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题 目 科技英语翻译之增补法









Supplement is the translation of EST translation norms, to ensure clear,

authentic and frequently used method. In the translation of English for science

and technology literature, often encounter literally literal translation can not

guarantee the Chinese translation of the fluent, clear, sometimes need to add

supplement necessary words. Usually according to writing goal and the habit

of expression, adopt a "supplement", "repeat", "one word more translation"


Key words:supplement、repeat、one word more translation

目 录

摘 要......................................................................2

第一章 为补足原文词汇含义而增补............................................4

1.1 对抽象名词进行增补......................................................4

1.2 对普通名词进行增补......................................................4

1.3 对形容词及名词定语进行增补..............................................5

1.4 对动词进行增补..........................................................5

第二章 为明确原文语法概念而增补............................................6

2.1 增补表示复数概念的词语..................................................6

2.2 增补表示动词时态、语态、语气的词语......................................6

2.3 增补连词................................................................6

2.4 增补原文省略的成分......................................................7

第三章 为满足汉语语法修辞的要求而增补......................................8

3.1 增补句子成分............................................................8

3.2 增补概括词..............................................................8

3.3 重复增补................................................................9

3.4 修辞增补................................................................9

第四章 总结与展望.........................................................10

第一章 为补足原文词汇含义而增补

1.1 对抽象名词进行增补



Observation 观察结果




In rapid oxidation aflame is produced.



同样,为了追求简洁,在上下文已有所指的情况下,常只使用范畴词而在其前省略去具体所指的定语。翻译时也应对起进行增补,将其具体所指进行明确化。 Example:

The complex automatic control system monitors over the process by means of computers.



1.2 对普通名词进行增补



The arrows in the leads identify the materials.




Prior to the 1960s knowledge of the atmosphere above about 30 km was based largely on inferences from ground-based observations.


1.3 对形容词及名词定语进行增补



This new type of TV set is really fine and inexpensive.

这台新型电视机真是物美价廉。(在两个形容词前分别增补“物”和“价”) Since conduction is by both holes and electrons,the junction transistor is bipolar.


1.4 对动词进行增补



A pulsed laser system has been tested on a satellite.

已经在人造卫星上对脉冲激光系统进行了实验。(增补“对”字,将宾语提前,并添加动词“进行”,采用“对”字结构可增强针对性) Clearly,cool temperature slows down the action of bacteria.





院 系物理与电子工程学院

专 业电子信息工程

班 级1211电工


学 号2012128040

任课教师 罗倩倩

2014年 12 月 01 日

Liu Hui

Physics and Electronics Engineering College of Hubei University of

Arts and Science


Abstract:The characteristics of Butterworth filter is the pass band frequency response curves of the maximally flat, no ups and downs, and in the resistance band is gradually decreased to zero. First order Butterworth filter attenuation rate of 6 dB per octave doubling every ten to 20 dB. The two order

Butterworth filter attenuation rate of 12 dB per octave, and so on. The amplitude frequency monotone Butterworth filter down the diagonal, and whether the order number is unique, the amplitude frequency curves of the diagonal filter to keep the shape. But the higher the order of the filter, in the stop band attenuation faster.

Key words:Butterworthpassbandfrequency response sampling stopband

1 Requirements

using the impulse response method to design the Butterworth digital low pass filter, passband cutoff frequency 100HZ, the sampling frequency of 1000HZ, the maximum passband attenuation is 0.5HZ, minimum stopband attenuation is 10HZ, the amplitude frequency and phase frequency, draw the corresponding curve. And the assumption of a signal x (T) =sin (2*pi*f1*t) +sin (2*pi*f2*t), wherein f1=50HZ, f2=200HZ. Use this signal to verify the correctness of filter design.

2 design principle

2.1 The basic concept of the digital filter

The so-called digital filter, refers to the input, output the digital signal, through numerical calculation processing relative proportion change of the input signal frequency components contained in, or filter in addition to certain frequency components of digital device or program, therefore, the concept of digital filter and analog filter is same, just form and realize the different filtering methods. Because of the digital filter to achieve filtering through numerical calculation, so the digital filter processing of high accuracy, stability, small volume and light weight, flexible, does not exist the problem of impedance matching, can special filtering function experiment simulation filter cannot achieve. If you want to deal with is the analog signal, through A\DC and D\AC conversion, matching in signal form, can also be filtered analog signal digital filter.

2.2 The working principle of the digital filter

Digital filter is a discrete time system, input x (n) is a time series, the output of Y (n) is a time series. Such as the system function of digital filter for H (Z), the pulse response of H (n), there is the following relationship in time domain;Y (n) =x (n)* H (n)

In the Z domain, the relationship between the input and output:Y (Z) =H (Z) *X (Z).In the formula, X (Z), Y (Z) x (n) respectively for the input and output y (n) Z transform.

Also in the frequency domain, the relationship between the input and output:Y (JW) =X (JW) *H (JW).In the formula, H (JW) for frequency response of digital filter, X (JW) and Y (JW) were x (n) and Y (n) spectrum. W is a digital angular frequency, unit rad. Usually the design of H (JW) in response to certain frequency value is 1, in response to certain frequency bands for 0.X (JW) and H (JW) of the product in the frequency response for 1 of those frequency value is X (JW), which can filter the unhindered by the amplitude of these bands, these bands for the pass band. X (JW) and H (JW) product response to those of 0 frequency value regardless of the X in the frequency band (JW) size is zero, which is not in the amplitude in these bands through the filter, the band called the stopband.

A suitable digital filter system function H (Z) may according to need to input x (n) frequency characteristic, the Y processed signal digital filter after the (n) retention signal x (n) useful frequency component in the removal of unwanted frequency components.

2.3 Butterworth filter design principle

2.3.1 the basic properties

Butterworth filter with the Butterworth function to approximate the system function filter. Butterworth filter is a filter according to the amplitude frequency characteristics has the most flat characteristics defined in the pass band..

The following summarizes the main characteristics of Butterworth filter

A .on all N,.Ha?j??a?j?22??0?1 ?0.70720lgHa2??B. on all N,?c?j?????3dB c

C .

D. Ha?j?is monotone decreasing function. Ha?j?with the increase of order N and more close to the ideal lowpass filter. 2

As shown in Figure 2, we can see that the amplitude frequency characteristic of filter with order N filter increase and become better and better in the cut-off frequency Ωa function at C value is always 1/2, pass band more band area is close to 1; within the stopband more rapidly approaching zero.

Figure 2Butterworth low pass filter amplitude frequency characteristics of the square

2.3.2 the system function

The system function design for Ha Butterworth (s), then:

2.3.3 the design process

Butterworth low pass type relation index filtering technology

Ap>-20log|Ha (J) |,

Ωa < ΩaP As<-20log|Ha (J) |, Ωa > Ωas Of which: ΩP


boundary frequency, Ωa s stopband edge frequency. The type 1.4.1 can be:

After simplification finishing available:

For the smallest integer N type as the order of the filter. Then N into available:


The look-up table to obtain normalized transfer function H (s), make s/ Ωa C instead of normalized prototype filter system function s, to obtain the actual filter transfer function.

2.4 he impulse response method

The so-called impulse response method is the digital filter impulse response sequence H (n) in response to the HA is equal to the analog filter (T) value of the sample, i.e.

H (n) =ha (T) |t=nT=ha (nT)

In the formula, T is the sampling period.

Therefore, digital filter system function H (Z) can be calculated by the formula

H (z) =Z[h (n)]=Z[ha (nT)]

Z[-] said the content of transform transform [-], please refer to the contents of the digital signal processing of the corresponding materials.

If you have already acquired the meet the transfer function of the Ha analog filter performance index (s), the H digital filter transfer function for the corresponding (z) method is the:

(1), for analog filter unit impulse response ha (t).

In the formula, L[Ha (s)] Ha (s) expressed the Laplace. inversion. Laplace transform, please refer to the contents of the integral transform or signal processing teaching of higher mathematics.

(2), for analog filter unit impulse response ha (T) sampling values, namely digital filter impulse response sequence H (n).

(3), rushed to the digital filter (n) response of the Z transform, transfer function H (Z).

By the above method to infer more directly by analog filter system function Ha (s) to calculate the digital filter system function H (z) steps:

(1) the use of the partial fraction expansion of the transfer function of the H analog filter (z) is expanded into

Ha (s) = Rk\ (S-Pk)

In MATLAB this step can be implemented by residue function

If you call the residue function is of the form [b (R, a]=residue, P, K) form.

If [R, P, K]=residue (a, b) is the reverse process of the above call form.

(2) the Pk transform for the digital simulation of pole pole e^pkT to obtain the transfer function of

the digital system




论文题目: 电子信息安全技术研究

学 院:理学院


学 号:1108101033

姓 名: 李丹

日 期: 2014年6 月

成 绩:

任课教师: 郑周宝


Electronic and Information Engineering is the information industry and the important foundation for one of the pillars. It circuits and systems, signal and information processing, microwave and electromagnetic field theory, to study various information, such as voice, text, images, radar, remote sensing and other information processing, exchange and wireless, cable, fiber optic cable and other transmission, Based on this study and development of electronic and information systems. Professional training with the electronic technology and information systems knowledge base, be engaged in all kinds of electronic equipment and information systems research, design, manufacture, application and development of high-level engineering talent. May engage in signal processing, transmission, switching and detection technology research and teaching work, electronic equipment and systems development, production and application, electronic technology, computer technology and the application and development of microwave technology, application and development.


The enterprise management information system in many business documents in circulation, there is the importance of documents, and some even related to the future development of enterprises, if the information is competition in general network transmission opponent or illegal eavesdropping, tampering or leak, forgery,

development, would be a serious threat to enterprises so, research the security of the electronic information technology small and medium-sized enterprise has important significance.


In the era of network information, the process of enterprise information development, information has become the key to the success of the enterprise, also an important way to improve management level. The enterprise business activities now, basically use the electronic commerce form, operation, transportation and sales are all applied to information technology. Such as through the network to collect some information about the quality of raw materials, prices, production and other information to establish a materials information system, purchasing of raw materials has a significant role in the information system. Through the analysis of the data, can be obtained with the procurement proposal and strategies, achieve enterprise electronic information technology level. The survey, eighty-two percent of small and medium-sized enterprises of the site should also in the propaganda enterprise image, product and service information, this stage to collect customer information, and e-commerce transactions related to the application of less than 1/4, indicating that the enterprise has not been fully developed and the use of commercial information channels. The information age has come to small and medium-sized enterprises, enterprises should speed up the construction of informatization.



Encryption technology can make the data transmission more safety and integrity, encryption technology is divided into symmetric and asymmetric encryption two. The symmetric encryption usually by sequence cipher or group secret to achieve, including plain text, key, encryption and decryption algorithm and the five basic components. Asymmetric encryption and symmetric encryption is different, asymmetric encryption requires a public key and a private key of two keys, a public key and a private key must match, using public key encryption, only the corresponding private key can decrypt. Using the private key encryption, and only use the corresponding public key can decrypt.


Electronic information encryption technology to transfer to secure role. In the transmission of electronic information, the encryption key or the algorithm of the encrypted information sent by the sender, if in the process of transmission is the theft of information, he can only get ciphertext ciphertext, it is impossible to understand. Accept that can use the decryption key to ciphertext decryption, back into plaintext.



With the development of network technology, some spam, viruses and Trojan online hacker of network security has caused great threat. Enterprise information so that the network was similarly threatened the security of electronic information, enterprises are difficult to be guaranteed. In view of the network is not safe to this condition, a measure of protection to initially take is the firewall. In our personal computer in the firewall also played a big role, it can prevent the intrusion of non computer hackers, information tampering.


Message authentication and authentication are two forms of authentication, message authentication is mainly used to ensure the integrity and non-repudiation of message authentication, the user through to identify true and false information and whether the third party to modify or forge. Identity authentication and identification of the identity of the user, including the identification and validation of two steps. Clear and distinguished visitor status is identified, confirmed the user identity is verified. Users accessing some non public resources must pass authentication. For example, check the system access to universities, must go through the test number and password to access. Some of the resources of university library to the campus network can access, non campus network can not enter, unless paid for a qualified access identity.

