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来源网站:免费论文网2017-01-26 11:54:48

篇一:七年级英语Unit 1-3

Unit 1-3


()1. — Let’s play ______


— That sounds good.

But I don’t have _______


A. a; the B. a; a

C. the; a D. the; the

()2. Jill usually gets home

_________ 5:30 ______ the


A. at; on B. at; in

C. in; at D. on; in

()3. Now I have some

______ to do, so I can’t go to

the store with you.

A. workB. job

C. thing D. dream

()4. My sister is _______

of dogs, so she never plays

with them.

A. happyB.

afraid C. short

D. same

()5. — Let’s go to the

sports club and _______ after


— That sounds good.

Do you want to play tennis or


A. sing B.

swim C. write

D. exercise

()6. These days Miss Jones

doesn’t _________ to school

because her car doesn’t work.

A. walk B.

runC. ride

D. drive

()7. — Is Simon’s home

_______ from yours?

— No, his home is

next to mine.

A. farB.

old C. big

D. new

()8. Can you see ________

bread and eggs on the table?

A. many

B. lots ofC. much

D. a lot

()9. When you are free,

please write and ____me about

your school life, OK?

A. talk B.

say C. speak

D. tell

()10. If you are _________

old people, please help us at

the old people’s home.

A. good for

B. good withC.

good atD. busy with

()11. — ________ does he

get to school every day?

— He usually takes

the bus.

A. What B.

When C. How D. Why

()12. — What do you want

to do ________?

— On Saturday I

want to do my home+work and

on Sunday I want to play


初一英语下册Unit 1-Unit 3知识点总结

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?

1. join与join in辨析

join(=be in):“参加,加入”,指参加社团或组织并成为其中的成员。

Join in: “参加,加入”,指参加某项活动,尤其和其他人一起参加。

Join the army 参军 join the NBA 加入美国篮球协会 参加体育/音乐/英语/象棋俱乐部

2. play的用法

? play+the+乐器

play the guitar/the violin/the drums/the piano弹吉他/拉小提琴/敲鼓/弹钢琴

? play+球类运动

play basketball/soccer ball/football/tennis/volleyball/badminton打篮球/踢足球/踢足球/打网球/打排球/打羽毛球 ? play+其它

play chess/cards/computer games/sports下象棋/打牌/玩电脑游戏/做运动

3. club

a) 俱乐部的前面必须要用名词或动词的ing形式,如the chess/art/English/music/swimming club b) 俱乐部前面必须加定冠词the或不定冠词a/an。

4. good短语用法

a) be good at+ sth./doing sth=do well in. 擅长做某事

I am good at telling stories.我擅长讲故事。

b) be good with与?相处得好

Are you good with old people?你和老人相处得好吗?

c) be good for对?有好处

Eating apples is good for your health.吃苹果对你的身体有好处。

d) be good to=be friendly to对?友好

He is good to his students(=He is friendly to his students).他对他的学生很友好。

5. sing唱歌,swim游泳,dance跳舞,teach教,write写作,run跑步,drive开车


6. want用法

想要某人/某物 I want that pen.我想要那支笔。

want to do sth想要做某事 I want to go to the bookstore.我想去书店。

sb to do sth想要某人做某事I want you to clean the classroom.我想要你去打扫教室卫生。

7. like to do sth与like doing sth

like to do特指某一次的动作

like doing强调经常性的爱好


I like playing basketball.我喜欢打篮球。

I like to play the violin.我喜欢拉小提琴。

8. tell, talk, take,speak辨析

a) tell讲述,告诉

tell stories/a story 讲故事

tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事eg: I tell you a story.我告诉你一个故事。

tell sb to do sth.告诉某人做某事 eg: tell him to open the book告诉他打开书本

tel sb not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事eg: tell him not to open the book告诉他不要打开书本

b) talk说话,交谈

talk about sb/sth谈论某人/某事eg: They are talking about their eating habits.他们正在谈论他们的饮食习惯。 talk with sb和某人交谈(双方参与) eg: I want to talk with you.我想和你谈谈。

talk to sb跟某人说(一方听,一方说)eg: Please talk to Mr.Zhang after school.请放学后和张先生说。

c) take乘坐,花费,吃

take the bus/car/train/subway乘坐公共汽车/小汽车/火车/地铁

It takes me two hours to get home.到家花费了我两个小时。

take medicine吃药

d) speak+语言,表示说某种语言

speak English/Chinese/French/Japanese说英语/中文/法语/日语

9. do的用法

助动词,三单为does,其余人称用do。eg: Do you like music?你喜欢音乐吗?

do实意动词,表示“做、干”。eg: After school, I do my homework first.放学后,我先做我的家庭作业。

实意动词,表示“表演”。 eg: do Kung fu表演功夫

10. 祈使句:表示请求、命令等的句子叫祈使句。它的主语是听话人,一般不说出来,以动词原形开头。 Open your books and turn to page five.打开你们的书,翻到第五页。

Be quiet, boys.孩子们,安静点。

Come on!快点!

11. or,but,and,so辨析





Can you sing or dance?你会唱歌或者跳舞吗?

I like English, but she does not like.我喜欢英语,但是她不喜欢。

Can you sing and dance?你会唱歌和跳舞吗?

I do not have much time for breakfast, so I usually eat very quickly.


12. also,too辨析



I can speak English and I can also play soccer

=I can speak English and I can play soccer, too.我会说英语,我也会踢足球。

此外,too还可表示“太”的意思,如too difficult=too hard太难了, too easy太简单了

13. people,peoples辨析



I like to play games with people.我喜欢和人们玩游戏。

14. the old people’s home:养老院

on the weekend=on weekends:在周末 on school days在上学的日子里 on weekdays在工作日

call sb at+电话号码:用电话号码给某人打电话(sb需用代词的宾格形式)e.g. Call Mr.Brown at 293-7742 have time有时间have much time有许多时间

make friends交朋友

15. need to do sth需要做某事

We need you to help us.我们需要你来帮助我们。

16. help sb. to do sth. /help sb. with sth./ help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事

We need you to help with sports for English-speaking students.我们需要你在体育方面帮助说英语的学生。 Can you help me to finish the homework?你能帮助我完成家庭作业吗?

17. home用法辨析

(一) 表示动态概念。意思是“回家”,“到家”。前面不加介词。这里的home 是副词,表示目的地。 你每天什么时候回家? 他下班的开车回家。 她经常在回家途中买些东西。

(二) at home 表示静态概念。意思是“在家”。这里的home是名词,表示具体地点。 她在家吗? 他把书放在家里了

go home 回家get home 到家at home 在家(与go to school去学校,get to school到达学校对比记忆)

18. show用法 动词:给…看,展示:

show sb sth/show sth to sb展示给某人看 I show you my photos=I show my photos to you.我给照片给你看 名词:演出,节目:show time 作秀时间,表演开始 talk show脱口秀(美国脱口秀节目)

19. 职业…”

Musicians Wanted for School Music Festival学校音乐节招聘音乐家

20. 句型

a) What club do you want to join?你想参加什么俱乐部?

b) Can you swim? Yes, I can./No, I can’t.你会游泳吗?是的,我会。/不,我不会。 情态动词相关语法及用法:

①陈述句:情态动词can(能,会), may(也许), must(必须) + 动词原形;



③变否定句:can not(can’t)

eg. I can dance.我会跳舞。

Can you dance?你会跳舞吗?

c) What can you do? I can dance./I can’t sing.你会做什么?我会跳舞。/我不会唱歌。

Unit 2 What time do you go to school?

1. 动词短语

get up起床(get up early/get up late起床早/起床晚)

get dressed穿衣

brush teeth刷牙

eat breakfast/lunch/dinner=have breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早/中/晚/餐

take a shower=have a shower洗澡

take a walk=have a walk=go for a walk散步

go to bed上床睡觉(=go to sleep)

be late for迟到(be late for school上学迟到)

2. job,work辨析


Their jobs are standing and watching at the door.他们的工作是站着守门。

I am never late for work.我上班从来不迟到。

3. radio station广播电台TV station电视台 train station火车站 bus station公共汽车站

4. fun、funny辨析



Music is interesting and fun.音乐有趣好玩。

Eight thirty at night is a funny time for breakfast.晚上八点三十是一个搞笑的早餐时间。

have fun=have a good time玩得开心

5. exercise 锻炼、练习

动词Alan usually exercises at five o’clock every morning.艾伦常常每天早上五点钟做锻炼。 exercise

名词It’s good exercise.它是好的锻炼方式。 eye exercise眼保健操 sports exercise体育锻炼

6. 时间连词

when=while 当…时

then 然后

after that 在那之后

7. on、in、at辨析

in:具体到某年、某季节、某月;泛指上午/下午/晚上 in 2014, in spring, in July, in the morning on:具体到某一天或具体到某一天的上午/下午/晚上 on September 9th, on a cool evening

at:具体到某一时刻 at 10:00 o’clock

in the morning/at noon/in the afternoon/in the evening/at night在早上/中午/下午/晚上/夜晚

A.M.上午 P.M.下午

8. never,sometimes,usually,often辨析


sometimes有时(some time一段时间,some times几次,sometime某个时候)


9. time

表时间,不可数名词 What time is it now?



表次数,可数名词 three times三次

10. 系动词






That sounds good.那听起来不错。

It looks very nice.它看起来非常漂亮。

11. either…or…二选一 neither…nor… 两者都不

I either watch TV or play computer games.我要么看电视,要么玩电脑游戏。

连接两个主语时,其谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,即 "就近原则",either…or…和neither…nor…必须采用就近原则。

Either you or I going there tomorrow. 明天要么你去那里,要么我去那里。

Neither dad nor mom at home today. 今天父母都不在家

12. Here引导的倒装句

表位置的副词放在句首时, 如主语是代词,不倒装 ;

表位置的副词放在句首时, 如主语是名词,要用全部倒装。



13. 关于时间的问法


When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候? My birthday is Dec. 29th. 我的生日是12月29日。 上面句子就是指一天的时间段

When do you go home? 你几点回家? I go home at 4:30 p.m.我下午4:30回家.


(2)具体几点我们通常用what time提问

①What time is it now? 现在几点了? 或者What’s the time? 几点了?

It’s 9:26.现在九点二十六。

②What time is it by your watch? 你手表几点了?

It’s 8:36. Oh, It’s 50 minutes late 8:36,哦,它慢了50分钟。

③What time do you get up? 你几点起床?

I get up at 6:00 a.m. 我早上6点起床。

14. 如何表达时间概念(小时hour,分钟minute,秒钟second,复数在单词后面加-s即可)


Units 1—3综合能力评估试题

Class: _________ Name: _________ Full marks: 100 Your marks: _________




第一节:(共5小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分)



)1. How does the boy get to school?



)2. What club does Alan want to join? C


( )3. What can the boy’s

brother do? C



)4. What does Mike do at 8:00 p.m.? C



)5. How does the woman often go to work?


第二节:(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)



( )6. What does the boy want to do?

A. Go to the movies.B. Take a walk.C. Do his homework.


( )7. What club does Bob want to join?

A. The English club.B. The music club.


( )8. What time does Scott eat breakfast?

A. At 8:15. B. At 8:05.


( )9. How does Jane go to school?

A. By bus. B. By bike.


( )10. How far does Steve live from school?

A. About fifteen kilometers. B. About ten kilometers.


( )11. What can Anna do?

A. Draw.B. Sing.

( )12. What club is Anna in?

A. The English club.B. The sports club.


( )13. What time does Peter eat breakfast?

A. At 7:00. B. At 6:20.

( )14. How long does the bus ride take Peter?

A. About twenty minutes. B. About fifteen minutes.

( )15. How does Peter get to the bus stop?

A. On foot. B. By bike.


( )16. What can’t Helen play?

A. The guitar. B. The piano.

( )17. What club does Helen want to join?

A. The music club.B. The tennis club.

( )18. How does Helen usually go to school?

A. By bike. B. By bus.

( )19. Where does Helen eat lunch?

A. At school. B. At home.

( )20. What time does Helen go to bed?

A. At 9:00. B. At 9:30.



( )21. Can you play ______ guitar?

A. a B. an

( )22. —When do you go to school?

—______ 6:30. So I’m never late ______ school.

A. In; toB. At; for

( )23. Mr. Wang is our teacher, and he teaches ______ math.

A. weB. our

( )24. —What’s your ______? —I want to be a musician.

C. The art club. C. At 7:15. C. On foot. C. About five kilometers. C. Swim. C. The music club. C. At 6:00. C. About ten minutes. C. By car. C. The violin. C. The art club. C. By subway. C. At a restaurant. C. At 10:00. 第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节;满分30分) C. the C. At; to C. us

A. habitB. jobC. dream

( )25. The students cross the river on a ropeway every day, but they aren’t ______.

A. quickB. earlyC. afraid

( )26. Sally, can you ______ me with my history?

A. doB. helpC. play

( )27. In the morning, Peter ______ home and goes to work by train.

A. goesB. getsC. leaves

( )28. I like the food. It ______ good.

A. sellsB. tastesC. looks

( )29. —______ Bill dance? —Yes, he can.

A. CanB. DoesC. Is

( )30. It’s easy for her ______ a bus to school.

A. takeB. takesC. to take

( )31. —Is Cindy good at ______ the piano?


A. playing B. to play C. plays

( )32. —______ students are there in your class?—Sixty.

A. How many B. How much C. What

( )33. —Why does Tony ______ eat ice-cream at night?

—Because he knows it is not good for his teeth.

A. always B. usually C. never

( )34. —Can Bob play basketball?

—Yes. And he can play ping-pong ______.

A. alsoB. onlyC. too

( )35. —How long does it take you ______ to school every day?

—About 20 minutes by bus.

A. getting B. to get C. gets

( )36. —______ is it from your home to school?

—About five kilometers.

A. How many B. How much C. How far

( )37. —What do you ______ the village? —It’s interesting.

A. think of B. come on C. look at

( )38. Bill can ______ stories in English.

A. speakB. tellC. talk

( )39. —______?—By bike.

A. Where does your mother workB. How does your mother go to work

C. When does your mother go to work

( )40. —Do you go to school by bus or by subway?—______.

A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t C. By bus


阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 从题中所给的A、 B、 C三个选项中, 选出可以填入相应空


Dave is my mother’s brother. He is my ’sat 5:30 every morning. It’s isn’t it? Then he goes out to exercise. He often for half an hour. Then he takes a shower at 6:30. At about 7:20, he eats breakfast. After he goes to work at 7:40. His school is not far, he walks to school. He eats lunch at 12:00. He likes hamburgers lunch.

He goes home at about 5:30 in the afternoon. At about 6:30 he has dinner at home. He usually with his family. He loves his children (孩子) very much. He often them stories after dinner. He goes to bed at 10:00.

( )41. A. dadB. cousin C. uncle

( )42. A. smallB. busyC. new

( )43. A. takes a walk B. gets up C. eats breakfast

( )44. A. easyB. difficult C. early

( )45. A. singsB. draws C. runs

( )46. A. thoseB. thatC. them

( )47. A. butB. because C. so

( )48. A. at B. forC. with

( )49. A. thinksB. readsC. eats

( )50. A. tellsB. talksC. speaks


阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。


Bob: Hey, Bill!

Bill: Hi, Bob!

Bob: How are you?

Bill: Fine. How’re you doing?

Bob: Very good. What are you doing here?

Bill: I’m on my lunch break (午餐休息时间). How about you?

Bob: Me, too. Do you always come here for lunch?

Bill: Well, not always. Sometimes I come here. It’s a very good place.

Bob: What time do you usually have lunch?

Bill: I always have my lunch break from 11:30.

Bob: Oh, when do you have to go to work?

Bill: I usually have to go to work at 12:30. But today I have more time.

Bob: OK. Well, you know, I’m on my lunch break too, so why don’t we have lunch together (一起)?

Bill: Wow. That sounds great!

( )51. It’s time for Bob and Bill to ______.

A. have breakfast B. have lunch C. take a walk

( )52. Bill usually has a ______ break.

A. 20-minute B. 30-minute C. 60-minute

( )53. What time does Bill’s break finish today?

A. At 11:30. B. At 12:00. C. After 12:30.

( )54. Bill thinks Bob’s suggestion (建议) is ______.

A. goodB. boring C. funny

( )55. Bill and Bob could be ______.

A. brothers B. friends C. father and son


Dear Grace,

How are you? Thank you for your last e-mail. You want to know about my school clubs, right? Well, it’s time for us to join the school clubs now. There are many clubs in my school, like the English club, the art club, the music club and the sports club. I have two good friends, Jack and Lisa. We all want to join the school clubs.

I want to join the music club, because I can play the guitar. I can’t speak English well, but I also want to join

the English club. Jack likes sports. He can play soccer and basketball. He is in the school soccer team (队). He wants to join the sports club. He can play the guitar, too. But he doesn’t want to join the music club. Lisa likes drawing. She wants to join the art club. She also speaks English very well. I think she can be in the English club.

Are there many clubs in your school? What club are you in?

Please write and tell me about your school clubs.



( )56. Jack and Lisa are Jane’s ______.

A. friends B. cousins C. classmates

( )57. Jane wants to join ______.

A. the music club and the sports clubB. the English club and the sports club

C. the English club and the music club

( )58. Jack is in the school ______ team.

A. tennisB. soccer C. basketball

( )59. Lisa likes ______ and speaks good English.

A. singing B. dancing C. drawing

( )60. Who can play the guitar?

A. Jane and Lisa. B. Jane and Jack.C. Lisa and Jack.

Do you know that man? He is my uncle. His name is David Smith. He is forty-eight this year. He is a worker. He works in a Car Factory. His factory is not near his home. So he gets up early in the morning and takes a bus to work. At about seven thirty, he gets to his factory. He makes (生产) the parts (零件) of the car. He makes many every day. He works very hard. Everyone likes him and says he is a good worker. He has his lunch in the factory. He often plays basketball after work. In the evening, he learns Chinese at home. His Chinese is good, too. Sometimes he helps me with my Chinese. I like my uncle very much.

( )1. That man is ________________.

A. a teacher B. a bus driver C. a worker D. a player

( )2. He ______________________________.

A. teaches Chinese in a school B. works in a Car Factory

C. learns Chinese every dayB. helps me with my Chinese every day

( )3. He goes to work __________________.

A. by busB. on foot C. by taxiD. by bike

( )4. He _________________ in the factory.

A. has dinner B. plays basketball C. sleepsD. eats lunch

( )5. Which is not right?

A. Everyone likes my uncleB. My uncle can speak Chinese

C. My uncle is very lazy in the factory D. My uncle works very hard in the factory




从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话, 使对话意思完整、符合逻辑(有两项是多余的)。

A: Hi, Sam. What time do you get up on school days? At 7:00?

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