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阅读速度是按每分钟阅读的词数来衡量的。普通中学生阅读英语的速度应该是每分钟100个词。如何测算阅读速度,怎样才能读得快,是有一定方法的。请你根据自己阅读英语的实践和体会写一篇文章,回答上述两个问题。How to Read Fast

Reading speed is measured by WPM.For an average middle school student, a reading speed should be about 100WPM. To calculate ① your WPM, you need two measurements. First, count or estimate② the total number of words in the reading material. Second, keep an accurate record of the time you spend reading the material. With these two measurements, you can make any reading passage into a speed reading exercise. The following may be helpful to improve your reading speed:

1.Do not move your lips when reading. This slows you down.

2. Do not move your head from side to side when reading. Practise using your eyes to scan③ the page.

3. Do not use your finger to point to the words or lines as you are reading. Your hand cannot move as fast as your eyes.

4.Find a quiet place to read. The fewer distractions④, the better your concentration⑤.

5.Look, for context clues⑥, to get the meaning of new words.

6.Increase your scanning ability. Try not to read separate words but groups of words.

7.Time your reading speed. Practise estimating the number of words in a passage and calculate your reading speed.

8.Practise scanning for important words of nouns and verbs. This allows you to read faster, yet you will still catch the important words to get the general idea of the passage.

①calculate ['k$lkjuleit]v.计算;预测

②estimate ['estimeit] v.估计;估量

③scan [sk$n] v.浏览;扫描

④distraction [dis'tr$kM n] n.分心;精神涣散

⑤concentration[?k&ns n'treiM n] n.集中;专心

⑥context clue['k&ntekst klu:]上下文线索


篇二:学习材料1-阅读技巧-Guess Word Meaning-With key

In order to practice your skills in understanding words in context, find the meaning of the underlined words (Words in 1-10 are imaginary) in the sentences.

1. He picked up a heavy dogjub, carefully inserted it between the tire & the rim, and after throwing his full weight against the tool managed to break the tight seal .

a. hammer-like tool b. knifec. tire-iron d. a saw

2. His rage was so great that his face became twisted with anger and his cheeks turned rorten.

a. down b. redc. frostyd. scraggly

3. The wild dogs savagely ruggeyed the stray sheep leaving the uneaten carcasses to rot .

a. killed b. chased c. surrounded d. collected.

4. With his only source of income gone, the old man became altute, only buying necessary items of foods.

a. lazy b. panicky c. shoddy d. greedy

5. The man drove frumily trying to get his pregnant wife to the hospital in

time .

a. hurriedly b. calmly c. happilyd. badly

6. The play would have been enjoyable if the actors had spoken more pogily; it was impossible to hear them past the fifth row.

a. kindly b. sharply c. softly d. loudly

7. Because the speaker of the evening was so abacent, the auditorium was completely full.

a. boringb. disliked c. famousd. uninformed

8. The lawyer asked the court for an imperat since his client was ill and in the hospital.

a. judgment b. indictment c. convictiond. delay

rough storm was coming .

a. force b. directionc. humidityd. clouds

a. well-behavedb. rowdy and loud

c. cleverd. understanding

11. I put them altogether in a bundle, wrapped them up with newspapers, & tied them securely.

a. a suitcase b. a pile c. a box

12. I pinched pieces out of the loaf and ripped ravenously at the herring. With each bite, I cast side glances like a guilty thing, nobody should see the way I ate.

a. politelyb. forcefully c. weakly

13. The other passengers began to nod their heads, each out-snoring the other in their thick sleep.

a. making a louder noise than others

b. whispering louder than others

c. dreaming

14. Only a leisured quietness whispered in the air.

a. hurriedb. happy c. easy

15. There was in them that sure settled look of those who belong to the world in which they were born.

a. certain b. confidentc. uneasy

16. Glimmering lights on passing boats, the floating voices of young people.

a. shiningb. broken c. waving

17. This is a compulsory course. You can’t get credit in any other course

unless you satisfy this requirement.

a. needed b. required c. enjoyable

18. She made me jump over the hurdles…I bumped & scratched myknees on the bar of the hurdles .

a. difficulties b. gym equipment c. obstacles

19. I flung myself on the ground, beating with my fists against the endless sorrows of my life.

a. satb. threw c. stood

20. So near they seemed, so compassionate. My bitter hurt seemed to grow small & drop away.

a. caring b. far away c. happy

21. The Egyptian king, or pharaoh, as he’s known, was considered divine.

a. presidentb. king c. slave d. easily

22. The young puppy tenaciously held on to his bone. The children could not get it from him .

a. firmly b. happily c. carelessly b. easily

23. She seemed to have a glib answer for every question. Because each answer came so easily & neatly, her story sounded too perfect.

a. angryb. tearfulc. smooth-talkingd. hardness

24. The intensity of the cold soon numbed his nose and cheek.

a. increase b. extreme strength c. great quantity d. hardness

25. A dynamic presentation often arouses audience response.

a. destructiveb. designatedc. powerlessd. forceful

26. Federal law necessitates that citizens pay an income tax.

a. urges b. compiles c. requires d. rules out

27. Because of her experience & success in the courtroom, she was sought as a consultant by several companies.

a. clientb. advisorc. laborerd. official

28. Whether to leap into the shark-filled waters or to cling to the rapidly

burning boat, this was his dilemma.

a. opinionb. main problemc. difficultd. dream

29. The problems of autonomy are different from those of colonies.

a. smallb. self rulingc. richd. backward

30. When she made her suggestion, the group into derisive laughter. She

resented being made fun of and cried.

a. softb. loudc. ridiculingd. sympathetic





北语没有提供考纲之类的东西,只告诉语言学参考书是胡壮麟的《语言学教程(修订版)》。(09年不知是否会换成该书的第三版)所以能知道该书哪些章节是重点,能让我们有的放矢。我这里所说的三星级重点,即最重要的章节是该书的前五章。不知道外校的考生,他们学校开过这门课没有!我们北语大三下学期讲前五章,大四上学期讲的6,7,8,9,12这几章。下面,我们先谈谈前五章该如何复习。Chapter1: Invitations to linguistics;Chapter2: Speech Sounds;Chapter3: Lexicon;Chapter4: Syntax (新版中,这章改成From Word to Text,是变化最大的一章,变化的结果是比以前的简单了);Chapter5: Meaning。这五章可以说是语言学的基础和考试的重点。我们一定要反复看,理解其中的定义等知识点。一定要在理解的基础上记忆。

Chapter1: Invitations to linguistics


Design features of language: Arbitrariness, duality, creativity, displacement. 这四个特征要求理解,牢记,能背出定义。能举出代表性的例子来支持定义。总之是非常重要。

Functions of language: informative, interpersonal function, performative, emotive function, phatic communion, recreational function, metalingual function. 这7个功能也得记住,而且理解。能举出例子。填空容易考其中一个。 Important distinctions in linguistics: descriptive / prescriptive, synchronic / diachronic, langue / parole, competence / performance. Etic / Emic. 5对区别特征也非常重要,尤其前四对区别特征,他们几乎是学语言学的必备知识,连这个都不知道,以后就没法学习了!而且有俩对区别特征都是语言学的创始人索绪尔最先提出的。所以这些区别特征的定义等相关知识点都需要记住。最后那个区别特征Etic / Emic 不是特别重要,而且我看到新版《语言学教程》已经把这个特征删除了!

Chapter2: Speech Sounds

首先对Phonetics(语音学)和 phonology(音系学)俩个概念要区分下。

语音学部分:发音器官还是要熟悉,也有助于后面语音描述的学习。另外,声带(vocal card)的三个位置(apart, closed together, totally closed),分别产生清音(voiceless),浊音(voived)和喉塞音(glottal stop).这部分最重要的还算辅音和元音了。辅音要熟记发音部位和发音方法,能熟练的根据描述,写出对应的语音,或者能描述给出的辅音,这应该是必考得!元音的考察方式跟辅音一样。但元音考得个数少。10个小题里,可能是3个元音描述,7个辅音描述。最后就是coarticulation的定义和理解,举出例子。对什么是宽式标音(broad transcription)和窄式标音(narrow transcription) 也应该熟悉。

音系学部分:理解通过最小对立体的分析,得出的音位(phonemes)的概念.记住音位phoneme 的定义;音位变体(allophones)的定义; 互补分布(complementary distribution)的定义. 音位过程(phonological process) 只要熟悉 Nasalization, Dentalization, Velarization, Devoicing 这四个就可以了,自己记几个例子,以防万一!大家也看过书了,音位过程这部分还有些其它知识,挺难的。对于你自己认为很艰涩难懂的东西,其实考试考得可能也不大。这是我们语言学任课老师说的。最后,剩下音节(syllables)了,虽然这个知识点放在本章的最后,以前我以为不重要,但08年,我们有个5分的定义题(definition),就考了syllables的定义!所以大家对音节结构那块还是熟记下。 Chapter3: Lexicon

这章的第二节:The formation of word 和第三节 the lexical change 重要。对词素(morphemem)的定义,分类要熟记。Word 形成的俩种方式复合(compound)和派生(derivation)也要熟悉。另外语素变体(Allomorph) 的定义等也要熟悉。 词汇变化(the lexical change)这部分,介绍了7种词汇演变的方式,只要记住这7种方式,能给每个方式举个例子就可以了。最后的语义变化(semantic change)这部分,我觉得broadening, narrowing, meaning shift, class shift 需要了解下。

Chapter4: Syntax



The traditional approach: number, gender, case , tense 和aspect 要区别清楚。几个重要概念要背会:Concord, Government.

The structural approach: 索绪尔提出的俩个重要概念:组合关系(syntagmatic relation)和聚合关系(paradigmatic relation),他们的定义一定要在理解的基础上记住。索绪尔的另外俩个概念:能指(signified)和所指(signifier)也很重要。注意区分structure 和system. 因为前者体现了组合关系(syntagmatic relation);后者体现了聚合关系(paradigmatic relation)。本章的另一个重点是直接成分分析法(IC analysis)。直接成分(immediate constitute)的定义应该记住。如果给你个句子,你要能够用IC analysis 分析。08年我们就考了这样一道题!这部分的另一个重点是向心结构(endocentric constructions)和离心结构(exocentric construction)。理解这两种结构,能够举出典型的例子。

The generative approach: 第一个重点是deep structure 和surface structure. 要背会它们的定义。第二个重点是Chomsky?s 的转换生成语法理论。这部分特别抽象,理解难度大。那么同学们肯定要问,对于书里的这种知识,该掌握到什么程度呢?其实考试不会涉及这种特别难的东西。所以,转换生成理论这部分,大家只要背会the standard theory 和extended standard theory的图表。第三就是背会government 和binding的定义。理解c-command 就可以了。Chomsky的理论这部分知识难度大,一般都不是重点,因为我们老师说特别难的不考。而08年,最后一道大题,就是考的extended standard theory。整个卷子也有好几处考了Chomsky 的理论。所以我们考生去年考完都觉得语言学很偏,原因也就在此。

The functional approach: 了解布拉格学派(Prague school), 和系统功能语法(systemic-functional grammar).重点是主位(theme)和述位(rheme).他们的概念,以及句子中哪部分是主位,哪部分是述位。另一个知识点是交际动力(communicative dynamism).

新版:Chapter 4: From Word to Text.

第一节Syntactic relation:

第二节Grammatical construction and its constituents

第三节Syntactic function


第五节Phrase clause and sentence


第七节Beyond the sentence


Chapter5: Meaning (semantics-语义学)

Meanings of “meaning”: 第一个重点是Leech?s seven types of meaning: conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, themantic meaning. 第二个重点是the referential theory 的概念,semantic triangle, sense and reference 的定义。第三个重点是sense relations: synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy. 着三种关系应该说很重要。 这章后面一部分内容了解即可。比如sentence meaning 那部分。


Chapter 7 language, culture and society

Language and culture: 语言与文化这部分其实是人类语言学。 需要记住:context of situation 的组成部分。重点是Sapir-Whorf hypotheses 的定义和理解。特别是语言相对论linuistic relativity和语言决定论linguistic determinism。 Language and society: 语言与社会这部分就是社会语言学。会写社会语言学这个词:sociolinguistic. 这部分注意下communicative competence, linguistic sexism, women register.

Chapter8: language in use (pragmatics 语用学)

这章的重点就是俩个理论:speech act theory 和 the theory of conversational implicature. 其中the theory of the illocutionary act, cooperative principle and its four maxims 要熟记。知道the violation of the maxims, the characteristics of implicature. 在post-gricean development 部分,比较重要的是relavence theory. 后面的内容了解即可。


Chapter 6: language processing in mind

这章是心理语言学,考的几率很小。但又不能不复习这一章。谁也不能肯定这章肯定不考。比较重要的知识点:cohort theory, frequency effect, recency effects, garden path sentence, minimal attachment theory, schemata.

Chapter 1. Invitation to linguistics

Natural vs artificial languages

I. The definition of Language

II. Design features of language

III. Functions of language

IV. The definition of linguistics:

V. Main branches of linguistics

Phonetics:Phonology:Morphology:Syntax:Semantics:Pragmatics:Macrolinguistics:Psycholinguistics: Sociolinguistics:Anthropological linguistics: Computational linguistics: VI. Important distinctions in linguistics

Descriptive vs prescriptive studies

Synchronic vs diachronic studies

Langue vs parole Saussure

Competence vs performance Chomsky

(Communicative Competence:.)

Etic vs emic

Syntagmatic vs paradiamatic relations

Chapter 2 Speech Sounds

I. The three branches of phonetics

II. Speech organs

vocal folds (cords)声带: glottis声门: apart (voiceless: /p/), closed together (voiced: /b/), totally closed (glottal stop: /?/)

III. Segments, divergence, and phonetic transcriptions

IV. Consonants

1) Manners of articulation

V. Vowels

Cardinal vowels:

Monophthong vs diphthong or pure vowels vs glidings: /a/, /au/


VI. Coarticulation and phonetic transcription

Coarticulation协同发音:Anticipatory coarticulation逆化协同发音: Perseverative coarticulation接续性协同发音: Broad and narrow transcriptions 宽式和紧式音标: aspirated Diacritics:

VII. Phonological analysis


minimal pairs最小对立体: contrastive distribution对立分布: Allophones音位变体: complementary distribution互补分布:

phonetic similarity语音相似性:

pattern congruity模式一致性:

Phonological processes

Assimilation同化: regressive assimilation逆同化: progressive assimilation顺同化: Phonological processes:

Voiced sound → voiceless / voiceless _________



Underlying form:

The Elsewhere Condition:

VIII. Distinctive features

Obstruents . Sonorants

IX. Suprasegmental phonology超切分音系学


Syllabic structures:onset; rhyme;nucleus or peak; coda

open syllable : Sentence stress: Pitch: Tones: Intonation:

Chapter 3 Lexicon

I. What is word

Three senses of word

Identification of word


II. Classification of words

Variable vs invariable words

Grammatical vs lexical words

Closed-class vs open-class words

Word classes:

New word classes identified

Particles: Auxiliaries:Pro-forms: pro-adjectives:Pro-verbs:Pro-adverbs:

Determiners: Pre-diterminers:Central determiners: Post-determiners:

III. Formation of words

Morpheme and morphology


Types of morphemes:

free morphemes: bound morphemes:


free roots:bound roots: affixes: prefixes: suffixes: infixes:


Differences between inflectional affixes and derivational affixes

Inflection and word formation


endocentric (向心的) and exocentric (离心的)


Phonology and morphology

morpheme and phoneme

2) morphemic structure and phonological structure

3) allomorph

morphophonology or morphophonemics:

The conditions of morpheme change

phonologically conditioned

morphologically conditione

IV. lexical changes


New words (neologisms, coinages) are created in the following ways: V. Phonological change

VI. Semantic change

Chapter 4 Syntax

I. The traditional approach

Categories: Number: Gender: Case: Tense: Aspect: Degree: Concord: Government:

II. The structural approach

<1>Structures and systems

<2>Immediate constituent analysis

Linear structures:

Hierarchical structures:



Immediate constituents:

IC Analysis:

Advantages and disadvantages

<3> Endocentric and exocentric constructions:

Exocentric constructions:

Chapter 5 Meaning

1. Meanings of ‘meaning’

Leech’s seven types of meaning:

2. Word Meaning

<1>The referential theory:


The semantic triangle

Sense reference

<2>Sense relations



Gradable antonymy: three features:

Complementary antonymy: three features

Converse antonymy

Hyponymy: e.g. furniture (superordinate) – desk, sofa, bed, chair, (hyponyms or co-hyponyms)

<3>Componential analysis:


Father: PARENT (x, y) & MALE (x) = x is the parent of y and x is male. Kill: CAUSE (x, (BECOME (y, (-ALIVE (y)))) = x causes y to become dead Problems with semantic componential analysis:

<4>Semantic field theory (lexical field theory)

3.Sentence meaning

<1>Predicate logic, predicate calculus

Proposition: a proposition has two parts:

Truth value

<2>Propositional logic

composite proposition

Negation Conjunction Disjunction Implication Equivalence Entailment:

<3>An integrated theory

cupboard, etc.

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