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来源网站:免费论文网2017-01-27 13:55:48


2013绍兴中考成绩和普通高中录取分数线公布 2013绍兴中考成绩和普通高中录取分数线同时揭晓,绍兴一中并轨生:682分,择校生:677分;稽山中学并轨生:667分,择校生:662分。绍兴市高级中学并轨生:638分;绍兴一中分校并轨生:596分。绍兴市高级中学择校生:628分;绍兴一中分校择校生:594分。





杭州高级中学 杭州第二中学 浙江大学附属中学 杭州学军中学

杭州第四中学 杭州第十四中学 杭师院附属三墩高级中学 杭州长河高级中学

杭州外国语学校 萧山中学 萧山区第二高级中学 萧山区第三高级中学

萧山区第五高级中学 余杭高级中学 余杭第二高级中学 富阳中学

富阳市第二高级中学 富阳市新登中学 桐庐中学 临安中学

临安昌化中学 临安市於潜中学 淳安中学 严州中学


镇海中学 宁波效实中学 宁波中学 鄞州中学

慈溪中学 余姚中学 宁海中学 象山中学

奉化市第一中学 北仑中学 鄞州区姜山中学 鄞州区鄞江中学

慈溪市浒山中学 宁波第二中学 宁波万里国际学校中学(民办) 宁波华茂外国语学校(民办) 鄞州区正始中学 宁波市李惠利中学 镇海区龙赛中学 宁海县知恩中学



温州中学 温州第二高级中学 瓯海中学 瑞安中学

乐清中学 平阳县第一中学 苍南县第一中学 永嘉中学


嘉兴市第一中学 嘉兴市高级中学 平湖中学 海宁市高级中学

桐乡市高级中学 海盐元济高级中学 嘉善高级中学 嘉兴市秀州中学

桐乡市第一中学 平湖市当湖高级中学 桐乡市茅盾中学 海盐高级中学



湖州中学 湖州市第二中学 湖州市菱湖中学 德清县第一中学

德清县高级中学 安吉高级中学 长兴中学 德清县第三中学



绍兴市第一中学 上虞春晖中学 诸暨中学绍兴县柯桥中学

嵊州市第一中学 绍兴市稽山中学 上虞中学 新昌中学

绍兴县鲁迅中学 诸暨市牌头中学 绍兴县越崎中学


金华市第一中学 浙江师范大学附属中学(金华二中) 金华市汤溪高级中学 兰溪市第一中学

东阳中学 义乌中学 永康市第一中学 武义第一中学

浦江中学 磐安中学 金华艾青中学义乌市第二中学


衢州第二中学 衢州第一中学 江山中学龙游中学


丽水中学 缙云中学 遂昌中学 青田中学

云和中学 龙泉市第一中学 庆元中学 松阳县第一中学



台州中学 温岭中学 天台中学椒江区第一中学

黄岩中学 仙居中学 路桥中学 三门中学

温岭市新河中学 临海市回浦中学 温岭市第二中学 临海市大田中学

台州市书生中学(民办) 玉环县楚门中学 天台县平桥中学


舟山中学 岱山中学 普陀中学 定海一中


杭州市: 杭州市源清中学 杭州西湖高级中学 杭州市第二中学分校 杭州市第四中学分校

杭州第七中学 杭州第九中学 杭州第十一中学 萧山区第八高级中学



余姚市第八中学 宁波市第三中学 宁波市慈湖中学 慈溪市逍林中学

慈溪市观城中学 奉化市武岭中学 宁波市第四中学象山县第二中学

慈溪市周巷中学 北仑区柴桥中学 余姚市第七中学 鄞州区同济中学

象山县第三中学 余姚市第五中学 慈溪市育才中学

(民办) 慈溪市实验高中(民办)

余姚市高风中学(民办) 象山县滨海学校(民办)


洞头县第一中学 苍南县龙港高级中学 瓯海区任岩松高级中学 瑞安市第四中学

乐清市柳市中学 泰顺县第一中学 乐清市虹桥中学 乐清第二中学

永嘉县罗浮中学 温州市第十五中学 苍南县钱库高级中学


嘉兴市第四高级中学 嘉善中学 海宁宏达高级中学(民办) 嘉兴三中

海宁市第一中学 嘉兴第五高级中学


湖州市双林中学 安吉县昌硕高级中学 湖州市第一中学 湖州市吴兴高级中学



嵊州市黄泽中学 嵊州市第二中学 嵊州市崇仁中学 新昌县澄潭中学

诸暨市天马学校(民办) 私立诸暨高级中学(民办) 诸暨荣怀学校(民办) 诸暨市草塔中学

诸暨市学勉中学 诸暨市第二高级中学 绍兴市高级中学


东阳市第二高级中学 金华市第八中学 义乌市大成中学 东阳巍山高级中学

东阳市中天高级中学(民办) 兰溪市第三中学 金华市第六中学 义乌市第三中学 武义第三中学 永康明珠学校(民办)浦江县第三中学 永康市第二中学


巨化集团公司职工子女中学 常山县第一中学 开化中学 江山市滨江高级中学





椒江区三梅中学玉环县玉城中学 温岭市之江高级中学(民办) 温岭市大溪中学

温岭市箬横中学 温岭市松门中学 临海市杜桥中学 台州市路桥区蓬街私立中学(民办) 天台县育青中学 (民办) 黄岩区第二高级中学


嵊泗中学 舟山二中


杭州市: 杭州余杭中学 杭州市塘栖中学 建德市寿昌中学 萧山区第六高级中学

杭州市绿城育华学校(民办) 余杭区瓶窑中学 淳安县威坪中学 桐庐分水高级中学(原桐二高)

临安市天目外国语学校(民办) 杭州市长征中学 杭州市第十中学 富阳市大源中学 富阳市场口中学 萧山区第十高级中学 杭州市夏衍中学 萧山区第十一高级中学

桐庐富春高级中学(桐三高、四高合并) 淳安县汾口中学


鄞州区咸祥中学 余姚市第三中学 宁波市四明中学 鄞州区五乡中学

北仑区明港中学 奉化市宁波东方外国语学校(民办) 慈溪市三山中学 慈溪市龙山中学 余姚市第二中学


文成中学 瑞安市第五中学 瑞安市第三中学 苍南县宜山高级中学

苍南县金乡高级中学 瑞安市第十中学 苍南县灵溪第一高级中学 苍南县灵溪第二高级中学 苍南县振清外国语学校(民办) 平阳县第二中学 瑞安市隆山高级中学 瓯海区第二高级中学 瓯海区梧田高级中学 乐清第三中学 乐清白象中学 温州市第八中学

温州市第二十二中学 瓯海区三溪中学 温州市育英国际实验学校(民办)


桐乡市第二中学 南湖中学平湖市乍浦中学 平湖市新华爱心高级中学(民办) 海宁中学


安吉孝丰高级中学 长兴金陵高级中学 湖州市第五中学


诸暨市湄池中学 上虞市东关中学 上虞市城南中学 上虞市崧厦中学

绍兴县鉴湖中学 浙江华维外国语学校(民办)


东阳市南马高级中学东阳市顺风高级中学(民办) 浦江县第二中学 武义县第二中学 东阳市横店高级中学(民办) 兰溪兰荫中学(民办) 义乌市第四中学 东阳市六石高级中学

兰溪市第五中学 义乌市私立群星学校(民办) 永康市古丽中学(民办)






临海市第六中学 温岭市泽国中学 台州市实验中学(民办)


普陀第三中学 普陀区六横中学 定海区白泉高级中学 岱山县大衢中学


杭州高级中学杭州学军中学杭州外国语学校 http://chinahw.net


杭师院附属三墩高级中学浙江省富阳中学 .cn



瓯海中学 .cn 诸暨中学长兴中学

嘉兴一中 http://jxedu.net

嘉善高级中学桐乡高级中学兰溪一中永康市第一中学浙江省浦江中学 .cn 浙江省衢州第二中学 Http:// 衢州一中 Http:// 浙江省黄岩中学 Http:// 路桥中学

丽水中学 http://

舟山中学 http://www.zszx.info



第 一学 期高三英语期中试卷






1. There was ____ time ____ I hated to go to school.

A. a; that B. a; when C. the; that D. the; when

2. Isn’t it time you _____down to ____ dancing?

A. got; practiseB. get; practising C. got; practising D. get; being practised

3. I’m not sure whether I will have anything else to do tomorrow.possible means to come to the party.

A. Even thoughB. Anyhow C. If so D. Instead

4. — I hear Anna moved to another city this week.

— Oh, really? Do you know when she ____?

A. left B. will leave C. had leftD. has left

5. Once ____ to speak properly, that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador’s garden party.

A. educatingB. to educate C. to be educated D. educated

6. The machines we use today are much better than ____ we used ten years ago.

A. that B. onesC. the oneD. those

7. Always ____ to know what she doesn’t, she makes a fool of herself.

A. pretendingB. pretended C. being pretended D. to pretend

8. From the top of the hill, I got a spectacular ____ of San Francisco Bay and the city.

A. view B. sceneC. sight D. scenery

9. Lucy was having a holiday with her friend in a national park ____ she was bitten on the foot by a snake.

A. while B. sinceC. once D. when

10. —How about seeing the new movie at the theatre tonight?

—____, but I’ve got to go over my notes for tomorrow’s exam.

A. All right B. Sounds great

C. I can’t D. No, I am terribly sorry

11. Sometimes the patients care ____ the nurse has a smile on her face.

A. what B. whichC. where D. whether

12. There’s much chance ____ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.

A. that B. whichC. how D. as

13. These shoes look very good. I have no idea ____.

A. how much cost they are B. how much do they cost

C. how much they cost D. how much are they cost

14. Christmas Day is usually celebrated on December 25th ____ the birth of Jesus Christ.

A. in praise of B. in honor of C. in terms of D. in association with

15. You ____ her more help, even though you were really very busy.

A. ought to have given B. must have given

C. might give D. ought to give

16. The committee is discussing the problem now. It will _____ have been solved by the end of next week.

A. eagerly B. hopefully C. immediately D. gradually

17.—The head teacher said we had only three days to finish the project.

—Don’t worry. We have already ____ two thirds of it.

A. taken over B. got throughC. made upD. given away

18. After my grandfather’s operation, the doctor strictly ____ him to drink wine.

A. forbade B. provided

C. suggested D. resisted

19. The new car model is ____ to the previous one and much cheaper, so it is the best choice.

A. junior B. senior

C. inferior D. superior

20. —What’s the main purpose of tonight’s meeting?

—We are going to talk about the problem ____ at the last meeting.

A. discussed B. discussing

C. being discussedD. having discussed



Barry was on the phone in his office, speaking with confidence, energy and passion. Outside there was a car waiting.

Just then a tall man in a dark suit the building with a gun. After the man found Barry finished his and hung up, he took out the gun.

Barry reached his pocket to find his key-ring. He selected the car key and reluctantly (不情愿地) handed it24 . The man in the suit grabbed (抢去) it25walking outside and driving off at a high speed in the .

John walked in to see Barry just as all of this . He was surprised at how relaxed andBarry was facing the situation. John was here to collect an unpaid debt. Now John changed his mind. So John and Barry did a deal. Barry would teach him how he could be so in the face of pressure then the would be regarded as paid.

This is what Barry said to him:

The big secret in life is to train your to think only about what you want to happen and to keep your thoughts off what you do not want. Always keep your mind what you really want and think about where you want to be and not you are. Stress is what happens when you put your on the wrong things.

And now over to you. more time each day spotting what you think about, you will likely find that you often run through all the things that could go as well as seeing situations working out as being only O.K.

Get into the of expecting things to work out and you will find yourself picturing life running more . You will then feel more confident, people will to you differently and you will get better results.

21. A. defended B. alarmedC. enteredD. fled

22. A. dealB. conversation C. speech D. contact

23. A. for B. out C. up D. into

24. A. overB. in C. out D. up

25. A. afterB. before C. when D. as

26. A. officeB. buildingC. car D. suit

27. A. was happening B. happenedC. happenD. was happened

28. A. confident B. anxiousC. generousD. embarrassed

29. A. WhenB. If C. As D. While

30. A. anxiousB. concernedC. cool D. upset

31. A. car B. gun C. debt D. building

32. A. ideaB. mind C. thoughtD. view

33. A. deciding B. shapingC. formingD. picturing

34. A. whenB. why C. that D. where

35. A. stressB. attentionC. effort D. effect

36. A. TakeB. Cost C. Spend D. Pay

37. A. rightB. wrong C. smoothD. bad

38. A. habitB. form C. chance D. routine

39. A. carefully B. completelyC. smoothlyD. confidently

40. A. listen B. respondC. appeal D. adapt

第二部分 阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)



Bob Dylan is one of America’s greatest songwriters. Now he has written a book about his life that critics have praised. Bob Dylan’s book, “Chronicles: Volume One,” was published in October. It has been among the best-selling books in America. The New York Times newspaper named it one of the five best non-fiction or true- life books in 2004. And recently, the National Book Critics Circle named it one of the five finalists for best biography or autobiography of last year.

Bob Dylan grew up in the small town of Hibbing, Minnesota. As a young man, in 1961, he moved to New York City with his guitar. He wanted to become a folk singer and musician. In his book, he writes about his experiences playing and singing other people’s songs in clubs in the Greenwich Village area. He writes about many artists, writers and musicians who influenced him.

The main influence on him was the great folk singer Woody Guthrie. Guthrie was living in a hospital in New Jersey because he had a serious disease. Dylan visited him often and played Guthrie’s songs to him. Later, Dylan became extremely famous for the songs he wrote. The media called him the “voice of a generation.”

Bob Dylan writes that his wife and five children were the most important part of his life. He describes trying to find privacy for his family at his home in Woodstock, a town in New York State. But people from all over the country came to visit him and destroyed his peace.

Dylan also writes about spending time in New Orleans, Louisiana, while recording the album “Oh Mercy” in 1980. He writes about the process of recording the album. And he writes about the friendly people he met in Louisiana. One was a store owner named Sun Pie, who even gave Dylan a sign for his car that said “World’s Greatest Grandpa.”

Critics have compared Bob Dylan’s book “Chronicles” to one of his songs. They say it brings to life images, faces and places. They say the book forms layers of meaning through rich details. “A song is like a dream,” Dylan writes, “and you try to make it come true.”

41. Dylan became very famous mainly because ____.

A. he wrote lots of songs which were quite popular with the people in his times

B. he used to visit the great folk singer Woody Guthrie and play his songs to him

C. he was praised by critics.

D. he sang the songs written by well-known writers and musicians

42. When living with his family in Woodstock, Dylan ____.

A. devoted much of his time to song writing

B. visited lots of famous singers and musicians

C. completed his book “Chronicles: Volume One”

D. was unwilling to meet too many people from all over the country

43. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The town of Hibbing was the place where Dylan began his career.

B. Dylan had a great influence on a folk singer with the name Woody Guthrie.

C. The album “Oh Mercy” was the most successful works of Dylan.

D. The store owner in Louisiana may be one of Dylan’s fans.

44. We can infer from the passage that ____.

A. Dylan expressed the hope and dream of the people of his times in his songs

B. Dylan tried to shut himself from the outside world and devoted himself to his career

C. Dylan’s fame was mainly built on the success of his autobiography “Chronicles”

D. Dylan became famous after the recording of his album “Oh Mercy”

A. CybercampsB. Glen CoveC. Farmingdale D. Camp Blue Bay

46. In Cybercamps, you will learn ____.

A. how to design a Web page B. how to do Red Cross swimming

C. how to improve your level of subjectsD. how to play tennis

47. If you apply for Glen Cove for a week, you may pay ____.

A. $425 B. $1,062.5C. $749 D. $4,250

48. If you want to eoll a camp for your daughter, you may call ____.

A. 206-442-4500 B. 519-676-0904C. 516-756-1751 D. 516-741-2550


Determined to make school more related to the workplace, Roosevelt High School in Portland, Oregon, developed a school-to-work program. In their first year, students are offered some job pathways in natural resources, human services, health care, business, arts and communication. The following year, each student chooses one of the pathways and examines it in depth, spending three hours a week watching someone on the job. Such a program is also in practice in some other states.

The school-to-work program is built around a partnership. For example, Eastman Kodak, a major employer in Colorado, introduces students to business by helping them construct a model city using small pieces of wood. “The children use the models to decide on the best place to set up schools,” says Lucille Mantelli, director for Eastman Kodak in Colorado. Kodak introduces math by teaching fifth graders to use their pocket money properly. They also provide one-on-one job watching experiences and offer chances of practice for high school juniors and seniors. “Students come to the workplace two or three hours a week,” explains Mantelli. “They do the job for us. We pay them and they get school credits (学分). We also give them our views on their performance and developmental opportunities.”

In these partnerships, . The students tend to take more difficult courses than students in schools that don’t offer such programs. Business benefits by having a better prepared workforce needed in future years. “It’s a way for us to work with the school systems to develop the type of workforce we’ll need in future years,” Mantelli continued. “We need employees who understand the basics of reading and writing. We need them to be good at math and to be comfortable working on a team.”

“Our theory is that they can learn as much outside the classroom as in. All students have the ability to change the world, not just to live in it. To do that, they have to know how to solve problems and use critical thinking skills. We need to encourage them to dream about jobs that go beyond what they see today,” concludes a school-to-work program organizer.

49. Using the example of Eastman Kodak in Colorado, the writer shows us ____.

A. what the school decides to do

B. why the students get paid for their jobs

C. where the students have their math class

D. what role the business plays in the program

50. The main purpose of the school-to-work program is to _____.

A. offer students more difficult courses

B. introduce new job opportunities to schools

C. improve relations between students and teachers

D. make what students learn in school related to the workplace

51. According to the text, Lucille Mantelli is ____.

A. a math teacher

B. a school designer

C. a company manager

D. a program organizer

52. What does the writer mean by saying “…” (Paragraph 3)?

A. Students get school credits by taking examinations.

B. Both students and business benefit from the program.

C. The working conditions of the company have improved greatly.

D. Every teacher and student gets paid for working outside the school.


Three Yale University professors agreed in a discussion that the automobile was what one of them called “Public Health Enemy No. 1 in this century.” Besides polluting the air and overcrowding the cities, cars are involved in more than half the disastrous accidents, and they contribute to heart disease “because we won’t walk anywhere any more”, said Richard Weinaman, professor of medicine and public health.

Speaking of many of those man-made dangers of the automobile, Arthur W. Galson, professor of biology, said it was possible to make a kerosene-burning turbine car that would “lessen smog by very large factor”. But he expressed doubt whether Americans were willing to give up moving about the countryside at 90 miles per hour in a large vehicle. “Americans seem wedded to the motor car—— every family has to have at least two, and one has to be a convertible (敞篷车) with 300 horsepower,” Professor Galson continued. “Is this the way of life that we choose because we treasure these values?”

For Professor Sears, part of the blame lies with “a society that regards profit as a supreme value, under the illusion that anything that’s technically possible is, therefore, morally justified”. Professor Sears also called the country’s dependence on its modern automobiles “terrible economics” because of the large horse-power used simply “moving one individual to work”. But he admitted that Americans had painted themselves into a corner by allowing the national economy to become so dependent on the automobile industry.

“The solution,” Dr. Weeinerman said, “is not to find a less dangerous fuel but a different system of inner city transportation. Because of the increasing use of cars, public transportation has been allowed to wither (衰弱) and grow worse, so that if you can’t walk to where you want to go, you have to have a car in most cities,” he declared. This, in turn, Dr. Weinerman contended, is responsible for the “arteriosclerosis (动脉硬化)” of public roads, for the pollution of the inner city and for the middle-class movement to the suburbs.

53.The main idea of the passage is that ____.

A. Americans are fond of their cars

B. public transportation in America is well-developed

C. American cars are too fast

D. automobiles endanger health

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