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来源网站:免费论文网2017-01-23 06:56:39

篇一:2015上海高考英语真题( word婧校版)




1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分。

2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(笫1-12页)和第Ⅱ卷(第13页),


3. 答題前,务必在答題纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码貼在指定位置上,


第I卷 (共103分)

I. Listening Comprehension


Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the questions you have heard.

1. A. impatientB. confused C. pleasedD. regretful

2. A. at a bus stop B. at a laundry C. at the dentist‘s D. at the chemist‘s

3. A. An actor B. A salesman C. A translator D. A writer

4.A. He lost his classmate‘s homework. B. He can‘t help the woman with her math.

C. He broke the woman‘s calculator. D. He doesn‘t know where the ―on‖ button is.


5. A. The woman should go to another counter. B. The woman gives the man so many choices. C. The man dislike the sandwiches offered there.

D. The man is having trouble deciding what to eat.

6. A. She has no idea where to find the man‘s exam result.

B. She isn‘t allowed to tell students their grades.

C. Dr. White hasn‘t finish grading the papers.

D. Dr. White doesn‘t want to be contacted while he‘s away.

7. A. Move to a neat dormitory B. Find a person to share their apartment

C. Clean the room with the roommateD. Write an article about their roommate

8. A. Bob won‘t take her advice

B. Bob doesn‘t want to go abroad

C. She doesn‘t think Bob should study overseas

D. She hasn‘t talked to Bob since he went aboard

9. A. The snack bar isn‘t usually so empty. B. Dessert is served in the snack bar.

C. The snack bar is near the library. D. Snacks aren‘t allowed in the library.

10. A. Take her bicycle to the repair shop.B. Leave her bicycle outside.

C. Clean the garage after the rain stops .D. Check if the garage is dry. Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be askedthree questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. It helps care for customers‘ dogs. B. You have to buy food for dogs.

C. None of the dogs are caged. D. There is a dog named Princess.

12. A. She likes the food there. B. She enjoys the fun with a pet.

C. She can have free coffee. D. She doesn‘t like to be alone.

13. A. A new kind of cafe. B. A new brand of cafe.

C. A new home for pets. D. A new way to raise pets.


Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14. A. A trend that high achievers are given a lower salary.B. A view that life quality is more important than pay.C. A dream of the young for fast-paced jobs.

D. A new term created by high achievers.

15. A. 10% B. 12% C. 6% D. 7%

16. A. People are less satisfied with their lives. B. The financial investment may increase.

C. Well-paid jobs are not easy to find. D. Unexpected problems may arise.

Section C Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.

Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.



Gift from a stranger

My local supermarket is always busy. The first parking space I found was convenient, but I'd noticed a woman in a blue car circling for a while. (25) _____ I was in a good mood, I let her have it. On the edge of the car park I backed into the next available spot—it was a tight fit.

Pretty soon I'd made my way through the supermarket and was back in the fresh air. Feeling good, I (26) _____(empty) my purse change into the hands of a homeless man and helped a struggling woman reverse park. Just as I approached my car, 1 saw the woman I'd let have my car space earlier. She was giving me (27) _____ odd look—half puzzled, half intent (热切的). I smiled and wished her a pleasant day. As I squeezed back into my car, I spotted the same lady (28) _____ (look) in at me. "Hello," she said, hesitantly. "This (29) _____ sound crazy but I was on my way to drop some of my mother's things off at the charity bins.‖ You are just so much (30) _____ her.‖ You helped those people, I noticed, and you seemed so happy.‖ She looked at me meaningfully and passed a box in through the window. ―I think she would like you to have it.‖ (31) _____ (shock), I took it from her automatically. She smiled and walked away.

After a pause, I opened the box. Inside was a beautiful gold necklace with a large grey pearl. It was (32) _____ (nice) gift I'd ever received, and it was from a complete stranger. The necklace was around my neck, a warm reminder of human kindness.


Ask helpful Hannah

Dear Helpful Hannah,

I‘ve got a problem with my husband, Sam. He bought a smart phone a couple of months ago and he took it on our recent ski vacation to Colorado, it was a great trip except for one problem. He has a constant urge (33) _____ (check) for next messages; he checks his phone every five minutes! He‘s so addicted to it that he just can‘t stand the idea (34) _____ there may be an important text. He can‘t help checking even at inappropriate times like when we are eating in a restaurant and I am talking to him! He behaves (35) _____ _____ any small amount of boredom can make him feel the need to check his phone even when he knows he shouldn‘t. The temptation to see (36)_____is connecting him is just too great. When I ask him to put down the phone and stop (37) _____ (ignore) me, he say, ―In a minute.‖ but still checks to see if (38)_____ has posted something new on the Internet. Our life (39) _____(interrupt). If we go somewhere and I ask him to have the phone at home, he suffers from withdrawal symptom. Maybe this dependency on his smart phone has become more than an everyday problem.

I recently read an article about ―nomophobia,‖ (40)_____ is a real illness people can‘t suffer from the fear of being without your phone! I am worried that Sam maybe suffering from this illness because he feels anxious if he doesn‘t have his phone with him, even for a short time.

Who would have thought that little devices like these could have brought so much trouble!Sick and Tired Sadie


Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Considering how much time people spend in offices, it is important that work be well designed. Well-designed office spaces help create a cooperation?s image. They motivate workers and they make an impression on people who visit and might be potential or, __41__, customer. They make businesses work better, and they are a part of the corporate culture we live in.

As we move away from an industrial-based economy to a knowledge-based one, office designers have come up with__42__ to the traditional work environments of the past. The design industry has moved away from a fixed office setup and created more flexible ―strategic management environments.‖ These __43__ solutions are to meant to support better organizational performances.

As employee hierarchies (等级制度) have flattened or decreased, office designers‘ response to this change has been to move open-plain areas to more desirable locations within the office, and create fewer formal private offices. The need for increased flexibility has also been __44__ by changes in work station design. Offices and work spaces often are not __45__ to a given person on a permanent basis because of changes to method of working, new designs allow for expansion or movement of desks, storage, and equipment within the workstation. Another important design goal is communication, which designers have improved by lowering the walls that __46__ workstations. Designers have also created informal gathering places,and upgraded employees‘ __47__ to heavily trafficked areas such as copy and coffee rooms. Corporate and institutional office designers often struggle to resolve a number of competing and often __48__ demands,including budgetary limits, employee hierarchies, and technological innovation(especially in relation to computerization). These demands must also be balanced with the need to create interiors(内饰) that in some way enhance,establish,or promote a company‘s image and will enable employees to __49__ at their best.

All these __50__ of office design are related. The most successful office designs are like a good marriage --the well-designed office and the employees that occupy it are seemingly made for each other.


篇二:口译 Test

Since we arrived, the gracious hospitality with which we have been received has been truly heartwarming.自我们抵达里起,便一直受到暖人心房的热情款待。

A Chinese proverb best describes my feeling: “When the visitor arrives, it is as if returning home.”中国有一句俗话最能表达我现在的感受,那就是“宾至如归”

One of the purposes of my visit was to make new friends, but I’m very pleased to find that instead of making friends, I am among friends.我这次访问的目的之一就是结交新朋友。然而我很开心地发现,我不用结交朋友,我已经置身于朋友中间了。

And I’m also very pleased with our cooperation in the point venture which has been very successful: We both gained and profited, and we both survived the fierce competition in the world market.我们的合资企业成效显著,我对我们之间的合作非常满意,我们双方都有所收获,我们都经受住了国际市场激烈竞争的考验。

Passage 2

Ladies and gentlemen, I suppose you’ve all read the report about the restructuring of the group’s organization, which has given rise to the problem of relocating the new group.女士们,先生们,我想各位已经看到了关于我集团重新调整组织的那份报告,因此而产生的问题就是如何为新组建的集团选择所在地。

One possibility is to move all the head office to Shanghai and that is basically what the report recommends.一种设想是将整个总部机构迁移至上海,这也是这份报告所提出的基本意见。

Alternatively, we could continue to run the two companies quite separately in their present locations with the smaller one in Shanghai.另一种设想是继续在两外经营我们两家公司,公司的现地址不变,我们将小公司设在上海。

I’m not sure how efficient the second option would be, but I’d like to hear your opinions on the subject. 我对第二种选择的经营效率持有怀疑态度,我想听听各位的意见。

Part B(C-E) Passage 1

中国有一句话是这么说的:“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”A Chinese saying goes: “ just as there is a paradise in heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.”

这句话毫无夸张之意,苏杭这两座邻近上海的历史名城以其秀丽的景色每年吸引了数以万计的海内外游客。This saying is no exaggeration about Suzhou and Hangzhou .The beautiful view of the two historic cities near Shanghai attract millions of tourists from home and abroad every year.

例如,中国南方园林建筑艺术的典范,迷人有苏州造景园林在有限的空间里造就了无数自然景观。For example, the charming landscape gardens of Suzhou, typical of china’s southern garden building, contain countless created landscape scenes within a limited space.

园林的池塘,河水,石头,花朵,树木给游客代来了职诗般的意境,这确实是去苏州观光的必游之地。The pond, water, stones, flowers and trees of these gardens create a poetic mood for tourists; these gardens you have to visit when you are in Suzhou.

Passage 2

女士们,先生们,进入新世纪上海正在迅速发展为世界经济,金融和贸易中心之一。Ladies and gentlemen, Shanghai of the new century is developing rapidly into one of the world’s economic, financial and trade centers.

上海金融业的发展最为引人注目,现已琢渐形成了一个有相当规模与影响的金融市场体系。The development of Shanghai’s financial industry is particularly spectacular, with a fairly large and influential system of financial market coming into shape.

浦东新区近年来的崛起使这块黄金宝地成了海外投资的热点,投资总额已达1000亿美元。The rise of Pudong New Area in recent years has turned this most valuable place into a hot destination of overseas investment, with a total investment volume reaching US$100 billion.

上海这颗璀璨的东方明珠正以其特有的魅力召唤富有远见卓识的金融家和企业家来此大展宏图。Shanghai, the brilliant Oriental Pearl with its unique charm, invites financiers and entrepreneurs with broad vision to this city, where they will readily materialize their ambitions.

Permit me to say again this evening: Let us act according to the principle of mutual respect and mutual benefit, to the principle of both dignity and fairness.请允许我今晚在此重审,让我们经相互尊重,互惠互利地原则,遵守公正存的胡则为行动指南。

It is certainly in the fundamental interest of our people to trade and be friend with Chinese people.同中国人民进行贸易往来,同中国人民交朋友,必定符合我国人民的根本利益。

We are very impressed by your modernization program, an ambitious undertaking which makes our future cooperative relationship very promising.贵国的现代化建设给我们留下了深刻的印象,这一雄心勃勃的伟业,使我们未来的合作关系前程是锦。

China today, I understand, is talking a practical and effective approach and we wish you success and offer you our cooperation in this great endeavor.据我所知,今日中国采取了一种实务的,行之有效的方法。我们采取了一种务实的,行之有效的方法。 我们祝愿你们取得成功,并愿意在这项伟大的事业中与你们合作。

Passage 2

We know that the human brain is divided into two roughly symmetrical hemispheres, which are comparable in size and form, but in function.我们知道人的大脑分为大致相称的两个半球,大脑两半球的大小与形状很接近,但功能却不同。

The left hemisphere is primarily responsible for linguistic communication, i.e., the language center is located in the left side of the brain in most people.左半球主要负责语言交际的活动,就是大多数人的语言中枢位于大脑的左半球。

The right hemisphere, on the other hand, controls one’s visual and spatial activities, including also musical perception.右半球负责视觉和空间的活动,同时负责对音乐的感知。

The most important differences between humans and other animals are the creative aspect of human language and man’s sophisticated cognitive abilities.人类和其它动物的最大区别在于人类的语言具有创造性,人类有复杂的认知能力。

Part B(C-E) Passage 1

欢迎科林先生和太太来上海。我叫孟诗琪,是上海联华制衣公司海外营销部经理。Welcome to Shanghai, Mr. and Mrs. Collins. I’m Meng Shiqi, manager of the Overseas Marketing Department of the Shanghai Lianhua Garment group Corporation.

我很高兴能代表公司总经理陈先生在此接待您和夫人。我希望我们的安排符合您的要求。It’s my pleasure to meet you and your wife here to on behalf of Mr. Chen, General Manager of the company. I hope our arrangement for your stay with us meets your requirement.

我受陈先生的委托,代表公司在今后的几天里同您进行业务洽谈。Mr. Chen would like me to represent the company at our business talks in the next few days.

我将同科林斯先生商谈有关建立上海联华制衣公司海外销售网的事宜。请您多多指教。I will talk with you about the establishment of the company’s overseas sales network. Your advice will be very much appreciated.

Passage 2

“远亲不如近邻”是中国人民推崇的,经得起时间考验的信条。”Distant relatives are not as close neighbors” is a cherished and time-honored belief in china.

这一广为人们所接受的信条很有意义地表明了相互照顾在中国社会生活是所起的重要作用。This widely recognized belief indicates quite meaningfully the important role of mutual care in China’s communities.

中国现有350万左右的义务工作者为年老体弱者,残疾人以及所需要帮助的人士提供服务。In China there are about three and half million volunteers who provide service for the aged, sick, handicapped and people who need help.

这些来自社会各界的社区服务自愿工出于“人人为我,我为人人”的信念为社区服务。These community service volunteers, who come from all works of life, act upon the belief of “All for one, one for all.”

Sydney Agricultural Technology Exhibition.我怀着愉快的心情,以我个人的名义,向光临悉尼农业技术展览会的中国来宾表示热烈的欢迎。

Here we present to our Chinese friends a comprehensive display of Australian agricultural achievements and advanced technology in farming that we have to offer.我们在这里向中国朋友全面展示我国农业的成就,并介绍我们所能提供的先进的农业技术。

I greatly value the friendship and confidence that we enjoy as your trading partner.我非常珍视澳中两国在贸易合作中发展起来的支谊和建立起来的信心。

I am certain that this exhibition will strengthen our economic cooperation and contribute directly to our further trade expansion. 我确信,这次展览会将进一步加强我们的经济合作,并对扩大我们之间的贸易往来直接作出贡献。

Passage 2

As an American manager of Sino-American joint venture for two years, I have to say that there are differences in business management between Chinese and Americans that we American businessmen in China should try to understand respect.作为一名在一家中美合资企业工作了两年的美国经理,我认为中国人和美国人在经营管理上存在着差异,这些差异是我们这些在华工作的美国商人应该给予理解和尊重的。

We are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese colleagues due to our different cultural traditions. Often times they consider our way of business practice rather aggressive and we consider their process of decision-making time-consuming.由于我们有着与中国人不同的文化传统,所以与大部分中国人相比,我们比较直率。中国人经常认我们的经营方式咄咄逼人,而我们却认为他们的决策过于漫长。

I can’t say our way of doing business is absolutely superior. After all, there are merits and demerits inherent in both types of management.我不能说我们的经营之道一定比中国同事优越,毕竟这两种方式各有利弊。

It must be pointed out that in recent years, more and more American business executives have recognized the merits of the more human Oriental way of Chinese management. It seems to offer something that we are lacking in. 必须指出的是,近年来越来越多的美国经理人员开始认识到中国人具有富有人情味的东方管理方法的优点,这似乎正是我们欠缺的。

Part B Passage 1

今晚,我们很高兴在北京大学接待格林博士和夫人。我代表学校的全体师生员工向格林博士和夫人及其他新西兰贵宾表示热烈的欢迎。It gives us great pleasure to play host again to Dr. and Mrs. Green in Beijing University. On behalf of the faculty, students and staff of the university, I wish to extend our warm welcome to Dr. and Mrs. Green and other distinguished New Zealand guests.

中新两国教育界人士的互访,增进了相互的了解和学术交流。The exchange of visits between Chinese and New Zealand educators has facilitated our mutual understanding and academic exchange.

我相信格林博士这次对我校的访问必将为进一步加强两校的友好合作关系作出重要贡献。I believed that Dr. Green’s current visit to our university will surely make an important contribution to further strengthening the friendly relations and cooperation between our two universities.

明天,贵宾们将要去南京和上海访问,我预祝大家一路旅途愉快。Our distinguished guests will leave for Nanjing and Shanghai tomorrow. I wish you all a pleasant journey.

Passage 2

我很高兴应邀参加本届中外文化交流节,向诸位介绍中国书法这一人类文化财富和中国宝贵的旅游资源。I am very pleased to be invited to attend this gathering to celebrate the current Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchange Festival, and to talk about Chinese calligraphy, which us humanity’s cultural heritage and China’s highly valued tourist resources.

中国有这么一句话:“山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。”The Chinese saying goes that: “Any mountain can be famous with the presence of an immoral, and any river can be holy with the presence of a dragon.

各位在中国旅游胜地所看到的包括铭文石碑在内的中国书法笔墨,就好比高山上的仙,大川中的龙。许多汉字属象形文字,我们可以从字形猜测词义。The Chinese calligraphic works that you have been in China’s tourist resorts are just like an immortal in a high mountain and a dragon in a great river. Many Chinese characters are pictographs and often the meaning of a particular character is apparent in the pictorial from of the character.

无论是刀刻书法还是笔墨书法,都可以通过字形的夸张产生引人入胜的艺术效果。书法是一门研究艺术,观赏旅游景点的古代书法遗迹自然是一种艺术享受。Whether done with a knife or brush, calligraphy can be rendered in ways that exaggerate the form, and consequently yields the inviting effects of artistic beauty. Calligraphy is a subject of artistic study, and the appreciation of ancient calligraphic relics seen in places of tourist attraction is certainly an artistic entertainment.

I’m very glad to have the opportunity to work in your company, and I’m particularly pleased to be able to work with a group of brilliant people in Chinn’s automobile industry.我很高兴有机会和贵公司合作。令我特别高兴的是我可以与中国汽车业的杰出人士合作共事。

I had been looking forward to this job for many years and you have made my dream come true.我多年来一下盼望能有这份工作,您现在使我的梦想成真了。

I’m deeply grateful to you and appreciate all you have done for me. I really love my new residence by the beach that you have chosen for me. 我很感激您为我所做的一切。 我很喜欢您给我安排的这处与大海相临的新居。

If you don’t mind, I wish to tour around your company properties and meet my Chinese colleagues and lab assistants tomorrow. 可能的话,我想明天去公司看一看,与中国同事和实验室的助手们见见面。

Passage 2

Welcome to the official launch of MIB of Shanghai. I regard it as a great honor and sign of good business that you show so much interest in MIB products and be with us at this important occasion in the MIB history. 欢迎诸位光临MIB上海公司的开张典礼。各位如此钟情MIB的产品,愿意与我们一起度过MIB历史上的这一重要日子,我感到万分荣幸,这对我们的业务来说是一好兆头。

As a world leader in the electronic industry, MIB would like to share with Chinese customers our success.作为世界电子行业的龙头老大,MIB公司希望同中国客户分享我们的成功。

Among other things, MIB products enjoy an excellent price versus performance ration and high quality, which I believe, are very important to our Chinese customers. MIB成功的因素很多,其中之一就是其优异的性价比以及优质的产品,而我认为这些品质对中国客户来说是非常重要的。

We are looking forward to a long-term relationship with our clients and strategic partners which will help further strengthen the position we enjoy as a leader in the world’s electronic market.我们期待着同我们的客户和战略伙伴建立一种长期舍作的关系,这将有助于进一步强化我们在世界电子市场是所享有的领先地位。

Part B(C-E) Passage 1

中外合资是一种互补互惠的合作关系,双方都要可以最大限度地发挥各自的优势。A Sino-foreign joint business is one of complementary and mutual beneficial partnership. Foreign investment in China can maximize the strengths of both parities concerned.

我国幅员辽阔,资源丰富,劳动力价格低廉,消费市场潜力大。此外我们还有稳定的政治,社会环境和优惠的投资政策。Our country has massive land, abundant resources, cheap labor and potential consumer market, in addition to the stable political and social environment and favorable investment policies.

发达国家有雄厚的资金,先进的技术和管理知识。投资兴办合资企业时,外方可以提供资金,机械,技术和管理方法。Developed countries have sufficient funds, advanced technology and managerial expertise. When establishing a joint venture, a foreign partner may bring into the cooperative business capital funds, machinery, advanced technology and management.

中方可以提供土地,劳工和部分资金。应该说,这种投资方法对合作双方来说,具有丰富的经济回报率。The Chinese partner, n the other hand, may supply land labor and a portion of the funds. Therefore, this type of investment in supposed to yield fat economic returns for both parties in the partnership.

Passage 2

在这个满天星斗,举国同庆的夜晚, 我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位来宾从百忙之中拨冗光临我们的春节联欢晚会。On the occasion of this star-lit evening of national celebration, and on behalf of all my colleagues of the company, I wish to thank all the guests here for taking the time off their busy schedule to come to this party and celebrate our Spring Festival.

春节是我国一年中的良辰佳时,我希望各位中外同事共度一个轻松,欢快的夜晚。The Chinese Spring-Festival is a very wonderful and joyous occasion in our tradition, and I wish all the Chinese and foreign colleagues a most relaxing and delightful evening.

我愿外国来宾能尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴和美酒。我希望这次晚会使我们有机会彼此沟通,增进友谊。I hope my overseas visitors will have a good time enjoying to their hearts’ content the finest traditional Chinese food and wine. I hope this party will give us an excellent opportunity to get to know each other and to increase our friendship.

最后我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年身体健康,事业有成。In closing, I’d like to thank you again for your presence and wish everyone good health and successful career in the New Year. On behalf of all the members of my delegation, I would like to thank your company for the gracious invitation and hospitality. 我谨代表我们代表团的全体成员,感谢贵公司的盛情邀请和款待

Although we have stayed in China for only three days, our visit is one of great success. During our stay, we met a lot of friends and visited many factories. The new progress you have made impressed us deeply. 在这三天访问期间,我们会见了很多老朋友,参观了许多工厂。你们取得的新成就给我们留下了很深刻的印象。

We have a long friendly relationship with China. We have made great progress in many areas, especially in high-tech areas.我们同中国保有持着长久的友好关系。我们在许多领域,尤其是在高科技领域里的合作,取得了很大的进展。

Our cooperation is sincere and effective. We are no longer remote and strange to each other, but cordial friends and important trading partners.我们的合作是真诚的,富有成效的。我们彼此之间不再感到遥远和陌生,我们已成了和睦的友邦和重在的贸易伙伴。 Passage 2

This is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally as well as for all the members of my delegation 对我本人以及代表团全体成员来说,这是个愉快而难忘的时刻。

I wish to thank you for the generous hospitality and the warmth with which we have received. I’m very happy with your arrangement.我为我们所受到的热情欢迎和盛情款待谨向你们表示感谢。我对你们的安排非常满意。

In accepting your gracious invitation to visit Shanghai, I have an excellent opportunity to learn about the investment environment here.我接受您的盛情邀请来访上海,使我有极好的机会来了解这里的投资环境。

It is my sincere wish that we would reach an agreement on the establishment f a joint venture in this most promising city.我真诚地希望我们能达成一项协议,在这座最有发展前途的城市建立一家合资企业。 Part B (C—E); Passage 1;

今天我们聚会在一起, 在平等互利的基础上,就广泛领域里建立合作 伙伴关系交换我们彼此的看法。Today, we meet here to exchange views on cooperation in a wide range of areas on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

这是一次具有历史意义 的开拓性的会议,它反 映了我们希望进行交流 与合作、增进相互理解和信任的 共同愿望。This meeting is one of pioneering endeavor and historic significance, one that reflects our common desire for exchange and cooperation, and for mutual understanding and trust.

我深信这次会议将对我们的双边和多边关系产生积极的影响。我愿借此机会,向会议的东道主表示衷心的感谢。I deeply believed that this meeting will exert a positive impact on our bilateral and multilateral relations. I wish to talk this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to the host of this meeting.

让我们携手合作,为会议在相互尊重、平等互利的气氛中圆满结束而共同努力。Let us work together for a successful conclusion of the meeting in the spirit of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. Passage 2

各位参加教育书展的朋友们,作为组织者我很高兴能负责这次展会。这是我们新一轮展会系列的开始。Dear friends attending the Education Book Exhibition, as the organizer I’m delighted to have the privilege of managing this exhibition. This is the beginning of a new round of the education book exhibition series.

我们计划为三类参展者服务,即国际出版商和书商,国内出版商和书商,以及国内图书爱好者。We aim to mainly serve three kinds of participants, namely, international publishers and booksellers, domestic publishers and booksellers, and domestic book-loving readers.

对于国际出版商和书商来说,此次书展是一个促进同际出版业进一步交流的窗口。通过展会,海外人士可以亲眼目睹充满活力的中国图书市场,并寻求机会与中国出版商合作。For international publishers and booksellers, this exhibition will serve as an open window to further develop international publishing exchanges, through which, they will see firsthand the dynamic book market in China and seek opportunities to collaborate with Chinese publishers.

对于国内出版商和书商来说,此次书展同样是一个难得的窗口,他们可以从中寻求与海外出版商进行合作的机会,并学习他们的出版经验的发行经验。For domestic publishers and booksellers, the exhibition will also serve as an extraordinary window through which, they will find opportunities to collaborate with overseas publishers and learn from their publishing and distribution experience.

I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for your warm reception and incomparable hospitality.我愿借此机会,谨代表我所有的同事,对你们热情的接待以及无与伦比的款待表示感谢。

The past five days in China have been truly pleasant and enjoyable and most memorable. 在中国度过的这五天,确确实实令人愉快,令人难以忘怀。我希望在不久的将来能在我国接待你们。

Here, I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners whose effort has made possible the successful conclusion of the cooperative agreements.我在这里要特别赞颂中国的合作者,他们的努力使我们成功地达成了合作协议。

May 1 ask all of you present here to join me in raising your glasses to the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two companies? 我敬请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两家公司的永久友谊和合作而干杯。 Passage 2

According to our experience of working in China over the last decade, the most significant factor in conducting business in China is a good partnership. 根据我们在中国10年的经验,在中国从事商务活动最重要因素是要有一个合作的好伙伴。

Some foreign companies have had poor experiences with their partners in China and some have pulled out of joint ventures as a result. We are lucky to be working with the most successful manufacturer in China.一些外国公司同中国合作者相处不好,也有一些外国公司因与中方合作不好而撤出合资企业。我们有幸与中国最成功的制造工厂合作。

I think SAIC would agree with me that their partnership with GM has brought them fresh thinking from around the world.我认为上海汽车工业公司也会同意我的看法,即他们从与通用汽车公司的合作中学到了世界各地的新思维。

Of course, what they have brought to GM is much greater, i.e., the knowledge of how to work efficiently within the Chinese system. I look forward to our many years of partnership.当然,他们代给他通用汽车公司更多的东西,他们使我们知道如何有效在中国的体制下工作。我希望我们的合作伙伴关系能长期保持下去。Part B (C—E)Passage 1

中国国际旅行社为各位安排了富有中国民族文化特色的有趣的旅 游路线。China International Travel Service is offering you an interesting tour program which is characteristic of Chinese national culture.

各位将要游览举世闻名的景点和名胜,参观雄伟的古建筑群,观赏珍贵的文物。You will visit world-famous scenic spots, historical sites and magnificent ancient architectural complexes, and appreciate precious cultural relics.

你们还将有机会欣赏中国的戏剧和杂技表演,品尝纯正的中国烹调和地方风味小吃。You will also have the opportunity to watch Chinese operas and acrobatic shows, and enjoy authentic Chinese cuisine and local delicacies.

我国人民传统的热情和好客将使各位的这次访问愉快而又难忘。希望你们喜欢我们的安排。The traditional warmth and hospitality with which the Chinese people entertain our guests will make your visit a pleasant and memorable experience. I hope you will like our arrangement. Passage 2

欢迎各位参加对外汉语学习班。我们很高兴地看到,近年来世界各地 学汉语者与日俱增。Welcome to the Chinese as a Foreign Language Program. We are glad to witness the worldwide interest in Chinese which is increasing at an accelerating tempo.

对于这门拥有世界上使用人数最多文学历史最悠久的语言来说,这股学习热潮早该出现了。Considering that Chinese has the largest number of speakers in the world and the greatest time depth in its literature, this interest is long overdue.

从某种意义上说,汉语是一种很古老的语言,其最早的汉字已有近四千年的历史了。In a sense, Chinese is a very old language, with its earliest writings dating back nearly four thousand years.

随着各位学习的兴趣的提高,我将适时的介绍汉语对中华民族的文化和思维所产生的影响。As your interest grows, I will discuss in due time the influence of the Chinese language on the cultural and intellectual development of the Chinese nation.

Test Seven

Part A (E-C)Passage 1Thank you for your gracious words of welcome. I visited Nanjing 20 years ago. Then I couldn’t have imagined the dynamic and impressive city that Naijing has turned into today. 感谢您热情洋溢的欢迎词。20年前我曾访问过南京。我未曾想到今天的南京如此生机勃勃,让人印象深刻。

We all need to become China experts now, because China, and especially its further, matters for all of us. The rest of the world has a big stake in China’s success.我们都得成为中国通,因为中国,尤其是中国的未来,对我们至关重要。全世界都看好中国,对她的成功充满信心。

The possibilities that China’s social and economic development offer the country and the world are extraordinary. This should be an opportunity for all of us. To make it so, we must forget a long-term strategic partnership with China.中国的社会与经济发展不仅给本国代来了巨大的机遇,也给全世界代来到巨大的机遇。这是我们所有人共同享有的机遇。为了抓住这一机遇,我们必须与中国建立长期的战略伙伴关系。

I don’t think China is likely to become an expansionist military power. China’s membership for the WTO is a good example of how working with china and integrating it more fully into the international system can work to all of our advantage.我认为中国不会走军事扩张的道路。中国加入世贸组织就是一个很好的例子,这充分说明与中国合作,使中国更好地融入国际社会可以给我们所有人代来好处。

Passage 2As a world city, we have been serving as a global center for trade, finance, business and communications.作为一座国际大都市,多年来我们一直是全球贸易,金融,商务及通迅中心之一。

However, the most demanding challenge that we face in implementing sustainable development in our city is to effect a change of mindset that would encourage our citizens to think in terms of real longer-term benefits for our quality of life.但是要实现可持续性发展,最艰巨的任务是改变市民的观念,鼓励大家从长远考虑,切实提高生活质量。

In such an environment, it is only natural that people tend to be more concerned with immediate problems and possibilities than with ensuring the sustainable viability of our society for the benefit of future generations.身处这种环境,难怪人们只偏重眼前的问题的眼前的利益,忽略了为子孙后代着想必须确保社会可持续发展这样的事实。

There is more to being a world city and more to just creating economic opportunities and accumulating material wealth. Increasingly, we have to consider such issues as sustainable public health, the preservation of our cultural heritage and the availability of services for an aging population.国际大都市不应只局限于制造经济机遇和积累物质财富。我们应更加关注公众卫生的发展,文化遗产的保存,老龄化社会的服务等问题。

Part B (C-E)Passage 1这次会议的主题是“促进全球化时代的世界经济平衡有序地发展”、会议将围绕这一主题进行深入讨论并达成共识。The theme of the conference is “Promoting Balanced and Orderly World Economic Development in the Era of Globalization”. We will carry out in-depth discussions and reach common understanding on this theme.

我深信,这次会议将对促进世界经济的增长,以及对世界各国的共同发展产生积极的影响。I deeply believed that this conference will have a positive influence on the growth of the world economy and the common development of all countries.

经济全球化趋势深入发展,以信息科技,生物科技为主要标志的现代科技进步日新月异,各国正面临着难得的发展机遇。Economic globalization is going to greater depth, and modern science and technology have been making continuous progress that is marked by the advancement of information technology and biotechnology. All this offers countries in the world rare opportunities for development.

我们同时也清楚地看到,世界发展不平衡的问题日益突显。我们必须加强国际合作,携手应对挑战。We are also fully aware that the global problem of uneven development is increasingly salient. Therefore, we must strengthen international cooperation and meet challenges together.

Passage 2共同利益是中美两国合作的基础。美国企业给中国代来了先进技术和管理经验。而中国丰富的人力资源和广阔的市场,给美国企业代来了巨大的商机。Mutual interest serves as the foundation of the cooperation between China and the United States. American companies bring to China advanced technology and managerial expertise. In return, China’s abundant human resources and huge market provide for American companies enormous business opportunities.

中国企业还给美国消费者提供了大量价廉物美的消费品。中国现在是美国的第三大贸易伙伴和增长最快的出口市场。Furthermore, Chinese enterprises supply American consumers with large quantities of inexpensive and quality consumer goods. China is the third largest trading partner of the United States and the fastest growing export market.

加速发展的中国经济给中美关系的发展提供了新的机遇的动力。例如,旅游业的发展代动了航空业的发展,并已给美国企业代来了可观的实惠。The accelerated economic growth in China provides new opportunities for and gives further impetus to the growth of China-U.S. relations. For instance, the growth of the aviation industry prompted by expanding tourism has already brought considerable benefits to American companies.

中国从美国进口大量的农产品,为美国农业提供了广阔的市场。中国将继续保持稳定快速的经济增长,给美国投资商和企业提供更广阔的发展空间。China’s import of American agricultural produce in large quantities provides a huge market for American farmers. China will maintain steady and rapid economic growth, which will provide huger space of development for American investors and companies.



Passage 1

It was 7:15 in the morning of February 8, 2007. I was walking along Park Road towards the east while an old

man came out of the park on the other sides of thestreet. Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street and

made a right turn into Park Road. The next moment the car hit the man while she was crossing the road. He fell

with a cry. The car didn’t stop and drive off at full speed heading west. I noticed the driver was young woman

wore a pair of glasses and the plate number was AC864. After two minutes later, I stopped a passed car and took

the old man to the nearest hospital.

Passage 2

I often quarrel about my mother over whether I can watch TV after school. She holds view that senior three

students have to make fully use of every minute to work hard at their lessons. It seems to me that once I am

allowed to do that, I’ll unable to control myself and forget all about my study. She also thinks it is bad for my eye.

But I really can’t accept her ideas. In my opinion, watch TV can set my mind at rest after a day’s hard works.

Besides, it is important for us to know what had happened at home and at abroad. Thus, we shouldn’t be forbidden

to watch TV.

Passage 3

Dear sir,

Last year I buy a refrigerator in your store on Chang An road. We all like shape of the refrigerator. And

recently I find something is wrong with it. It begins to make noise when it turned on. At first it is low but

gradually it become louder and louder. To make the matter worse, it even stops working sometimes. We all feel

disappointing. I am writing you to ask for help. Would you please send a people to repair it? I will at home this

weekend. Please call me before you come to here. My telephone number is 6606.5531. Thanks you very much.

Customer Li Ming

Passage 4

I first met Li Ming at a friend birthday party five years ago. Then I invited Li Ming over in

my place. We listen to my CDs together and soon become best friends. Three years ago, Li Ming’s

parents invited I to spend two wonderful week in Qingdao with them during the summer holiday.

Li Ming and I loved walking along the beautifully beaches there. Last year I was ill but had to stay

in hospital for a week. Li Ming came see me every day. Then his father has changed jobs and they

moved to another city. Since then we haven’t see each other much. But we’ve kept writing to each other.

I feel quite sure the chemistry test that we’re going to have tomorrow. The teacher has already told us exact

what to study and I think my grades on homework has been good.In a fact, I think chemistry has always been one

of the subjects that I enjoy it most. Susan and I had already spent two hours review pages 115-140 tonight. We are

going to devote another hour to practise with some of the sample(实例) problem. Then I will ready for the test.

Passage 6

Dear Susan,

I'm very gladly to hear you are coming to visit me the next Friday. Unfortunately, I won't be able to meet you

at the airport although I have classes in the afternoon. You won't find difficult to get to the city center. The airport

bus leaves every 30 minute and will take you rightly to the Friendship Hotel. My classes will be over by then or I

will pick you up there. I will take you together to a hot pot restaurant for dinner and we'll talk with our plan for the

weekend over dinner. Having a pleasant trip and see you Friday.


Zhang Ming

Passage 7

Some day I happened to find a chatting room in my QQ, there people were chatting in English. I tried to chat

with some of them. To my surprised, I found the oral English of some junior students were better than me. I asked

them for advice and they told me to practise more on QQ. But every day after that I would spend one hour practise

my oral English on QQ. Day by day I learned from many useful words and expressions. With time went by, I

found that I could even communicate some college students freely.

Passage 8

If I have the honor to be chose to work for the 29th Olympic Games, I will at first improve my English so that

I can talk easily about foreign visitors. Second, I will learn more about history of the Olympics as much as the

2008 Olympic Games. Third, since I was familiar with Beijing, I can help visitors find their ways in the city.

Finally, I should be able to tell visitors about our history or culture and show them their great achievements. In

short, I will do my best to help making the Games a success.

Dear Mary,

I receive your E-mail just now. Don’t worry about me. I’m getting on well with my research work in the lab.

But to my greatly surprise you say you will give up learn English. The reason is because you have not done well

in it recently and you have lost interests. I’m afraid I couldn’t agree with you . I know it is difficulty to learn

English, and English is widely used in the world today. It will be important tool in our future work. Beside, it is

becoming more and more important in our daily life. If you study hard, you will be succeed. Do remember that

where there is a will, there is a way. I’ m looking forward to hearing good news from you.

Yours,Li Hua

Passage 10

I am an university student. I once thought life at the university must be excellent, but now I changed my mind. I have three roommates, and I was the last one to move into the dormitory. Last term, I got along peacefully and happy. But I find they are not willing to be with me now. They don’t talk with me, and they’ve become cold toward me. Many time, I have wanted to talk with them about how I felt like, but I failed to find an opening. When leaving alone, I always recall this sadness. But I am an honest student. Why don’t I win true friendship? Passage 11

Dear editor,

I am a high school student. A few days before, one of my very good friend told me that he was going to stop school. He said that he wanted to start his own’s business. I tried my best to get him to change his mind, and failed. I realize it is difficult of me to change his mind. He is not doing so good in his studies. The process is more important than the result is. Now there are only 90days being left before the test. I am not sure his decision is right or wrong. I needed your advice.

Gao Fei

Passage 12

Making ropes are one of the oldest trades in the world. We know what people made ropes more than 5000 years ago, because we have founded ropes in very old Egyptian tombs. They make some ropes from the hair of camels. They made another from twisted grass. People used them for tying animal, for getting water from deep wells and for pulling large stones which they used them in building. In the very old days, people made ropes by the hand, but today machines make them. In very poor countries today, people still make ropes as his ancestors did them in the very old days.

Passage 13

My grandfather was a teacher. He was the head teacher of a school for boys at the ages of thirteen and eighteen. I know that he was a kind man, because when I am young, he gave me presents, and set me on his knees, and told me stories. And the boys at his school were afraid of him. At school, when he walked into a room full of noise boys, there was silence at once. When he looked at a boy with a certain look in his eye, that boy went red in the face, and looked down his shoes. If a boy brought to him careless work, my grandfather picked up a boy’s book and threw it across the room, shouting, “Do it all again, and take it back the first thing in the morning!” If the boy was later, or if he forgot to take the work, he had to do it again.


Should students make friend on line? Some people say yes. The Internet helps make many friends. Chat on line, students can express their feelings and opinions more free, and get help with their foreign language studies. Others, however, don’t think it. They say make friends on line is a waste of time, that should be spent more

meaningfully on study. Beside, some students may get cheated on line. It is my opinion students should place their study, health and safety before other things. As for the friendship, we can readily find it in other people around ourselves.


There was a market near my house. My mother often goes there to buy that we need for our meals. But I’d never been there ago. Yesterday I went to the market with my mother. In the market people are talking about the goods and the prices. The sellers’ shouts could heard now and then. I asked Mother to buy some fresh fish. Most of the fish there were froze. But we hadn’t much trouble find fresh fish in the other end of the market. My mother bought something other. It was my the first time to go to the market.

Key for reference:

Passage 1 . I was walking along Park Road towards the on . Then I saw awhen side . The next moment make . He fell with a cry. The car didn’t stop he . I noticed the driver was∧young woman ∧ droveawho/改为wearing of glasses and the plate number was AC864. passing and took the old man to the nearest hospital.

Passage 2


school. She holds∧ the full


allowed to do that, I’ll∧ unable to control myself and forget all about my



TV can set my mind at rest after a day’s hard

watching work


abroad. Thus, we shouldn’t be forbidden to watch TV.

Passage 3

Dear sir, ∧ shape of the bought theBut

∧turned on. At first it is low but gradually it become louder and louder. To make the matteris(或去it)becomes disappointed ∧ at home this weekend.Please man/ personbe/stay

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