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来源网站:免费论文网2017-01-26 11:53:19


七年级(上)第一章 几何图形的初步认识 全章测试题


1.桌上放着一个茶壶,4个同学从各自的方向观察,请指出图中右边的四幅图,从左至右分别是由哪个同学看到的( )

(A)①②③④(B)①③②④ (C)②④①③





(C) (D)

3.图2是一个正方体,用一个平面去截这个正方体截面形状不可能为下图中的( ). (A) (D)

(B) (C) 图2

4.一个正方体,它的每面上写有一个字,组成“第四章数学题”,某同学掷得三次结果如图所示,那么“四”的对面是( )

(A) 第 (B) 章 (C) 数(D) 学


A.4个B.5个 C.6个D.7个



从左面看 6.用一个平面去截几何体从任何方向截得的形状都一样的是( ) A.正方体



下面四幅平面图形,哪一幅是从物体的上方看到的( )




8.如图,把一个立方体以一个顶点着地朝上立放,若此时该立方体正上方有一盏灯,则该立方体的影子是( )

9.用平面去截一个几何体,如截面为矩形,则几何体不可能是( )


C.长方体 D.正方体 10.下列图中,左边的图形是立方体的表面展开图,把它折叠起来,它会变成右边的(






2.桌上摆满了朋友们送来的礼物,小狗贝贝好奇地想看个究竟.①小狗先是站在地面上看;②然后抬起了前腿看;③唉,还是站到凳子上看吧;④最后,它终于爬上了桌子?.请你根据小狗四次看礼物的顺序,把下面四幅图片按对应字母正确排序为 .

(a) (b) (c) (d


3.用一个垂直于底面的平面去截一个正方体、圆柱休、六棱柱,截面分别是 、 、

4. 图是一个三棱柱,用一个平面去截这个三棱柱,截面形状可能为下图中的____ (填序号)。

5..如图,将下面这个图案折起来组成一个正方体,数字_________ 会在与数字2所在的平面相对的平面上。



第7题图 第8题图

7.下面的几何体中,属于柱体的有( );属于锥体的有( ),属于球体的有( ) 8.图中,各图形绕虚线旋转一周,可以形成的几何体分别是________、________、_________、

_________ .




四 探究题.(16分)

如图,摆放在地上的正方体的大小均相等,现在把露在外面的表面涂成红色.从上向下数,每层正方体露在外面的小正方形的个数分别为: 第1层:侧面个数+上面个数=1×4+1=4+1=5;







第4层 ??.


⑴求第6层有多少个面被涂成红色? ⑵求第n层有多少个面被涂成红色?




Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)

一. 单项选择 (15分)

()1. — What’s your favourite _________?

— Pears.

A. fruit B. drink C. colour D. food

()2. _________ Canada, people like to have cereal and bread _________ breakfast.

A. At; in B. In; on C. In; forD. At; of

()3. — Is it _________ shopping list?

— No, it’s _________.

A. your; Hey B. your; Hey’sC. Hey; your D. Hey’s; you

()4. I like tea, _________ I don’t like coffee.

A. becauseB. or

C. so D. but

()5. The skirt is too long. Please give me a _________ one.

A. bigB. old C. short D. new

()6. The song is great. Do you want to _________ it?

A. put onB. listen to C. play withD. take down

()7. — How much _________ the bread?

— _________ eight yuan.

A. is; It’s B. are; They’re C. are; It’s D. is; They’re

()8. _________ the picture. What can you _________ in it?

A. Watch; look B. See; look C. Look; watch D. Look at; see

()9. Mary _________ watch TV in the evening. She often _________ books.

A. doesn’t; read B. don’t; reads C. doesn’t; readsD. don’t; read

() 10. The oranges look _________. Let’s buy some.

A. good B. bad C. small D. funny

() 11. — _________ do you eat lunch?— In the office.

A. How B. What C. WhenD. Where

() 12. Jim tells jokes (笑话) to make her _________.

A. laughing B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughs

() 13. — May I look at your new camera?— Sure. _________

A. Thank you.B. Here you are.C. You’re welcome. D. See you.

() 14. — _________ — I’m sad.

A. Why are you angry? B. Are you tired?

C. What do you look like? D. How do you feel?

() 15. — Let’s play football after school.

— _________

A. That’s all right.C. Good job!

B. Good idea!D. Let me see.

二. 完形填空(10分)

I have a brother. His name Ben. We look . I am tall, but Ben is short. Ben a big mouth, but my mouth is small. I have big eyes, his eyes are small. Ben and I like different and colours. I like white shirts, blue shorts and brown shoes. is Ben’s favourite colour, so he likes to black coats, black pants and black shoes. like different food, too. Ben often has hamburgers and coke meals (餐). But I don’t like hamburgers or coke. I like having rice and noodles. I like egg noodles, but Ben doesn’t like to eggs. ()16. A. am

B. is B. old

C. are

D. be D. different

()17. A. funny C. new

()18. A. shows B. hasC. puts ()19. A. but B. or

C. /

()20. A. food

B. booksC. clothes ()21. A. Black B. WhiteC. Red ()22. A. borrow B. planC. catch ()23. A. We

B. TheyC. She ()24. A. from B. for

C. on ()25. A. play

B. paint

C. eat

三. 阅读理解 (20分)



() 26. The are the cheapest (最便宜的).A. shorts B. skirts

C. T-shirts D. hats

() 27. The store has . A. red shorts B. blue skirts

C. yellow T-shirts D. white hats

() 28. The come in three colours.A. T-shirts and hats

B. skirts and T-shirts

C. skirts and hats

D. needs D. so D. fruit D. Green D. wear D. You D. with D. draw

D. shorts and hats

() 29. The shorts, T-shirts and hats are in colour.

A. white B. blackC. red D. blue

() 30. Lily wants to buy a white skirt and a yellow hat. How much are they?

A. ¥155.B. ¥140. C. ¥130. D. ¥125.


Hello, my name is Liu Qiang. I’m a Chinese boy. I have short black hair, two big black eyes, a small nose and a big mouth. I have two friends in my class. They are Jenny and Hey. Jenny is from Canada. She is a beautiful girl. She has long blond hair. Her eyes are blue. Hey is an English boy. He has a big nose. His hair is short and red. His eyes are green. We like different food. Jenny likes rice and vegetables, but she doesn’t like meat. Hey likes fish a lot, but he doesn’t like noodles. What about me? I like dumplings with meat and cabbage, but I don’t like rice.

()31. What colour are Liu Qiang’s eyes?

A. Black.C. Green.

B. Blond. D. Red.

()32. Where is Jenny from?

A. China.C. England.

B. Canada.D. India.

()33. Is Hey’s hair long or short? A. Yes, it is.

C. It’s long.

B. No, it isn’t. D. It’s short.

()34. Who likes fish very much?

A. Liu Qiang. B. Jenny. C. Hey.

D. A Chinese girl.

()35. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Hey has a big nose and green eyes. B. Jenny is pretty and she likes vegetables.

C. Liu Qiang likes dumplings with meat and cabbage. D. Hey, Jenny and Liu Qiang are in different classes.

四. 词语运用(10分)

A) 根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。

36. The flowers in the park _________ (闻) very sweet. 37. There are _________ (十五) erasers in the box. 38. —Can I help you?

—Yes, please. I want to buy a _________ (紫色的) skirt.

39. Tom isn’t at school. He has a _________ (头痛) today.

40. My brother has two big _________ (明亮的) eyes and blond hair.

B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

41. My mother wants me _________ (eat) an apple a day. 42. The boy looks _________ (fun) in these clothes. 43. — What’s the matter?

— My leg _________ (hurt).

44. I like vegetables and _________ (tomato) are my favourite. 45. It’s raining outside. Mike _________ (have) to stay home. 五. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 (10分) 46. 名单上有我们的名字吗?

Are our names?

47. 吃了这药,你就会感觉好起来的。

and you’ll feel better.

48. 我的文具盒里装满了铅笔。

My pencil box pencils. 49. 记下我的号码,明天给我打电话。

my phone number and call me tomorrow.

50. 不要喝太多咖啡,它对你的健康不好。

Don’t drinkcoffee. It’s bad for your health. 六. 句型转换(10分)


51. John goes to the library every day. (改为一般疑问句)

_________ John _________ to the library every day?

52. Liu Xia is in Class Five. (变为否定句)

Liu Xia _________ _________ in Class Five.


_________ _________ is the pair of shoes?


_________ _________ Kate _________ _________ ?




第1、4版:缤纷课后 这两版以阅读为主,为学生提供丰富的课外阅读素材,培养学生听、说、读、写的技能,以帮助学生不断提高英语综合理解和阅读能力。

第2版 同步讲解

小小笔记本 分析和讲解本期辅导内容的重难点。

百炼成钢 对重点知识的练习和辅导。

语法课堂 针对本期的重点语法知识进行讲解与练习。

词语贴士 对本单元词汇、短语的巩固。


第3版 基础巩固


第5、6版 综合测评


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