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来源网站:免费论文网2017-01-27 13:55:37





1.复数(1?i)2008的实部为( ).

A.0B.21004 C.?21004 D.22008 2.已知函数f(x)?ax?1?4(a?0,a?1)的反函数y?f?1(x)的图象经过一个定点,则这个定点的坐

标为( ).

A.(1,4) B.(1,5) C.(5,1) D.(4,1) 3.函数f(x)?1?2cos22x(x?R)是( ).

A.最小正周期为?的偶函数 B.最小正周期为?的奇函数 C.最小正周期为



的偶函数 D.最小正周期为





4.若|a|?2sin15?,|b|?4cos15?,a与b的夹角为30?,则a?b的值为( ).








的取值范围( ).





A.[,1] B.(,1) C.[,1] D.(,1)










轴的两交点正好是长轴的两个三等分点,则椭圆的离心率e等于( ).










?0,则y关于x的函数的图象大致是( ). yB.


8.四面体ABCD中,已知AB?3cm,S?ABC?15cm2,S?ABD?12cm2,面ABC与面ABD所成的二面角为30?,则四面体的体积为( ).


3 B.

3C.3D.30cm3 9.已知a,b,c,d?R,满足a?b?5,a2?b2?c2?d2?21,则有( ).

A.ab?cd?2B.ab?cd?2 C.ab?cd?2D.ab?cd?2 10.从由正数组成的集合A中随机地选出一个数字,且选取数字n的概率为lg(n?1)?lgn,下面给出四个集合:①{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};②{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};③{,4,5,6,7,8,9};④





则能当成集合的个数为( ).

A.1 B.2 C.3D.4 11.若方程x?ln(ax)(a为常数,a?0),则下列判断正确的是( ).

A.当a?0时,没有实根 B.当0?a?e时,有一个实根 C.当a?e时,有三个实根D.当a?e时,有两个实根 12.用max(a1,a1,?,an),min(a1,a1,?,an)分别表示a1,a1,?,an中的最大与最小者,有下列结论:

①max(a,b)?max(c,d)?max(a?b,c?d,a?c,b?d); ②min(a,b)?min(c,d)?min(a?c,a?d,b?c,b?d); ③若max(a,b)?max(c,d),则a?c,b?d; ④若min(a,b)?min(c,d),

则a?c,b?d.其中正确结论的个数是( ).

A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 二.填空题(本大题4个小题,每小题4分,共16分,把答案填在题中横线上) 13.(2?x)2008的展开式中所有奇次项系数的和为__________. 14.函数y?


















三.解答题(本大题6个小题,共74分,解答题应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 17.(本小题满分12分)已知函数f(x)?2x?1的反函数为f?1(x),g(x)?log4(3x?1). (Ⅰ)若f?1(x)?g(x),求x的取值集合D; (Ⅱ)设函数H(x)?g(x)?









BEA?C?D算作两个路段:路段AC发生堵车事件 1 的概率为,路段CD发生堵车事件的概率为).










5(Ⅰ)请你为其选择一条由A到B的最短路线(即此人只 8

AD C 选择从西向东和从南向北的路线),使得途中发生








21.(本小题满分12分) 已知椭圆C:










(Ⅰ)求椭圆C的方程; (Ⅱ)求证:直线l过定点.

22.(本小题满分14分)已知函数f(x)?x3?ax2?bx?c关于点(1,1)成中心对称,且f?(1)?0. (Ⅰ)求函数f(x)的表达式;




数学(理科) 参考答案

二.填空题(本大题4个小题,每小题4分,共16分,把答案填在题中横线上) 13.




14.[e,??) 15.{4,5,6}16.②

三.解答题(本大题6个小题,共74分,解答题应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 17.(本小题满分12分)已知函数f(x)?2x?1的反函数为f?1(x),g(x)?log4(3x?1). (Ⅰ)若f?1(x)?g(x),求x的取值集合D; (Ⅱ)设函数H(x)?g(x)?解:(Ⅰ)























1.“史实”“史论”“史识”是构成史学的“三要素”,史实即历史事实,史论即对历史事件和历史人物的评论,史识即是以科学的史观作指导,来分析大量可靠的史实,然后得出的科学结论。下列对唐朝三省六部制度的叙述属于“史识”的是 A.“三省”指的是中书省、门下省、尚书省,三省的长官都是宰相 B.三省六部制的基本运作程序是中书省→门下省→尚书省→六部

C.三省六部制排除了相权过大威胁皇权而出现的政治危机,并且提高了行政效率 D.三省六部制是中国古代政治制度的重大创造,此后历朝基本沿袭这种制度 2.下图a、b、c、d是儒家思想发展的四个阶段。对四个阶段分析不正确的是

A.a:秦朝“焚书坑儒”,儒学陷入低潮 B.b:西汉“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”,儒学成为正统思想 C.c:魏晋南北朝隋唐道佛发展,儒学受冲击 D.d:明末清初思想批判的推动,儒学得到新发展

3.《简明不列颠百科全书》对中国某幅名画评价道:“这是一幅具有重要历史价值的风俗长卷。画家成功地描绘出汴京城内及近郊在清明时节社会上各阶层的生活景象。??”下列所述现象不可能在该幅画中出现的是 A.坊巷桥门及隐僻去处,俱有铺席买卖



D.买卖昼夜不绝。夜交三四鼓,游人始稀。五更钟鸣,卖早市者又开店矣。 4.西周时期出现了我国第一次城市建设高潮,并确立了天子都城十二里(边长4.3公里)、公国都城九里 (边长3.2公里)、侯伯国都城七里(边长2.5公里)、子男都城五里(边长1.7公里)的都城建制。以下理解正确的是 ( ) A.都城规模的差异体现出各国经济实力的不平衡 B.周王室建立了从中央到地方的一整套集权机制 C.城市建制的确立反映出了西周等级分封的特征 D.确定了以宫殿、庙坛为中心的传统建域制度 5. “随着商业和(罗马)帝国的发展,生活日益复杂,原先的法律不能再满足需要??”为了能够适应新的社会发展要求,万民法逐步取代了公民法。因为万民法

A.能在一定程度上限制贵族的专横和特权B.内容侧重于急需的国家事务和法律程序 C.体现了法律面前人人平等的自然法原则D.能较好地理顺各种错综复杂的利益关系 6.古代中国社会“凡民曰四,一曰士,二曰农,三曰工,四曰商”。明清之际,江南等地出现了“士商相混”的现象。这说明

A.礼教束缚解除,传统观念转变B.启蒙思想产生,平等观念深入人心 C.商品经济发展,等级观念淡化D.商人地位提高,传统社会结构解体 7.董仲舒认为“国家将有失道之败,而天乃先出灾害以谴告之,不知自省,又出怪异以警惧之,尚不知变,而伤败乃至”。对此理解正确的是:

①反映了“天人感应”的思想②意图是规劝皇帝要行仁政 ③带有浓厚迷信思想 ④为维护君主的统治服务





A.《多样性的政治文明》 B.《典型的民主政治制度》C.《中央集权制度的演变》D.《权力的制约与平衡》


A.内阁制的形成标志着两国的皇权(王权)得到空前强化 B.内阁已经成为两国最高权力的象征



10.中国儒家“民本思想”与智者学派的“人文主义”思想出现的社会背景有何主要不同( )

A.讨论主题不同 B.诞生的政治氛围不同 C.价值取向不同 D.所处的历史阶段不同 11.下列选项中不能体现继承与发展关系的是

A智者学派思想——人文主义思想 B文艺复兴——启蒙运动

C君权神授说——社会契约论 D罗斯福新政——二战后西方国家经济调整 12.秦朝时制定的法律细密严苛,实行“轻罪重罚”,古罗马《民法大全》规定:“??不得基于怀疑而惩罚任何人。??与其判处无罪之人,不如容许罪犯逃脱惩罚。”二者的最大差别是( )

A.对犯罪的惩处力度 B. 打击犯罪的效果 C.立法的完整全面性D.法律规定的立足点

13.某文学青年喜欢自诩尊重史实,酷爱续写武侠名著。下列续写情节符合历史常识的是①续写《寻秦记》:(战国)赵盘怀疑《九章算术》中隐藏着武功秘籍 ②续写《神雕侠侣》:(南宋)杨过和小龙女行侠仗义,救了理学大师程颐 ③续写《大唐双龙传》:(隋唐)寇仲率领五牙战舰从水路攻打扬州 ④续写《七剑下天山》:(清初)韩志邦很欣赏顾炎武的“经世致用” A.①② B.③④ C.①③④ D.①②③④


A.政府的支持B.有利的国际环境C.社会性质的改变 D.民族独立的实现 15.据材料统计:1820—1875年之间,里尔(资产阶级)上层阶级的人数占总人口的



A.工业革命使社会分化为两大对立阶级 B.工业革命使大众绝对贫困化 C.工业革命使到社会贫富分化更严重D.资产阶级对无产阶级残酷剥削 16.1912年10月,南京临时政府参议院正式通过了《服制法》,规定礼服礼帽“料用本国纺织品”。该规定实质上反映了( )

A.中国民族工业生产水平的落后B.西方列强对中国进行商品倾销 C.政府极力保护民族工业的发展D.中国民族工业得到进一步发展 17.普法战争后,法、德两国最终确立了近代政治体制。两国政治体制的不同点是( ) A.国家元首掌握实际政治权力 B.内阁的任命须经议会同意 C.选民通过选举产生代议机构 D.行政首脑由国家元首任命

18. “中国政治现代化的第一个巨大跃进是从铲除专制政治到奠基现代民主政治??第二个巨大跃进是从社会主义民主政治框架的基本确立,到进入社会主义法治政治的基本轨道。”其中,“铲除专制政治”“社会主义民主政治框架的基本确立”和“进入社会主义法治政治的基本轨道”分别是指 A.辛亥革命、新中国成立和改革开放 B.辛亥革命、《中华人民共和国宪法》的制定和“依法治国”被写入宪法 C.国民大革命、《共同纲领》和“依法治国”被中共十五大确立为政治体制改革的重点 D.新民主主义革命的胜利、《中华人民共和国宪法》的制定和中共十一届三中全会召开 19.费正清在《中国:传统与革命》中称:“在中国近代史上,没有哪一段插曲比鸦片战争为谴责‘帝国主义侵略’提供了更多的机会,它成为中国人对西方武力入侵和在此以后几乎整整一个世纪使中国沦为‘半殖民地’地位的不满情绪的内容。除了从这一角度看鸦片战争外,还有必要将其放到近代历史的主要趋势之中去观察。”在该“趋势”背景下,费正清认为

A.鸦片战争是近代中华民族灾难的开端B.鸦片战争阻碍了中国近代化历程 C.侵略者是历史发展过程中的进步者 D.鸦片战争是西方工业文明的扩张


A.都是在西方启蒙思想影响下发生的 B.都缺乏先进的领导阶级和革命纲领 C.发动者都曾用西方的政治模式改造中国D.都主张推翻清朝并变革封建土地制度 21.对下面的漫画所反映的历史观最有力的驳斥证据是( )

A.日本曾经遭到原子弹轰炸 B.日本解放了亚洲各国人民 C.日军制造了南京大屠杀 D.日本首相参拜靖国神社

22.小威廉·皮特是英国历史上最年轻的首相(任期1784—1801,1803—1806)。他就任首相后开创了一个先例:即内阁失去议会多数信任时,还可以解散议会,重新选举,直接诉诸选民的裁决。这一先例最能说明( )

A.首相是国家的权力中心 B.内阁不再对议会负责

C.责任制内阁进一步发展 D.工业资产阶级在议会中的作用大大加强


23.“英国的社会结构不像欧洲大陆那样僵硬不变。没有因袭的社会风尚去阻挠拥有土地的士绅经营工业或做买卖;没有法律上的障碍会阻止一个工匠的社会地位上升。”此段材料表明工业革命最早从英国开始是因为 A.圈地运动改造了英国的传统农业 B.海外扩张奴隶贸易完成了资本积累


24.法国的启蒙思想家伏尔泰在《论孔子》中写道:“没有任何立法者比孔夫子曾对世界宣布了更有用的真理。”在伏尔泰和一大批思想家的推动下,“己所不欲,勿施于人”被写入《法兰西共和国宪法》。这从本质上说明 A.法国启蒙思想家和孔子思想一脉相承

B.中国传统儒家思想对法国大革命产生了根本性影响 C.法国大革命时期中法之间文化交流频繁 D.启蒙思想家借用孔子宣传资产阶级思想

25.一个历史事实可以有若干事件构成,事件又可以由若干小事件构成,由此可以排出一系列事件的等级或层次,下列选项符合上述说法的是 A.文艺复兴——人文主义—— “人是万物的尺度” B.启蒙运动——理性主义——“人非工具” C.文艺复兴——宗教改革——启蒙运动



A.普罗塔哥拉——人的理智本性和道德本性是统一的 B.薄伽丘——人是宇宙的精华、万物的灵长 C.伏尔泰——私有制是人类不平等的起源

D.康德——人必须永远有公开运用自己理性的自由 27.下列关于俄国革命事件先后顺序排列正确的是

①推翻了以克伦斯基为领导的资产阶级俄国临时政府②苏维埃代表大会召开,通过了《告全世界工人、士兵和农民书》 ③ 推翻罗曼诺夫王朝④指出俄国资产阶级民主革命已基本完成,应过渡到社会主义革命阶段,实现无产阶级和贫苦农民的专政 A.①④③②B. ①②④③ C. ②①③④ D. ③④①②


A.调动农民生产积极性,以增加农民收入 B.满足农民土地要求,推动农村经济发展 C.调整农村生产关系,以促进生产力发展 D.农业是关乎社会和谐和经济发展的基础 29.《中华人民共和国史》在解释“打扫干净屋子再请客”时引述了毛泽东的一段话:“关于帝国主义对我国的承认问题,不但现在不应急于去解决,就是在全国胜利以后的相当长时期内,也不应急于去解决。因为虽然我们愿意按照平等原则同一切国家建立外交关系,但帝国主义是绝不能很快地就以平等态度对待我们的”。下列选项对材料的解读不正确的是




④它体现了在“一边倒”方针指导下,反对与帝国主义国家建交的立场 A.①③④ B.①②③ C.①④ D.②③



的本质问题是( )

A.资本主义国家的经济政策摇摆不定 B.随生产力发展资本主义生产关系相应调整 C.没有哪种经济政策可保资本主义经济持续繁荣 D.资本主义国家尝试建立计划加市场的混合经济

31.有人说:“对美国来说,马歇尔计划达到了一箭几雕的目的。”这里的“几雕”是指( )

①稳定了西欧经济 ②加强了美国在国际金融领域的支配地位 ③有助于美国商品的输出 ④把受援国纳入了美国全球称霸的战略轨道 A.①②③B.①③④C.②③④ D.①②③④ 32.江泽民 “三个代表”重要思想的内容是

①中国共产党必须始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要求 ②代表社会主义国家的综合国力

③代表中国先进文化的前进方向 ④代表中国最广大人民的根本利益

A、①②③ B、②③④C、①③④ D、①②④ 33.毛泽东首次深刻分析农民是中国无产阶级最广大和最忠实的同盟军的文章是 A、《湖南农民运动考察报告》B、《中国革命和中国共产党》 C、《中国社会各阶级的分析》D、《新民主主义论》 34.康有为提出“断发易服”时说:“今则万国交通,一切趋于尚同,而吾以一国衣服独异??今为机器之世,多机器则强,少机器则弱,辫发与机器不相容也。”“中国宽衣博带,长裙雅步而施万国竞争之世??诚非所宜。” 在此,康有为要表达的中心思想是A.进行政治变革,建立君主立宪政体 B.进行经济变革,大力发展机器生产

C.变革社会风俗,使中国与世界文明融合D.要求政府“断发易服”,采用汉人装束 35.“这个时期的艺术家们,对建立在理性基础上的工业社会表示怀疑,不屑于表面的客观真实,致力于探索离奇别致的形式技巧。”引文描述的艺术形式是 A. 古典主义B. 浪漫主义 C. 现实主义 D. 现代主义


A.世界银行的成立B.国际货币基金组织的成立 C.《关税及贸易总协定》的签署 D.联合国的成立


A.中国人排外情绪严重 B.中国还没开始近代化 C.美国记者对中国人有偏见D.近代中国人的愚昧迷信

38.列宁在十月革命后提出一个著名的公式:苏维埃政权+普鲁士的铁路管理秩序+美国的技术和托拉斯组织+美国的国民教育??= 社会主义。这表明 A.列宁改变了马克思关于社会主义建设的传统理论 B.列宁主张利用资本主义改造社会主义

C.列宁主张利用资本主义国家的进步因素建设社会主义 D.列宁已经认识到计划和市场的本质 的百分比表。由此可见( ) 试卷第5页,总8页



英 语 试 题

命题人:饶志民 审题人:喻晓娟 官水兰

第一部分听力 (共两节,满分30分) 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What’s the meaning of the mother?

A. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.B.A good beginning is half way to success.C. A year’s plan starts with spring.

2. What does the woman think many people should do? A. They should take more exercise to keep fit.

B. They should stay at home to relax themselves after a hard-working day.C. They should listen to some music or watch TV. 3. Where can the woman find a computer?

A. In the computer room. B. In the man’s office. C. In the man’s house.

4. What’s Teresa’s attitude to cutting the school budget by cutting all the cultural programs? A. She supports it. B. She opposes it. C. She doesn’t express her opinion. 5. What is the man’s favorite?

A. Ice creamB. Coffee ice cream. C. Bread. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话和独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。

6. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Mother and son. B. Teacher and student. C. Shop assistant and customer. 7. How is the jacket?

A. It is too tight. B. It is too big. C. It is too small.

江西省重点中学协作体考试英语试卷第1页 共12页 8. Which statement of the following is NOT true?

A. They are at home now. B. They will go to exchange the jacket right now. C. They will exchange the jacket later. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11 题. 9. When is the class party to be held at last?

A. This Saturday. B. Tomorrow evening. C. Next Monday. 10. Why can’t Mary have her class party today?

A. Because the students are preparing for a test and they won’t come. B. Because the students will go home for their weekends.C. Because Mark has no time to help her organize the class party. 11. Who will buy the food and drinks? A. Mark. B. Mary. C. One student. 听第8段材料,回答第12至14 题.

12. How long did the eruption of Mount Vesuvius Volcano last when it erupted in 79 AD? A. One day. B. One month. C. Two days. 13. Which of the following is true about Pompeii?

A. Pompeii looked almost the same as it had looked in 79AD.B. An American scientist discovered it.

C. Pompeii lay under the stones and ashes for a hundred years. 14. How does Tony learn about Pompeii?

A. He learns about it from the TV programme. B. He learns about it from the newspaper. C. He learns about it from the woman. 听第9 段材料,回答第15 至17题.

15. What was Marilyn before her baby was born?

A. She was a toy designer. B. She was a fashion designer. C. She was a photographer. 16. What does Marilyn worry about?

A. Her family. B. Her husband. C. Her son, Max. 17.Who is Rita Mae?

A. Marilyn’s secretary. B. Marilyn’s colleague. C. Marilyn’s boss. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题. 18. What is skin-diving?

A. A club. B. An organization. C. A new sport. 19. What is one of the most interesting parts of skin-diving? A. Catching fish. B. Climbing a big rock. C. Swimming.

江西省重点中学协作体考试英语试卷 第2页 共12页

20. What purpose does the author write the passage?

A. To introduce skin-diving to people. B. To ask people to swim in the club. C. To attract people to join in the club. 第二部分:词汇知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,满分l5分)


21. Now _____ understanding of climate change is no longer limited to ____ small group of scientists or

environmentalists. A. / ; a

B. an ; a

C. the ; the

D. a ; /

22. In view of all sorts of rumors and guesses, experts carried out some careful and scientific research and ____the possibility of a second earthquake in this area.

A. blamed B. discountedC. attendedD. charged

23. The Los Angeles district attorney on Monday charged Michael Jackson's personal physician, Coad Murray, ______ involuntary manslaughter in connection with the pop icon's death in June. A. of B. for C. withD. as

24. Toyota Motor President Akio Toyoda on Monday apologized to Chinese consumers , who ________ the world's biggest auto market , over the company's massive global recall. A. make upB. bring up C. put down D. set down

25.Failure hurts grown-ups and children___________,but it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it.

A.actively B.likelyC.alikeD.similarly

26. The Niagara Waterfalls, _____ is shaped like a semicircle, are 670meters wide, and fall 56 meters in an awesome white sheet of water.

A. whichB. where C. the largest of whichD. in which

27. During his first trip to China, President Obama discussed some key global issues such as economic recovery, climate change, _______ nuclear weapons in his talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao. A. and stopping to spread B. to stop spreading C. to stop to spread

D. and stopping the spread of

28.—Wow, you look good. Your hair looks fantastic. You’re such a wonderful friend. You’re so generous.

I’ve always liked you.

—________! Get to the point. I haven’t got food all day. A.Enough




29.A report by the Chinese Academy of Social Science said _______among new graduates grew to over 12 percent last year at 1.5 million because of the global economic crisis.

江西省重点中学协作体考试英语试卷第3页 共12页 A.disagreement B.enlargementC.unemployment D.encouragement

30.You_____ use your cell phone here in our hospital because of the disturbance to the electronic equipments! It’s forbidden.

A.shouldn’t B.may not C.needn’tD.mustn’t

31. Space exploration is something that China has done to create jobs in a high-tech industry, to show ―______ don't just make cheap clothes‖. A. We B. You C. They D. I

32. _____ is it about the case _____ FBI is so interested in? A. What, thatB. What, where C. As, that D. As, where 33.---Will you come over to Beijing for the May Day holiday?

---I’d like to, bu A.are visiting B.are to visit

C.will be visiting

D.will visit

34.More attention should be paid ______on Yingtan where the l3th Jiangxi’s Game will be held in


A.for focusing B.to focus C.to focusing D.to focuses 35. One of the men held the view _____the book said was right. A. what thatB. that what C. that D. what 第二节完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and you can imagine how excited they were. Certainly the boy was as the apple of their eyes.

One morning, the husband saw a medicine bottle .As he was late for work, he asked his wife the matter. The boy playfully went to the medicine bottle, was with its color, and drank it all. It to be a poisonous medicineadults in small dosages. When the child showed of poisoning, the mother took him to the hospital, where he died. The mother was stunned(使昏迷).She was too to face her husband. When the father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he his wife and uttered just four words.

The husband just said ― ‖

The husband was indeed in human relationships. The child was dead. He could be brought back to life. There was no in finding fault with the mother. , if only he had taken time to keep the bottle in the cupboard or other place, this would not have happened. No one is . She had also lost her only child .What she needed at that moment was comfort and from the

江西省重点中学协作体考试英语试卷 第4页 共12页

husband. That was what he gave her.

If everyone can look at life with this kind of perspective, there would be much fewer problems in the world. Sometimes we spend time in asking who is or whom to blame, whether in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know. In this way, we will some warmth in human relationship . 36.A.treatedB.thoughtC.lookedD.abandoned 37.A.shut



D.open 38.A.put it aside

B.set it asideC.put it away

D.leave it alone

39.A.completely forgetting

B.wholly terrified

C.totally forgot

D.absolutely remembered 40.A.satisfied B.fascinatedC.puzzledD.calmed 41.A.happened B.seemedC.appearedD.occurred 42.A.stood for B.left for

C.meant forD.called for 43.A.symbols B.signals


D.signs 44.A.ashamed B.frightenedC.annoyedD.worried 45.A.awful


C.heartbrokenD.patient 46.A.looked at B.smiled atC.glared at

D.glanced at

47.A.I hate you, now.

B.How do you do? C.How did this happen?

D.I love you, Darling. 48.A.an idiot B.a genius C.a successD.an evil 49.A.neverB.seldomC.even

D.once 50.A.wonder



D.worry 51.A.Therefore B.OtherwiseC.Besides D.However 52.A.to blameB.to be blamed C.to be accused

D.to be noticed 53.A.explanation B.courageC.excuse

D.sympathy 54.A.suitable B.believableC.accessible

D.responsible 55.A.make out

B.look out

C.stand out

D.miss out




I made a promise to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father. Totally loving. No ifs, ands or buts.

The idea had come to me as I listened to a talk on my car radio. The speaker was quoting a Biblical passage about husbands and their wives. Then he went on to say, ―Love is an act of will. A person can

江西省重点中学协作体考试英语试卷第5页 共12页 choose to love.‖ To myself, I had to admit that I had been a selfish husband. Well, for two weeks that would change.

And it did. On arriving at the beach cottage, I kissed Evelyn meeting me at the door and said, ―That new yellow sweater looks great on you.‖ ―Oh, Tom, you noticed‖, she said, surprised and pleased. Maybe a little puzzled. After the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn suggested a walk on the beach. I started to refuse, but then I thought, ―Evelyn’s been alone here with the kids all week and now she wants to be alone with me.‖ We walked on the beach while the children flew their kites.

So it went. Two weeks of not calling the Wall Street firm where I am a director; a visit to the shell museum though I usually hate museums. Relaxed and happy, that’s how the whole vacation passed. I made a new promise to keep on remembering to choose love.

There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment, however. Evelyn and I still laugh about it today. On the last night at our cottage, preparing for bed, Evelyn stared at me with the saddest expression.

―What’s the matter?‖ I asked her.

―Tom,‖ she said in a voice filled with distress, ― I don’t?‖ ―What do you mean?‖

―Well…that checkup I had several weeks ago…our doctor…did he tell you something about me? Tom, you’ve been so good to me…am I dying?‖

It took a moment for it all to be understood. Then I burst out laughing.

―No, honey,‖ I said, wrapping her in my arms. ―You’re not dying; I’m just starting to live.‖ 56. From the story we may infer that Tom drove to the beach cottage ______.

A. with his family B. with Evelyn C. aloneD. with his children

57. During the two weeks on the beach, Tom showed more love to his wife because ______.

A. he was determined to be a good husband B. he had made a lot of money in his Wall Street firm C. she looked lovely in her new clothes D. the doctor said his wife was seriously ill

58. The author says, ―There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment.‖ What does ―one thing‖ refer to?

A. He praised her sweater, which puzzled her.

B. She insisted on visiting a museum, which he hated. C. He knew something about her illness but didn’t tell her. D. He was so good to her that she thought she must be dying. 59. By saying ―I’m just starting to live,‖ Tom means that ______.

A. he is just beginning to understand the real meaning of life

江西省重点中学协作体考试英语试卷 第6页 共12页

B. he is just beginning to enjoy life as a loving husband C. he lived an unhappy life before and is now starting to change D. he is beginning to feel regret for what he did to his wife before


TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010 Frequently Asked Questions What is TEENSGIVING?

TEENSGIVING is an exciting event where hundreds of New York City teens gather together annually for a remarkable day of community service. This year, TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010 participants will once again better New York City and impact thousands of lives!


All over New York City. Everyone will meet at the 92nd Street Y (92nd and Lexington) at 9:00 am for the event kick-off. Then, all TEENSGIVING volunteers will disperse across the city to work with our partnering agencies where they will make a HUGE difference (and have fun!). Who participates in TEENSGIVING?

Hundreds of teenagers from around the city. Teens come from the 92nd Street Y, various city schools, youth groups, and organizations in the area. In addition, many adult volunteers (ages 21 and older) will donate their time to TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010. What projects do participants do at the agencies?

Sample projects include painting park benches, planting gardens, visiting and playing with underprivileged children, assembling craft kits for children in hospitals, assisting at animal shelters, working at soup kitchens, delivering meals and celebrating with families at homeless shelters. Do I get anything for participating in TEENSGIVING?

Yes! Everybody benefits! Teen volunteers will receive *6 hours* of community service credit, good towards honor society, high school graduation and college application requirements. Adult volunteers will be ―thanked‖ with a light breakfast, a gift certificate for their troubles, and the satisfaction of helping our city’s youth contribute to their community. In addition, all teen and adult volunteers will receive a cool TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010 T-shirt. This sounds awesome! How do I register for TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010?

Interested teens and/or adults should e-mail the TEENSGIVING Coordinator Josh Hyman at

江西省重点中学协作体考试英语试卷第7页 共12页 jhyman@92Y.org (subject: TEENSGIVING) to receive more information and to register for this fantastic event!

**Teens can also contact their school’s Community Service Advisor** TEENSGIVING is sponsored by the 92nd Street Y. 60. TEENSGIVING is an event held ____________.

A. from time to time B. every year C. every two years D. twice a year

61. An adult volunteer may get ______ for his time devoted to TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010. A. community service credit and a T-shirt B. a high school certificate and a light breakfast C. a T-shirt and a gift certificate D. a gift certificate and community service credit 62. The writer’s purpose in writing the passage is to __________. A. inform readers of some frequently asked questions B. introduce TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010 to readers C. encourage readers to ask more questions about TEENSGIVING D. call on readers to participate in TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010


China news, Beijing, Feb. 9 – Housing price in China has always aroused heated discussions among property developers and ordinary Chinese. To many property developers and local government officials, housing price in China is still low compared with many developed countries. However, the average housing price in the United States is only 8,000 yuan per square meter, while in China, it is even higher than in the United States. This shows that there are some bubbles(泡沫) in Chinese real estate (房地产) market, the International Finance News reported.

Although the average price of residential houses in the United States, after converted to Renminbi, is about 8,000 yuan per square meter, the houses in US are not sold in terms of building area, as most Chinese property developers do when they sell their houses. If US property developers sell their houses according to the building area, then the housing price will be even lower than 8,000 yuan per square meter. In most big Chinese cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, houses are sold at a price even higher than those in the US.

The high housing sales price in large cities in China proves that Chinese real estate market does have some bubbles. Moreover, Chinese houses can not be compared with houses in US in terms of building quality, environment and supporting facilities. Furthermore, it should be noted that American people’s average income is several dozen times higher than that of Chinese people. How can the Chinese afford to buy a house which is even more expensive than that sold in US?

At the beginning of 2007, Chinese government issued a set of policies that aimed to benefit the public. Now in order to reduce the high housing prices, the government can regulate (控制) the real estate market

江西省重点中学协作体考试英语试卷 第8页 共12页

by raising tax on property industry and controlling the release of loans to property developers. At the same time, the government should allow people to build more houses through various fund-raising channels, such as funds collected from buyers or raised by working units. By applying these multiple means, it is expected that the high housing prices can be lowered.

63.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A.Chinese houses can not be compared with houses in US in terms of building quality, environment

and supporting facilities.

B.American people’s average income is several dozen times higher than that of Chinese people.

C.The houses in US are not sold in terms of building area, as most Chinese property developers do when they sell their houses.

D.There are more people who need houses in China than those in the United States. 64.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.The Chinese government should do something to control the housing price. B.There are some bubbles in Chinese real estate market.

C.The average housing price in China is even higher than in the United States.

D.The Chinese government issued a set of policies that aimed to benefit the public. 65.How many measures are mentioned in the last paragraph in order to reduce the high housing prices? A.Four




66. It can be inferred from the passage that ______ A. Housing price in China has lowered since 2007.

B. There will be no bubbles in Chinese real estate after the government raises tax on property industry. C. Ordinary Chinese are looking forward to seeing that the high housing prices will be lowered. D. More ordinary Chinese will buy a house in America instead of in China.


After years of hearing drivers complain about scratches (划痕) on their cars, Japan's Nissan Motor Company has officially announced the next big thing--a paint that not only resists scratches and scrapes, but actually repairs itself within a few days.

The new material, developed by Nippon Paint Company, contains an elastic rubbery-like resin (弹性树脂) that is able to heal minor (较小的) marks caused by car wash equipment, parking lot encounters, road debris (石头碎片) or even on-purpose destruction.

The automaker admits its results vary depending on the temperature and the depth of the damage, but adds this is the only paint like it in the world, and tests prove it works.

Minor scratches, the most common type, are said to slowly fade over about a week. And once they're

江西省重点中学协作体考试英语试卷第9页 共12页 gone, there is no trace (痕迹) that they were ever there.

The special paint is said to last for at least three years after it is first applied, but there is no word yet on whether more can be added after that period.

Nissan claims car washes are the worst offenders for this type of damage, accounting for at least 80 percent of all incidents.

But the complete auto-healing won't come without scratching your wallet. The vehicle maker notes the special paint adds about $ 100 US to the price of a car.

more widespread presentation. And while plans to offer the feature overseas haven't been made yet, if it's a hit there, you can be almost sure market forces will drive it to these shores, as well. ( ) 67. From the article, we can find that_______. A. the paint has already been used on cars by now

B. the paint beats other products of its kind in its lengthy effect C. car damage is mainly caused by scratches and scrapes D. marketing this paint in Europe is not under way ( ) 68. The paint used on cars can_________. A. last 3 years before it is re-applied again B. fade only in a few days

C. help to protect cars from minor paint damage D. reduce car scrape incidents to 20 percent ( ) 69. What does the underlined part refer to?

A. Certain models of Nissan.B. Name for one kind of paint.

C. Somewhere in Japan. D. A word standing for a car-dealer store. ( ) 70. What can be inferred from the article?

A. The paint was developed by Nissan Motor Company. B. The paint might work better in summer than in winter.

C. The mark on the car could disappear as soon as the paint is applied. D. The paint is very popular in Japan.


Fear can be a wonderful feeling in our lives, protecting us from dangerous situations and keeping us safe. But fear can also limit our lives significantly. While it may not be conscious, fear may make us think we are unacceptable or that what we have to offer isn’t valuable. Fear may make us feel that we are not safe being ourselves.

To avoid feeling fear, we may limit our lives greatly, living in tiny boxes. Living this way gives us the

江西省重点中学协作体考试英语试卷 第10页 共12页

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