakes.

Developing their study skills

(write) down key

words or by (draw) mind maps. Good learners also look for (note)every day or by explaining the (information) to another student.

Asking questions (ask) questions during or after class. They comes from (question). (bring)

Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!

3aFull Moon, Full Feelings

(celebrate) Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying

night. They carry people?s(tradition) folk stories about this festival. However, most

people think that the story of Chang?e is the most(shoot) down the nine suns, a goddess gave him a magic medicine to thank him. Whoever drank this could live forever, and Hou Yi drink it with Chang?e. However, a bad man,Peng Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not home. Chang?e refused(give) it to him and drank it all. She became very (call) out her (find) that the moon was so bright and

desserts in the garden. How hewished that Chang?e could come back!

(admire) the moon and (share)

mooncakes with their families. The Spirit of Christmas

Many would agree that when we think of Christmas, we probably think of gifts,Christmas us. The story in A Christmas Carol is perhaps the best example of this.

A Christmas Carol(a) old man named Scrooge who never laughs or (do not) treat others nicely. He just cares about whether he canof Jacob Marley, his dead business partner.Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he (change) his ways if he doesn?t want to end ghosts visit Scrooge. First, the Ghost of Christmas Past (take) him back to his childhood Everyone (be) happy, even poor people. The last one, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, (scare) that he wakes up in his bed and finds out it is already the next morning on Christmas


(good) person. He happily

(kind) and warmth, (spread) love and joy everywhere

UNIT 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

Could you please ...?

(polite). For example, “Where are the restrooms?” or “Could you please the restrooms are?”(be) correct English, but the first one sounds less (polite). That is because it is a very direct question. It is not enough to just ask a question (correct). We also need to learn how to —(direct) — when we ask for help.

(know) how to ask for information

politely is important. In English, “Where are the restrooms?” and “Could you please tell me

where the restrooms are” are similar requests both are correct English, but thecould sound rude. It?s important to use correct language, but sometimes this alone is not enough

(difference) people. The school trip?”, this might sound (polite). But if you say, “Excuse me, Mr. West. Do you know when the school trip is?”, this will sound much more polite. However, it is all right to ask direct questions in some

please ...?” or “Can I ask ...?” It sounds more polite to say, “Peter, could you please tell me your e-mail address?” than “Peter, tell me your e-mail address.” Sometimes we even need to spend (strange) on the street, we might

first say, “Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me” or “I?m sorry to trouble you, but ...” before(ask)for help.

English, or any other language you wish to speak.

Unit 4

From Shy Girl to Pop Start

For this month?s Young World magazine, I__________ (interview) 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang. Candy ________ (tell) me that she used to be really shy and ________ (take) up singing _________ (deal) with her _____(shy). As she ____ (get) better, she dared _______ (sing) in front of her class, and then for the whole school. Now she?s not shy anymore and loves

_________ (sing) in front of crowds.

I asked Candy how life _______ (be) different after she_______ (become) famous. She

(travel) and____ ( meet )new people all the time. “Iof attention everywhere I go.” However, too much attention can also be a bad thing. “I always have to _______ (worry) about how I appear to others and I have to be very careful about what I say or do. And I _____ (not have) much private time anymore. _____(hang) out with

friends is almost impossible for me now because there are always guards around me.”

What does Candy have to______(say) to all those young people who want to become famous? “Well,” she ______(begin) slowly, “you have to be________ (prepare) to _________ (give ) up your normal life”. You can never _______ (imagine) how difficult the road to success____ (be). Many times I thought about _____ ( fight) on. You really

He Studies Harder Than He Used to

Li Wen is a normal 15-year-old boy from the countryside. He works very hard and _____(do)

well in school. It is hard __________ (believe) that he used _________ (have) difficulties in

school. When he was a little boy, he seldom_______ (cause) any problems, and his

family_________ (spend) a lot of time together. However, things began to change a few years ago. His parents moved to the city______(look) for jobs, and his grandparents came _______(take) care of him. But he missed his parents so much and he often________ (feel) lonely and unhappy.

Li Wen?s unhappiness began________ (influence) his schoolwork. He________(become) less interested in studying. Sometimes he was absent from classes and ________ (fail) his

examinations. Finally, Li Wen?s parents________ (make) the decision________ (send) him to a boarding school. However, Li Wen was shy and was not able________ (make) friends quickly in school. He _______ (find) life there difficult. One day, he told his teacher that he _________ (want) to leave the school. The teacher was worried about him. and then ________ (call) his parents. She advised them_________ (talk) with their son in person. So his parents_________ (take) a 24-hour train and a 5-hour bus ride_______ (get) to Li Wen?s school.

They had a long talk. “It was exactly what I needed,” he said. “Now I understand that even

though they are busy, they are always_______ (think) of me. They take pride in everything good that I do”.

After that, Li Wen?s parents had much more communication with their son than they used to. Li Wen has really _________ (change). He became more outgoing and ________ (make) some good friends in school. He even ______(join) the school basketball team and

________(become) active in many other activities. “I?m much happier now, and I work even harder than I used to. I know my parents love me and they______ _ (be) always proud of me”, says Li Wen.“it?s very important for parents_______(be) there for their children.



The Difficult Search for American Products in the US

If you go to another country, what kinds of things would you buy? Would you buy a camera in Japan, some beautiful clothes in France, or a watch in Switzerland? No matter what you ___________ (buy), you might probably think those products ___________ (make) in those countries. However, you __________ (be) wrong. Kang Jian is a 17-year-old student from Shanghai. Last year he ______ (go) to visit his aunt and uncle in San Francisco. He _______ (find) it interesting that so many products in the local shops _________ (make) in China. “I

wanted __________ (buy) a toy car for my cousin, but even though most of the toys __________ (be) American brands, they _________(make) in China.”

Toys are not the only things ______(make) in China. “I wanted to buy a pair of basketball shoes,” he explains. “But I had _______(visit )five or six stores before ________(find) a pair made in America!” He ________ (realize) that Americans can hardly avoid__________( buy) products made in China. “In fact,” he continues, “there are many things there _________ (make) in China —footballs, handbags, pet food, mobile phones. Even American flags are made in China!” Kang Jian thinks it?s great that China is so good at _________ (make) these everyday

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