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来源网站:免费论文网2017-01-23 06:59:16




干哈啊? What’s up?

咋地啊? So what?

滚犊子,滚远点扇的 get fuck off

CNM啊! Fuck ya

完犊子了 Fucked up

你TM的有毛病吧你 what’s your fucking problem

拉JB倒吧/就这么地吧 forget about it

你TM的是个啥!who the hell are you!

别JB跟我整事 don’t fuck with me

瞅你那B样 You look like a shit

这TM的咋回事?What the fuck is going on here?

咋的都行! Whatever

咋整的? How come?

哎呀我操!What the fuck/ hell

有多远死多远!Go to hell

去TM的!Holy shit

你TM的逗我玩呐?Are you shitting/kidding me?

你活JB该!You deserve fucking this

畜生 Mother fucker

别BB/消停的! Shut the fuck up

别墨迹!Hurry up

山炮/牛逼 Idiot

没JB事~!Never mind

你牛逼!You the man

你真完犊子 You sucks

滚一边旯去 Move your ass

踢死你啊 Kick your ass

你这个狗篮子 you are asshole

你个婊 子 you are bitch

你个婊 子养子 you are son of a bitch

你TM的给我卖了! You set me fucking up!

你等我不整死你的! you gonna pay this!

借光/启开! get out of my way

放屁/吹牛逼 Bull shit

爱咋咋地 I don’t give a shit

到点了 time is up

稳当的!take it easy

劈腿 affair

格路 so weird

撒开!Let go!

精神/利索的 cheer up

给我整不会了/迷糊了 I'm confused

别忽悠!don’t exaggerate

赖我! my bad

我贼么稀罕她 I'm crazy about her

谁家过年不吃顿饺子 shit happens

啥都备不住 Nothing is impossible

这都不是事儿! It's just a piece of cake

你太JB有才了 You are fucking genius

英文脏话收集 创建于2008-08-06








英文脏话,就是喜欢fuck bitch shit....

喜欢 爱好 研究,搜集,学习,分享“不那么和谐的”英语。。





-- Dirty English Words Study Group == DEWSG


1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!

2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!

3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事?

4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不应该那样做!

5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!

6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!

7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?

8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊?

9. I hate you! 我讨厌你!

10. I don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!

11. You’re crazy! 你疯了!

12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)

13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。

14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。

15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!

16. Leave me alone. 走开。

17. Get lost.滚开!

18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。

19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。

20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事!

21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?

22. How dare you! 你敢!

23. Cut it out. 省省吧。

24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!

25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。

26. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。

27. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了!(李阳老师常用)

28. I’ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。

29. Shut up! 闭嘴!

30. What do you want? 你想怎么样?

31. Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在都几点吗?

32. What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊?

33. How can you say that? 你怎么可以这样说?

34. Who says? 谁说的?

35. That’s what you think! 那才是你脑子里想的!

36. Don’t look at me like that. 别那样看着我。

37. What did you say? 你说什么?

38. You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!

39. You make me so mad.你气死我了啦。

40. Drop dead. 去死吧!

41. Fuck off. 滚蛋。

42. Don’t give me your shit. 别跟我胡扯。

43. Don’t give me your excuses/ No more excuses. 别找借口。

44. You’re a pain in the ass. 你这讨厌鬼。

45. You’re an asshole. 你这缺德鬼。

46. You bastard! 你这杂种!

47. Get over yourself. 别自以为是。

48. You’re nothing to me. 你对我什么都不是。

49. It’s not my fault. 不是我的错。

50. You look guilty. 你看上去心虚。

51. I can’t help it. 我没办法。

52. That’s your problem. 那是你的问题。

53. I don’t want to hear it. 我不想听!

54. Get off my back. 少跟我罗嗦。

55. Give me a break. 饶了我吧。

56. Who do you think you’re talking to? 你以为你在跟谁说话?

57. Look at this mess! 看看这烂摊子!

58. You’re so careless. 你真粗心。

59. Why on earth didn’t you tell me the truth? 你到底为什么不跟我说实话?

60. I’m about to explode! 我肺都快要气炸了!

61. What a stupid idiot! 真是白痴一个!

62. I’m not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦!

63. I never want to see your face again! 我再也不要见到你!

64. That’s terrible. 真糟糕!

65. Just look at what you’ve done! 看看你都做了些什么!

66. I wish I had never met you. 我真后悔这辈子遇到你!

67. You’re a disgrace. 你真丢人!

68. I’ll never forgive you! 我永远都不会饶恕你!

69. Don’t nag me! 别在我面前唠叨!

70. I’m sick of it. 我都腻了。

71. You’re son of bitch! 婊子养的!

72. Stop screwing/ fooling/ messing around! 别鬼混了!

73. Mind your own business! 管好你自己的事!

74. You’re just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一个废物!/ 你一无是处!

75. You’ve gone too far! 你太过分了!

76. I loathe you! 我讨厌你!

77. I detest you! 我恨你!

78. Get the hell out of here! 滚开!

79. Don’t be that way! 别那样!

80. Can’t you do anything right? 成事不足,败事有余。

81. You’re impossible. 你真不可救药。

82. Don’t touch me! 别碰我!

83. Get away from me! 离我远一点儿!

84. Get out of my life. 我不愿再见到你。/ 从我的生活中消失吧。

85. You’re a joke! 你真是一个小丑!

86. Don’t give me your attitude. 别跟我摆架子。

87. You’ll be sorry. 你会后悔的。

88. We’re through. 我们完了!

89. Look at the mess you’ve made! 你搞得一团糟!

90. You’ve ruined everything. 全都让你搞砸了。

91. I can’t believe your never. 你好大的胆子!

92. You’re away too far. 你太过分了。

93. I can’t take you any more! 我再也受不了你啦!

94. I’m telling you for the last time! 我最后再告诉你一次!

95. I could kill you! 我宰了你!

96. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard! 那是我听到的最愚蠢的事!(比尔?盖茨常用)

97. I can’t believe a word you say. 我才不信你呢!

98. You never tell the truth! 你从来就不说实话!

99. Don’t push me ! 别逼我!

100. Enough is enough! 够了够了!

101. Don’t waste my time anymore. 别再浪费我的时间了!

102. Don’t make so much noise. I’m working. 别吵,我在干活。

103. It’s unfair. 太不公平了。

104. I’m very disappointed. 真让我失望。






给你一个句子:The girl is beautiful.


如果要强调感叹的对象的话,要用what引导:What a beautiful girl she is!

如果要强调她有多漂亮的话,就要用how引导:How beautiful the girl is!


what a beautiful girl 和 she is ( how beautiful 和 the girl is )


所以说要区分一个感叹句是要用how还是用what,关键就在于它修饰的是什么成分的词,但不是说后面接的是名词就是修饰名词,就要用what。仔细看上面的例子你会看到,how后面也有接名词,但how并不是修饰这个名词的。为什么呢?还是按照上面的分解方法,你要先把一个感叹句分成两部分。因为从句子的结构分析,感叹句后面一般有跟主语+谓语。 what+(a/an)+adj.+n.+主语+谓语+(it is).

How+adj.(adv.)+主语+谓语+(it is).




What a good girl she is!



What bad weather is it?



What good students they are!




How hot it is today! 今天多么热呀!

2、How+副词+主语+谓语! 例如:

How fast he runs! 他跑得多么快呀!

3、How+主语+谓语! 例如:

How time flies! 光阴似箭!

在平时做练习时,我们常会碰到陈述句改为感叹句的句型转换题,不少同学对此感到棘手,这里介绍一种行之有效的方法:“一断,二加,三换位,四去very”。现以She is a very clever girl.为例。



What a very clever girl she is !


What a clever girl she is!

What与how有时也可以互换;what+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+ 主语+谓语!=How+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!


What a clever girl she is! = How clever a girl she is!



that 与what从句是中学课本的一项重要语法内容,也是学生易出错的地方。现将其用法归纳如下:


that与what都可引导主语从句,that在从句中不作句子成分,但不能省略。what 在从句中可作主语、宾语、表语等,不能省略。如:

What he said at the meeting was very important.他在会上所说的非常重要。 (宾语)

What surprised us is that he did it alone.使我们吃惊的是他一个人做了那项工作。(主语)

That he did it alone surprised us.他独自完成了那项工作使我们感到吃惊。(that用来引导主语从句,在句中不作成分)


that与what都可引导宾语从句,that在从句中不作句子成分, 一般情况下可以省略,但当有两个以上的宾语从句时,只能省掉第一个 that。 what 在从句中可作主语、宾语、表语等,不能省略。如:

They stopped to see what was happening.他们停下来看发生了什么事情。(主语)

The teacher got angry because of what the boy had done.那个男孩子做的事情让老师很生气。(what在宾语从句中作宾语)

All the people believed that it was right to rescue the temple. 所有的人都认为拯救古庙是正确的。(that在宾语从句中不作句子成分且可省略)

We must believe that each one of us is able to do something well and that when we discover what this something is we must work hard at it until we succeed.我们必须相信,我们每一个人都能把某件事情办好;而且,当我们发现这事情是什么的时候,我们就必须努力干下去,直到成功为止。(第一个that可省略,第二个that不能省略)


that与what都可引导表语从句,that在从句中不作句子成分,且不能省略;what 在从句中可作主语、宾语、表语等,不能省略。如:

Mary is no longer what she used to be. 玛丽不再是从前那样了。(what在表语从句中作表语)

The question is what we should do to prevent him from going. 问题是我们怎样做才能阻止他去。(what在表语从句中作动词do的宾语)

The reason why he didn’t come today is that his mother is ill.他今天没来的原因是他母亲病了。(that只起连接作用)


that与what都可引导同位语从句修饰表示抽象概念的名词,对所修饰的名词的具体内容进行详细阐述。这类名词有:fact, idea, news, hope, belief, promise, thought, suggestion, proposal等。that在从句中不作句子成分,但不能省略。what 在从句中可作主语、宾语、表语等,不能省略。如:

I have no idea what we should do next.我不知道我们下一步该做什么。(宾语) He made a promise that he would study hard.他许诺要努力学习。(that只起连接作用)

The boy expressed his hope that he would be a pilot when he grows up.那个男孩儿表达了他长大后想当一名飞行员的愿望。(that只起连接作用)



This is one of the buildings that were built last year. 这是去年建的楼房之一。(that在定语从句中作主语,指物,不能省略。)

The doctor that you met in the street yesterday came here 20 years ago.你昨天在街上遇到的那位医生二十年前就来到这里了。(that 在从句中作宾语,指人并可省略。)


1.He did all what he could to save the patient.

2.All what he needs is more time.

应将句中的what改为that,或去掉what, 还可以将以上两句中的all去掉,但两句的结构发生了根本的改变:句1中的what引导宾语从句,句2中的what引导主语从句。


so...that, such ...that, so that结构引导状语从句。what不能引导状语从句,但whatever, no matter what可引导让步状语从句。如:

He made such rapid progress in English that before long he could write articles for an American newspaper.他的英语进步很快,不久就能为美国的一家报社写文章了。

Put the little plants in the shade so that the sun won’t burn them.请把幼苗放在阴凉处以免太阳晒枯它们。

Don’t believe him no matter what he says.无论他说什么,都不要相信他。


That George W. Bush won the presidency once again was what many people hadn't expected.乔治?布什再次赢得总统大选,这是很多人没有预料到的。

It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it.事情往往是这样,失去之物,方知珍惜。

二、引导词what与that在引导定语从句的用法区别首先,要记住在定语从句中,跟本不用what连接词。只有that和which.所以大家在做题中,如果是定语从句,就不要再考虑what了。That 在定语从句中,一般可以作从句的主语。宾语和表语。例如:

1、(2005北京春季卷) Do you still remember the chicken farm ____ we visited three months ago?

where B when C thatD what

「分析」C 定语从句连词,that做从句visit的宾语。没有what连词。

2、He is not the naughty boy that he used to be.他不再是从前那个调皮的男孩了。


【考点】 that引导名词性从句时,不作任何句子成分,只起连接词的作用,且本身不具任何意义,表示一种肯定的概念。that引导宾语从句时可以省略;what引导名词性从句时,what在句中作主语、宾语或表语,且不可省略。what相当于“名词+that引导的定语从句”。


See the flags on top of the building? That was______ we did this morning. (2006全国Ⅰ)

A.when B. which C. where D. what

【答案与解析】 答案是D。what引导表语从句,且在从句中作did的宾语。what相当于all that。


There is much chance______ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race. (2006 天津)

A. that B. which

C. until D. if

【答案与解析】 答案是A。that引导同位语从句,对chance的内容解释说明。that在句中不作任何句子成分,只起连接词的作用。


____________ makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services. (2006 辽宁)

A. What B. who

C. Whatever D. Whoever

【答案与解析】 A。what引导主语从句,且在从句中作主语。what相当于the thing that。B、C、D在句中可以作主语,但在此意义不符。


One advantage of playing the guitar is______

it can give you a great deal of pleasure. (2006 上海)

A. how B. why C. that D. when

【答案与解析】 答案是C。that引导表语从句,that在句中不作任何句子成分,只起连接词的作用。


1. (2005福建卷) ——Is that the small town you often refer to?

——Right, just the one _____ you know I used to work for years.

A thatB which C where D what

2. ____ should be done must be done in time.

A What B All C AnythingD All what

3. A computer is so useful a machine ______ we can use everywhere.

A that B whichC asD what

4(2005天津卷)last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods,from _____effects the people are still suffering.

A that B whose C those D what

5. (2005湖北卷) Her sister has becomes a lawyer, _____ she wanted to be.

A who B that C what D which

6. (07安徽) You can only be sure of _____ you have at present; you cannot be sure of something ____ you might get in the future.

A that; what B what;/ C which; that D /;that

7. (07陕西) _____ parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children.

A That B Which C WhatD as

8. (07上海) ____ he referred to in his article was unknown to the general readers.

A That B What C Whether D Where

9. (2006全国卷II)——What did your parents think about your decision? ----- They always let me do ____ I think I should.

A. when B that C.how D. what

10. (2005上海卷)The other day,my brother drove his car down the street at ___ I thought was a dangerous speed.

A. as B whichC. whatD. that

1. C 定语从句,one是先行词

2. A what引导主语从句,做从句中can的主语。这里what=all that

3. C so……as……连用,属于定语从句的范围。

4. B 定语从句,whose从句effects的定语

5. D 非限定性定语从句,没有that 和what.

6. B 第一空是of的宾语从句,从句中have缺少宾语,因此用what做连词。第二空something后面是定语从句。

7. C 主语从句连词 "父母的所作所为对孩子有终身影响"

8. B主语从句连词,从句中refer to缺少宾语

9. D 是do的宾语从句

10. D 是介词at的宾语从句,at 做was 的主语。I think是插入语,可以忽略。

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